View Full Version : Should I be concerned?? Question about the skin around my private area..(women pls)

May 1, 2007, 7:39 PM
First let me say Im VERY pale with pink tones.

I noticed lately that down there, the skin around my vigina looking rather tanned/brown even tho this is never exposed to the sunlight lol Im always in my underwear except in the bath/shower and potty lol.

My female doctor (before she retired in 2004) was a little concerned about it and told me to keep an eye on it.... she was concerned about the color but I wasn't feeling itchness or anything so she didn't take it seriously.
My male doctor who took over (and he knows I hate male Gyn's.... but I have no choice lol) he never said anything about it.

Is it normal to have discolor there?? What can I do to get rid of it? lol. Or does every woman have darker skin down there??

Should I worry? I do sleep with my underwear on only cause I discharge often so I need my panties with pantyliner!! :)

Which brings me to the next question.... is it normal to have discharge all the time?? This can be way before my period is gonna start and long after it has ended.

Well thats my question.
Thanks in advance and again... only women answer please lol
I know you men will read it but Im honestly embarrassed to ask these lol Need to talk to women :) But if you guys know anything due to wifes/gfs then thats ok.

-- A Shy Tasha ---

May 1, 2007, 7:49 PM
Tasha, you need to find your self a female GYN.. those male GYN's don't care about that kind of thing. I had a smell once and the male didn't see anything wrong. then I went back to a female and she told me I had a biral thing.. it was cleared up by yogert..
your discoloration isn't bad, but Im not too sure about the dischage.. how old are you??

May 1, 2007, 7:51 PM
Tasha...Regardless of the number of good advice you will get from everone here, I believe that everyone will agree with me to have a Medic take a personal look at you...Hope all turns out good... :paw: :paw:

May 1, 2007, 7:56 PM
I have only one thing to say...Go to the doctor!!! I know people mean well, but your health is nothing to play with. Find a doctor that you are comfortable with and seek your medical help in that way.

meteast chick
May 1, 2007, 7:57 PM
I believe it's normal to have discharge and a bit of discoloration, but if it's been mentioned, you should either ask about it or get someone who will answer ur questions rightly. I'm not there, couldn't tell ya without seein it myself of course! (hint hint LOL)

luv and kisses,

May 1, 2007, 7:58 PM
Tasha, you need to find your self a female GYN.. those male GYN's don't care about that kind of thing. I had a smell once and the male didn't see anything wrong. then I went back to a female and she told me I had a biral thing.. it was cleared up by yogert..
your discoloration isn't bad, but Im not too sure about the dischage.. how old are you??

Im 28 in July. :)
I have no sense of smell so I can't smell anything :(

I tried to find a female GYN... all the women GYNs around here don't stick long thats why I had no choice and had to have a male one who seems pretty quick... takes pap smear, feels around to make sure everythings normal and done lol

My female GYN before 2004 AND the one in Kingston Ont often asked me questions before the pap smear, durning, and after. (not always durning, sometimes she just waited till done)

Ahhh maybe another reason to move out of Penticton huh?
Actually... now that I have female friends around here who lived here all thier lifes... I could ask if they have a female gyn.
Women are much better when it comes to women's bodies lol (yes some male gyn's are probably good but still....)


May 1, 2007, 8:03 PM
I believe it's normal to have discharge and a bit of discoloration, but if it's been mentioned, you should either ask about it or get someone who will answer ur questions rightly. I'm not there, couldn't tell ya without seein it myself of course! (hint hint LOL)

luv and kisses,

*gasp* You can't tease me!!! BAD! lol *pouts* You will pay for that....

On topic: Yes, Im gonna track down a female Gyn.
Yes my male doctor is a nice man... a fatherly figure but..... I wanna talk to a WOMAN lol
Gonna check with my female friends that live around here... hopefully they don't take the question as weird lol "Do you know if theres any female gyn around here?" hehe


May 1, 2007, 8:22 PM
Any thick, cheesy kind of discharge is something to worry about and could be a yeast infection. Definitely find yourself a female OBGYN as soon as possible and have the discoloration checked.

May 1, 2007, 8:30 PM
Any thick, cheesy kind of discharge is something to worry about and could be a yeast infection. Definitely find yourself a female OBGYN as soon as possible and have the discoloration checked.

Ya, the discoloration looks odd.. Do you think it could also be cause I wear underwear to much?? I mean I know you shouldn't sleep with it on but I do so the discharge doesn't make a mess of my pj's or the sheets.

Another thing I wanted to say was, most of you know Im on birthcontrol.... my female doctor back in kingston gave me a BC pack... then saying it was a low does and she wanted me on a higher one later on. (probably after my body got used to this one.)
BUT my male doctor sees no point changing it!! lol
With all the NEW stuff out there these days for women with horomoes problems... Ive been on the same BC since 1997 and would love to upgrade to something better. :)

Oh well. Ahhhhhhh this is why I hate male doctors... they know nothing about women. :) lol (sorry to any male doctors that view this!!)


May 1, 2007, 8:35 PM
Ya, the discoloration looks odd.. Do you think it could also be cause I wear underwear to much??

When I was pregnant with my oldest child I couldn't wear underwear because I got a rash. Yes...there. So it might be contributing. Have you tried using a tampon at night?

May 1, 2007, 8:48 PM
When I was pregnant with my oldest child I couldn't wear underwear because I got a rash. Yes...there. So it might be contributing. Have you tried using a tampon at night?

Me?? use a tampon ??? *makes a icky face* I like pantyliners and pads :) hehe
Ive always been picky with tampons cause I heard the horror stories and Im scared of losing it lol But I don;t WANT to be having discharge for no reason... acceptable before and after periods yes... but the time when theres no period?? WHY?!?! lol usually its thick, sometimes white, sometimes green/yellow. Sometimes its what I call "blood discharge" (Cause its blood in the discharge) even tho I shouldn't be having my period.

Let me remind people I have A RARE RARE Female version of Kallman's syndrome... FORGET about googling it, you will only see info for men.....thats why its rare in women. *shy and redfaced*

It just means your born with no sense of smell and with low horomoes and need birth control to provide the homorones and course your period.

Its hard to talk about it cause so many people are unfamallar with that unless you know someone that has it or have it yourself. lol

Im talking about 2 different things lol maybe they are related I don't know.


May 1, 2007, 8:54 PM
Me?? use a tampon ??? *makes a icky face* I like pantyliners and pads :) hehe
Ive always been picky with tampons cause I heard the horror stories and Im scared of losing it lol

Thing is, if the panties *are* contributing to the discoloration, a tampon might be the solution. Either that or you may have to resort to an old fashioned belt and Tampax.

the sacred night
May 1, 2007, 9:29 PM
I have heard using a tampon if the amount of discharge isn't a lot can dry out your vagina because they're so absorbent. A white or yellow discharge is normal, but I would definitely go to the doc if I found green or red or any other color in my panties.

May 1, 2007, 10:49 PM
I have seen plenty of women "down there" and I know from my own experiences planning SRS that skin in that area is not the same color as other skin. (has to be matched if not adequate for SRS). It is probably normal as can a discharge if it occurs periodically related to your periods. Having said that, I agree with everyone else, this needs to be addressed by a medical professional for your emtional comfort. In all honesty, though, I doubt there is anything wrong...

See the "stylized" rending that shows everything is a uniform light color versus the actual photo showing darker coloration around the vulva....


May 1, 2007, 11:09 PM
I never used to notice much about discharge until I was trying to get pregnant and was on fertility drugs. I then started have quite a bit between periods...although not enough to be using pads, but I did mention it to my ob/gyn and HE told me that it is normal for a woman to have discharge between periods and usually what causes that is that you are ovulating. So as I would count my days and figure out about when I was to ovulate.....there was the discharge. But it should never be anything but somewhat yellow or clear. Anything milky color or green is not right. Either way.....find yourself a good woman gyn if you prefer female and ask her all these questions. You may find that your just a normal woman. If ever any doubt, seek a dr. to find out. :)

May 1, 2007, 11:49 PM
I know we tend to feel more comfortable with women doctors in these types of cases but just make sure it's a GOOD doctor that you feel comfortable with. Unfortunately there are just as many female doctors who are uncaring as there are male ones and vice versa. Just as with anything in life, it's the person not their so called "status or label" and the connection you make with them.

May 2, 2007, 3:56 PM
Discharge is normal, as long as it doesn't burn, itch, smell unusual, or look cheesy. You will discharge more and clear ( sort of like egg white) around ovulation when the secretions go from acidic to more base.

Two toned pussy is also normal. Unless its green or well I'll just stop at green... :eek:

May 2, 2007, 4:05 PM
Discharge is normal, as long as it doesn't burn, itch, smell unusual, or look cheesy. You will discharge more and clear ( sort of like egg white) around ovulation when the secretions go from acidic to more base.

Two toned pussy is also normal. Unless its green or well I'll just stop at green... :eek:

LOL ok :)

Was just checking. :)

I just wasnt sure if a darker color private was normal even if its darker than the rest of your skin.
You see moves and pictures and alot they seem to have the same color of skin as the rest of them but I know its lighting and probably edited/touched up in paintshop.

By the way Rayie.... have you seen a green one? lol


May 2, 2007, 4:14 PM
LOL ok :)

Was just checking. :)

I just wasnt sure if a darker color private was normal even if its darker than the rest of your skin.
You see moves and pictures and alot they seem to have the same color of skin as the rest of them but I know its lighting and probably edited/touched up in paintshop.

By the way Rayie.... have you seen a green one? lol


Thank god no!!!! Vaginal insecurities are common and industries and (sorry guys) MEN increase it. I went many years thinking mine was abnormal because my inner lips stick out, most porn has camel toes and I have heard guys say that when a woman's vagina does that it ( inner lips sticking out) means she is a whore, or has over used her pussy. But I learned different and am pleasantly comfortable with my wonderful muff. And I have never had any complaints, and hubby still comes as quick as evah even after all these years. So Yayyy for my pussy and Hip hip hooorayyy for yours and all. So moral of the story, Pussy is so fuckin wonderful and all are beautiful.

May 2, 2007, 4:26 PM
Thank god no!!!! Vaginal insecurities are common and industries and (sorry guys) MEN increase it. I went many years thinking mine was abnormal because my inner lips stick out, most porn has camel toes and I have heard guys say that when a woman's vagina does that it ( inner lips sticking out) means she is a whore, or has over used her pussy. But I learned different and am pleasantly comfortable with my wonderful muff. And I have never had any complaints, and hubby still comes as quick as evah even after all these years. So Yayyy for my pussy and Hip hip hooorayyy for yours and all. So moral of the story, Pussy is so fuckin wonderful and all are beautiful.

LOL ah.... well, I like mine. It looks nice and cute, tiny toooooo :)
So does my bum..... lol

I think porn does give you the wrong idea about things lol

But hey, porn like movies and shows are all not real :) Movies even shows you can break up and find your soulmate within 1 day lol
While in real life.... break up, usually its months or years before you find someone new lol


May 2, 2007, 11:51 PM
Ya, the discoloration looks odd.. Do you think it could also be cause I wear underwear to much?? I mean I know you shouldn't sleep with it on but I do so the discharge doesn't make a mess of my pj's or the sheets.

Another thing I wanted to say was, most of you know Im on birthcontrol.... my female doctor back in kingston gave me a BC pack... then saying it was a low does and she wanted me on a higher one later on. (probably after my body got used to this one.)
BUT my male doctor sees no point changing it!! lol
With all the NEW stuff out there these days for women with horomoes problems... Ive been on the same BC since 1997 and would love to upgrade to something better. :)

Oh well. Ahhhhhhh this is why I hate male doctors... they know nothing about women. :) lol (sorry to any male doctors that view this!!)


who told you not to wear your undies when you are sleeping?? thats not good at all. you need cotton undies, not silkie ones at the crotch. and also the reason for undies is to protect you from all the harm the heat can do to you down there.. keep the undies on, but make sure the crotch is cotton..even if you wear a thong, you can do a cotton crotch.. later girl..

May 3, 2007, 12:17 AM
who told you not to wear your undies when you are sleeping?? thats not good at all. you need cotton undies, not silkie ones at the crotch. and also the reason for undies is to protect you from all the harm the heat can do to you down there.. keep the undies on, but make sure the crotch is cotton..even if you wear a thong, you can do a cotton crotch.. later girl..

My mom told me actually. lol
When I was about 15, she told me I shouldn't sleep with my underwear on cause its bad for the crotch... that it needed air on it.
I always wear cotton underwear tho (just more comfortable for me)

Also I like to sleep with my underwear on cause its just me.. I like to keep covered lol

May 3, 2007, 4:34 AM
I dont know if this will help any but...


I know Ive seen tons of photos where women have a darkening of the skin around the vaginal area. So it shouldnt be any panic, but you seriously need to find a doctor youre comfy with AND one who knows what they are doing. It might not even hurt to find a specialist in female problems.

Have you ever taken a test for POS Polycystic Ovary Syndrome? How about Type 2 Diabetes? Thyriod been checked? These things can cause not only the skin darkening but also the discharge.

I wouldnt panic or worry yourself to death, youre probably alright, but everyone is absolutely right, find a doctor ASAP. Dont wait, and when you go in, you tell him, this is what the problem is, and you want to know why. Ask him about testing you for diabetes, or your thyroid and POS... there should be a site to take a little test for POS Ill look it up lol But remember, he works for you! Dont let any doctor blow you off, demand answers if you need to :) Be pushy!


Even if POS doesnt have to do with you, any women with any issues should check out the site.

May 3, 2007, 4:35 AM
btw... cotton undies are good to wear, keeps you clean and dry :)