View Full Version : Bi seems to indicate fewer hang-ups

Sep 24, 2005, 12:30 AM
I love the discussions on this site. I would love to have you all over for dinner sometime for some rousing conversation in a hot tub.


I keep seeing ads from people lementing what they think is the fact that they are Bi like this is some kind of abberrant behavior. Honestly from the heart it seems to me that all this means is one has fewer imposed restrictions or hang ups about sexuality. I have yet to see a situation where someone "Bi" is intolerant of others sexuality. It seems that this is the healthiest state of mind.

Imagine a world where everone treats everyone else like a potential sexual partner!

Sep 24, 2005, 3:50 AM
I have noticed that bi people seem to be the most tollerant of others, so far. More open minded and versatile. And best of all they love everyone. :)

Arana :tong:

Sep 24, 2005, 8:18 AM
i have found the same to be true as well (we) bi people seem to be more open minded, and more understanding than most others
i there are satraight people who come to this site and they make great and caring memebers too, and they are also very open minded (which i think more people should be)

thank you for my :2cents:
m.in.heels&hose :cool: