View Full Version : Need Advice!!!! (19 female)

Sep 23, 2005, 2:54 PM
Hello to all! If anyone could give me some advice, that would be greatly appreciated! Okay, heres my situation:
I am 19 yrs old and am figuring out my sexuality. I met this girl who is a year older than me a few months ago and we really talked via email. We just sort of clicked. We go to the same college and we met on campus about 4 weeks ago. Two saturdays ago we both went on our first girl-on-girl date. Now she was the one who brought up everything from our sexuality to what that night should be called, etc. She doesn't have a boyfriend but has been in long-term relationships with men. I do not know her 'status' as far as bisexuality goes. Anyways, that night was great and we just ended up walking in the city and grabbing a bite to eat. Simple but wonderful. That week we still talked online and such butttt recently we have seemed to drift apart. She is VERY busy with school and such so I do not know what is going on. I think I have fallen for her and am trying to get over her as I do not think anything further will develop. I have asked her online what the deal was but she is not sure. I am not either but I know that I like her and care for her very much. She said that she is not sure, that she is really busy and that we would just see how things go. My problem is what do i do? Do I wait around for her to realize what she wants or do I make more of an effort to hang out with her and go on more 'dates'? This is a very confusing time for me and I need help. I am not sure if I explained my situation well enough-if not anyone can just send me a private message. I hope to hear from yall soon! Thanks for listening : )

Lisa (va)
Sep 23, 2005, 3:29 PM
School can be a busy time, so patience may be in order. However you said you you don't know how she stands as far as her sexuality goes, yet you also said she brought it up as to what your 'date' whould be called. SImplicity may be in order, just keep the lines of communication open with her and let the relationship develop naturally, whether it be sexual or just friends.


hugs n kisses

Sep 23, 2005, 7:09 PM
I agree with Lisa, Exploring. Just keep in touch now and then but don't get too agreesive with it. If she's unsure or afraid of her feelings that will make her more comfortable with you. Unfortunately in any situation, bi/gay/straight you don't always get your feelings for someone returned.
Good luck to you sweetie.

Arana :tong:

Sep 23, 2005, 8:37 PM
It's hard now "a days" to actually label yourself a certain sexuality. I think you have deep "feelings" for this person or you wouldn't worry about the drifting, just find your self content that you know someone that might care for you, and see where it goes! love tito