View Full Version : finally having it out

May 4, 2007, 7:40 PM
This might be a long note but to the ones that have given me advice and their opinions no matter how annoying I became to them THANK YOU! I finally had it out with this person in a big way but the fact that I disrespected her doesn't make me feel good that I did that, and I still feel somewhat guilty that I blew up at her, in a way I actually yelled at her to let her know everything I was saying I was being very serious about it and that she should take it seriously. Well the situation was about a male student always especially when he is high and disrespecting her and the whole class and why she was not doing anything about it, well when I finally got fed up with him being disrespectful to everyone and her I blew up at the student and her and got a little loud which I probably should have not and told the student you do not have respect for yourself or anyone else in class especially girls and women and the student said no He only has respect for his girlfriend but yet he was caught saying nasty things to another female by his girlfriend. That ended and he was out of class then when I and the teacher were alone we got into it again this time I really got mad at her because it had been going on the whole school term and yet she had done nothing about it, I'm a assistant so I can't override a teacher so I had left it up to her to do something about it but nothing happened. I got real l oud and just told her off, you set here in class and let all female students know when they are disrespectful but this male student you do nothing why is that, she said when a person is high you can't mess with them because they might go off, while that may be true she could have let someone know in authority that he is coming high to class everyday and being disrespectful even if nothing is done to him at least we would be covered and nothing would fall back on us but she said no she does not or will not write a refferral on this student we just have to handle him with kid gloves because when he is not sleep he is high and very disrespectful and the fact that school is almost out!!!!!!!!!! But I got her point and she certainly got my point but being disrespectful to her was the wrong way to get my point across and I did apologize to her so what do you think or what should have been done? :female: :(

May 5, 2007, 12:04 AM
truthfully, i'm not surprised to hear that things got a little heated..... but i am disappointed to hear about the breakdown in professionalism

May 5, 2007, 9:55 PM
truthfully, i'm not surprised to hear that things got a little heated..... but i am disappointed to hear about the breakdown in professionalism

I never mean't for things to get out of hand with her I wanted to do it the right way in a professional way but everytime I brought it up she would get smart or annoyed with me and say she does not want to talk about it, I do feel guilty for disrespecting her and have said to het I'm sorry two times SO YOU SRE DEFINITELY RIGHT ABOUT THE UNPROFESSIONALISM SHOWN BY BOTH PARTIES.