View Full Version : Off subject, does anyone play WoW?

May 5, 2007, 12:30 AM
I play World of Warcraft and I was just curious if anyone else did too? It would be nice to do some gaming with some of ya.

May 5, 2007, 12:41 AM
I used to... stopped paying / playing it back in Feb.

Have no interest in it anymore. I have never been into online games (single player ones like the sims - yes but not online) but I met my ex so I tried online games to do something with him but course he ignored me in game just like he did in real life.
Since we split, Ive been less and less into playing WoW.
Was thinking of logging on, deleting and giving away my WoW items (that you can trade lol) and gold then delete the chars.

Hey, do you have the WoW Atlas book?? If not... want my copy?? Its sitting here hardly ever looked at and facing garage sale but if you want it, I'll let you have it for nothing :)


May 5, 2007, 12:55 AM
lol who has time for gaming? my stepson does... but he's almost old enough to realize the going away of his spare time too lol

May 5, 2007, 1:04 AM
lol who has time for gaming? my stepson does... but he's almost old enough to realize the going away of his spare time too lol

lol. Sims take up all your time... seriously... it can feel like only an hour passed but when you look at the clock, oooooooh ya... 3 hours had passed.. lol
NEVER EVER play Sims when you have to be somewhere later in the day.


May 5, 2007, 5:32 AM
Well you know I do, and my server is Blackwater Raiders. Been playing for months now, head up my own guild too.

May 5, 2007, 7:49 AM
No, but almost all my friends do.

Does that count? :tong:


May 5, 2007, 10:28 AM
I played that for two years as a hardcore raider, stopped when the xpac came out... Im still fighting against the addiction ><

May 5, 2007, 11:38 AM
No, but almost all my friends do.

Does that count? :tong:


lol what if they decide to gang up and get you hooked? hehe

May 5, 2007, 12:32 PM
I do I do. I am on the Rexxar server though. Two characters, both horde, both female...cause i am...one is a level 46 undead priest and the other a 24 blood elf warlock...who i love...:)

May 5, 2007, 12:43 PM
I'm on Area 52. Right now I'm mostly using a gnome warlock, I'm liking it. Actually, I think I'm going to go play right now! :wiggle2:

May 5, 2007, 6:28 PM
lol what if they decide to gang up and get you hooked? hehe

They know better.


May 5, 2007, 8:12 PM
I'm on Area 52. Right now I'm mostly using a gnome warlock, I'm liking it. Actually, I think I'm going to go play right now! :wiggle2:
I am a gnome lock on Area 52 as well.

May 5, 2007, 8:21 PM
I beta tested WoW prior to it's release, and really enjoyed it, but I've been a Final Fantasy 11 player for several years. Let me know if anyone wants to play

May 5, 2007, 8:58 PM
Im on Blackhand server.....
My character is the famous Silverose 60 mage and Wildrose 60 Priest.
SneakyRose the 30 Rouge

May 5, 2007, 9:30 PM
....30 Rouge

That's something that ALWAYS gets me...so many people there and they still misspell Rogue. Rouge is something to add a red color to your cheeks.

Had a guildie from Australia that wondered wtf we kept calling her Red. Her character name was Arouge. Think she meant to make Arogue. LOL

May 5, 2007, 9:33 PM
That's something that ALWAYS gets me...so many people there and they still misspell Rogue. Rouge is something to add a red color to your cheeks.

Had a guildie from Australia that wondered wtf we kept calling her Red. Her character name was Arouge. Think she meant to make Arogue. LOL

Rogue!!!!!!! :)
I thought Rouge is more known as blush? :)

May 6, 2007, 1:51 AM
Wow, lol i knew alot of people played wow, but jeez, omg this is rediculous, never thought this conversation would arise in Bi.com, and yes i play :D 70 UD mage, cant tell you server cuz my brother plays the same toon, and he doesnt know im bi

May 6, 2007, 4:42 AM
Hey, do you have the WoW Atlas book?? If not... want my copy?? Its sitting here hardly ever looked at and facing garage sale but if you want it, I'll let you have it for nothing :)


SURE!!! Ill get with you in mail about it :)

May 6, 2007, 4:49 AM
Im on Arygos I used to have a 64 hunter but recently deleted her... lol? Dumb idea but I was tired of looking at her. I have my own guild, and if anyone wants to come say hi to me on Arygos, my name is Azsharia :)

Oh I also have a blood elf on Norgannon :) I cant for the life of me remember her name... oh yeah, Gypsy :)

May 6, 2007, 4:59 AM
No WoW for me. Though I do play Battlefield 2 a whole lot and occasionally Quake 3 when I feel like blasting back to the past :)

May 6, 2007, 7:02 AM
I used to play all the time -- had my 60 hunter with 4 of the Giantstalker set -- but I stopped having time to play when the munchkin was born. :)

May 6, 2007, 12:40 PM
SURE!!! Ill get with you in mail about it :)

PMed ya back :)

May 6, 2007, 12:42 PM
I used to play all the time -- had my 60 hunter with 4 of the Giantstalker set -- but I stopped having time to play when the munchkin was born. :)

Ya, Babies can really cut down on things you once could do all the time lol
Thats why we really gotta think if we want a baby hehe Once the babys here, your time no longer exists... its all about the baby's time. :)

May 6, 2007, 3:54 PM
I play World of Warcraft and I was just curious if anyone else did too? It would be nice to do some gaming with some of ya.

Yes, we do......not as much as we used to. (been playing LOTRO a lot of late)
We have characters on Bloodhoof (alliance) and Doomhammer (Horde).
Normally, I have the tanks and my wife has the casters. If you drop us an e-mail sometime and you want toons on one of those servers, then one or both of us will be happy to help you and squash bad guys with you. :P

May 6, 2007, 6:45 PM
Cool Ill do that :) Btw you look like such a nice couple!