View Full Version : Need a bit of help here folks... cant get over (or under!) her

May 2, 2007, 10:49 PM
Serious problem folks... it's doing my bloody head in. For the past... ooooh, say.... three years i've been crazy, throw-myself-in-front-of-a-car-if-i-thought-it'd-up-my-chances, head over heels in love with my best friend (of all people!) and i'm literally at the end of my rope! Now get comfortable people coz you're in for a bit of a tale...

Right, all started 3 years ago when she breezed into the place i was working. Instantly attracted to her, but she had a kid and a boyfriend so i said "right, no-go area, get over it, it's just a crush". Fair enough. So anyway, i tried and was doin really well actually. We'd become great friends in a short space of time and i started to see her as "just a mate". Now, about six months r so after first meeting we had a night out. Cut a long story short(er), i was on the dancefloor (pretty drunk) and i was just after hookin up wit a bloke in the club, so i drift off and im dancing on my own, next thing i no, she's made a beeline for me and just wears the face off me (no warning or anything!) Laughed it off there and then. bout 20 mins later im in the toilet, she comes in, tells me about a night she spent wit a female friend a couple of years prior and tells me she wanted to kiss me again. So i kissed her.

Next day, it's passed off as a drunken thing and we agree 2 forget about it. HOWEVER, that was easier said than done on my part. For months i was totally awkward with her, unreasonably awkward... flinching if she brushed off me or tensing up if she hugged me... but it was only coz i was sooooo bloody confused about the situation. I mean, yes, i was interested but thinkin there was no chance i didnt let out any telltale signs and still SHE made the first move. Anyway, wen i got awkward she got paranoid and wen she got a few drinks in her she'd say " i know you think im a lesbian, im not" to which i'd reply "i dont think u r, blah blah"

eventuallly, it all cooled down, i got comfortable havin her as a mate again, no problems. UNTIL, about 3 or 4 months after the kiss, one night in the pub (we drink a lot) she brings it up again. Exact words - "I'm sorry i kissed you. No actually i'm not sorry i kissed you, i'm attracted to you and i can't help it, i dont know what it is. I'm not a lesbian or anything!" said while she strokes my leg under the table. Excited as i was at this (not the leg stroking, im not a horndog), fear took over once again and i laughed it off telling her to stop messing. Stupid i know. should've taken the chance but hey, shoulda coulda woulda y'no

Over the last year r so i've noticed that if im flirtin with someone or vice versa her mood changes. Shes usually really chatty, life of the party kinda person and as soon as i start chattin to someone, i'll catch her glancing over with narrowed eyes and she goes quiet, listening to every word thats being said. Recently met her cousin for the first time, he liked me, i liked him yet she won't arrange it (which is pretty much what mates do 4 cousins and friends innit?) This is whats makin me think she might be still... even a little bit... interested. Yet nothings happened in about 2 years. there'd be the odd conversation where if i'd read between the lines i'd get my hopes up but is this just wishful thinking!? While i was falling asleep one night, she was talking away to me and totally unprovoked says something like " I don't think someone can be bisexual, i think you're either one way or the other and thats that" I disagreed but didnt argue the point coz as i said, i was falling asleep. i've never told her i'm bi, i didnt want to complicate things, but i reckon she knows.

All this time, she's been going out with an absolute knob-end. A total control freak and a wannabe gangster, he's cheated on her and lies to her about EVERYthing... she's forever catching him out on his lies and still takes him back (she's low self esteem!) I've made no secret of how i feel about him (dickhead!) and have actually had to be held back from killin him when he started on her on her own birthday. Now she's moving in with him, sayin she wont be out as much coz she has to pay the rent n dat. I can't stand to be in the same room as him so i figure i'm pretty much never gonna see her as soon as this happens!

So basically, my problem is what the hell do i do? I've been thinkin for the last month about just ending the friendship, it would absolutely kill me tho, she's the first person i think about wen i wake up, i spend all day thinkin bout her and at night i concentrate really hard on thinking about her so as theres a better chance i'll dream about her. It's not healthy! I think theres a very good possibility that if i continue like this i'll end up in a straight-jacket (or even a semi-straight jacket which'd fit better :tongue: )

I know this is more of an essay than a thread but i've bottled this up 4 three years now and i just had to get it all out. What the hell should i do, if anything at all. Do i just cut my ties and lose the reason i get up in the morning. I certainly can't make a move coz i dont wanna risk losing her like that... i'd rather just cite irreconcilable differences and break free. then again, it's not an option... i'm just as crazy about her kid. I wanna know what you people would do in my situation coz i cant deal with this on my own anymore... i really can't.

May 2, 2007, 10:58 PM
First off give yourself some credit for being able to deal with this for so long, obviously you do really like her. Ive been in a similar situation recently, so i know how you feel, however not for as long as you have. Maybe distance is what you need from one another, especially if she is giving you mixed messages. :(

May 2, 2007, 11:26 PM
I've bein doin that lately, where at one point i mite have rang her every day for a general chat (to hear her voice basically!) i don't ring her at all now without a pretty good reason. i just sit watchin the phone waiting for her to ring me. and where at one point i mite see her 4 or 5 times a week, lately its been more like 4 or 5 times a month. it honest to god isnt helping. if anything, its worse. Ive even applied to colleges away from home so in september i can just move to the other side of the country to get away from the torment of wanting someone so much it actually gives me a pain in my chest. no clichés, no exagerrations, it's actually happened. Dunno if u've ever got it yourself and i known it's hollywood standard cheese but it's like my heart does actually stop for a second if i'm sitting there lookin at her, wanting so much to be the person who she snuggles in2 on the couch and who brings her breakfast in bed wen she wakes up... make-up halfway down her face n her hair all messy. Fuck, i dont think there is an answer, i honestly don't. To be quite blunt (and a little bit morbid) I'd rather bump myself off that see her with that waste-of-a-human-life boyfriend

May 2, 2007, 11:37 PM
Im so doing what you do, i actually sit there thinking i want to ring her, but i stop myself, i have to stop and think what is this achieving, anything at all? Then i go and do something, anything, ring a friend, go for a walk, keep myself away from the phone, cellphone, e-mail.
When it comes down to it there is no way i can be with this person, except as friends, and i would rather have that with her than nothing at all. However in saying that, feelings like that dont just go away, im finding it very difficult at the moment to deal with, especially as i just told her i was bi, and have had little contact from her. I had a friend recently tell me something that will forever keep me going, just think of all the people you could be seeing, or who want to be with you, yet you are so fixated on this person who (a) isnt like that (b) you cant have and (c) may not be right for you anyways.

All i can say is that it does get better, and this is only making you stronger, think of who you will meet if you move away, isnt that exciting? Even better come to New Zealand and cook breakfast for me!!!! :bigrin:

May 3, 2007, 12:06 AM
;) Ya haven't ever really had breakfast til u've had a proper irish breakfast! And by god, can i make a wicked breakfast! ;) Most important meal of de day ya know!? I so get what ur sayin tho... n im really sorry to hear ur goin thru de same thing... its fuckin torture innit? I think what gets me de most is the fact that i dont no if deres a chance r not coz of de crazy mixed signals im gettin. i no it's definately a shit buzz for u knowing theres no chance wit de one ur talking about, but at least u no! thats kinda closure in itself innit? It'll take time but coz u know u have 2, u will get over her. And jesus, fair dues to u 4 biting the bullet in the first place, i couldnt do it, couldnt risk it... as u said i would rather have that with her than nothing at all. And i wanna see de little one grow up :oh:

May 3, 2007, 12:19 AM
You know it is torture, nothing can compare to loving someone who dosent love you back.
I've been out since i was 18 and have come to realise that if people dont want to be around me because of that, then that is their problem. I'm still me, thats why i choose when to tell people ive become friends with. Ive had a couple of issues but that is when i was younger. Its funny but i dont know if this chic is not dealing with me being bi very well, or if she is still really sick, only time can tell.

May 3, 2007, 5:39 PM
To be quite blunt (and a little bit morbid) I'd rather bump myself off that see her with that waste-of-a-human-life boyfriend

No-one is ever worth taking that step for ...

And if that if how someone makes you feel, then I'd stay away from this person ... If its been going on for all these years, then that speaks for itself.

At best, she's just confused, at worst you're being manipulated and she's probably getting off on it

May 3, 2007, 8:21 PM
No-one is ever worth taking that step for ...

And if that if how someone makes you feel, then I'd stay away from this person ... If its been going on for all these years, then that speaks for itself.

At best, she's just confused, at worst you're being manipulated and she's probably getting off on it

I agree with happyjoe.

Move on and find someone who actually cares for you, wants to be with you, makes you happy, and isn't such a flake.

May 4, 2007, 12:01 AM
Well I guess if you plan on moving away and getting loose of her, might as well tell her how you feel right? If she can't return the feelings, then it's ok because you don't plan on seeing her again anyway.

But I've gotta say, when moving far away, it'll be tough at first. I live away from home when I'm at college and if I go spend some time at home for the weekend and hang out with one of my best friends (who I have the biggest crush on and have had for the past year or so) and then I come back to school, that first week I'm back is so hard because I'm always thinking about him.