View Full Version : Ok Ladies! Next Question!

May 1, 2007, 6:54 PM
Thank you again ladies, gents, couples, everyone! for your replies before. It is great to hear that women can and do have a genuine attraction for bisexual men. However a few of you made some interesting comments about revelation to a partner. So if I may be so bold to ask for a few more of your keystrokes at this time; please help again.

If I want to avoid "throwing it in her face" and having a relationship breakdown. What are some ways that have or could have assisted you more in digesting the news. How do I approach the subject while not being insensitive but getting to the "meat" of the issue, so to speak? :rolleyes:
Really, if you could get that first bit of info all over again for the first time how would you want him to approach the subject? In bed? over dinner? out for a walk? Subtle cues in the heat of the moment?

It's not that I would be afraid reveal to her my bi-interest based on a lack of trust or anything, I just wouldn't want to hurt her, etc. And of course I should point out there is no "her" at the moment. I am just trying to put it all in perspective before I get struck by an arrow.


May 1, 2007, 7:05 PM
Do you guys watch porn together? If you have "Teh BiStash of Secrit Pr0n" , you might wanna start letting her in on that as a start. :)


May 1, 2007, 10:15 PM
It's not that I would be afraid reveal to her my bi-interest based on a lack of trust or anything, I just wouldn't want to hurt her, etc. And of course I should point out there is no "her" at the moment. I am just trying to put it all in perspective before I get struck by an arrow.

Honey, the simplest easiest fastest thing is to just be upfront about your orientation and level of bi activity from the very beginning. That weeds 'em out fast.

If you use internet dating services, put it right out there - choose discretion in your identity, but make it plain "I am a bisexual man looking for my female mate" or words to that effect. This way you attract those who are attracted to YOU.

That's how I found my husband. I put in my online profile that I was particularly looking for the right bi man for marriage. He was equally blunt in his profile. We knew before the first phone call that we had one big hurdle out of the way. He has told me several times how wonderful it is to be able to be completely open about his desires, to share his complete self with joy. I feel equally blessed!

It may take you a while to find Ms Right using this method. However, you'll know from the start you can be completely open, nothing to worry about springing on her later. That's an incredible freedom!

May 1, 2007, 11:10 PM
I don't know, you should tell her.

I had strange situation in my marriedge when i told my wife that i was attracted to a guy that i done some music for his album. There was such good chemistry in creating a record, and i wasn't confused at all. That guy attracted me, i realize that, and simply told to my wife. Just two words was enough, clear and straight communication.
Normaly, she was very quiet as always, she didn't express any emotions at all. But she left me under her own confusion and here on the chat she catch me and told me that she get some things straight in her head, and that she think she's intrested in males too.
Ok, that was it, 2 hours later, i was already in Norway, and that was it. And now i love her more than before.

There is no any valuble aproach. Dinner, walk, whatever, it's a lie. She will react the same in normal all day situation and on romantic dinner with candles, wines and stupid romantic things like that.

Just tell her, that's all

May 1, 2007, 11:36 PM
Since there isn't already a "her" in the picture you have it a lot easier then a majority of people. Just be honest and upfront from the start. Don't pretend you're someone you're not. Then if she's the right one for you, you'll know and not have the stress of what she'll think or worry that she'll leave you because of it.

May 2, 2007, 12:07 AM
Since there is no woman at the moment the answer is easy. Be honest with any women you are dating. If you are running online ads then state in your ad you are a bisexual man looking for a woman who can be accepting of you as you are.

If you want to test the waters with a woman you are dating comment about a man being handsome the next you are out with her and see what her reaction is. Or steer the conversation to Brokeback Mountain the movie and see what her thoughts are about it. But honesty is the best way to go. :flag2: :male:

May 2, 2007, 2:44 AM
I just tell people when I date them or long before then.
It's not a big deal.

May 2, 2007, 7:55 AM
A mans a man.. don matta wot his sexuality is..if me fancied him an he wos available, me wud begin the treatment on im... but as such am not big inta guys gettin it away wiv each otha... certainly not wen they wiv me..am sufficiently self centred an selfish 2 wanna b centre of attraction...

May 2, 2007, 8:00 AM
I think you should just tell her. After some good sex of course that's the best time to tell us anything. LOL Agree with dark eyes though.

May 2, 2007, 5:38 PM
[QUOTE=darkeyes]A mans a man.. don matta wot his sexuality is..if me fancied him an he wos available, me wud begin the treatment on im.../QUOTE]

"Begin the treatment on im" -- wonderful phrase, suggesting far more than could be said -- Fran you must really write a book in dialect (if that's the word). Scotland needs its Joyce...