View Full Version : Bisexual Day anyone?

Sep 23, 2005, 8:59 AM
Isn't it the international bisexual day or something today? It's clicking somewhere that it is today...

I had fun celebrating it.... I told people it's a custom to kiss the one who tells you this first... and strangely everyone did without objection. lol

anyway the day is far from over! the night is young and i hope all of you are enjoying your lives!

love you all

//The Swede :male: :flag3:

Sep 23, 2005, 10:07 AM
Hello Holy dragon
thank you fro starting this thread, i was going to wish everyone a "happy bisexual day"
i feel it really does not matter how anyone celebrates it as long as they do keep the day in mind today, and years to come also.
just to let you all know i am going to "celebrate" it by being in heels &hose (flats) akll day and not that my heeels & hose has anything to do with being bi sexual, its just my way of acknowledging bisexual day

have a great day EVERYONE
and enjoy your selves no matter what you do
m.in.heels&hose :bipride:

Sep 23, 2005, 11:16 AM
Isn't it the international bisexual day or something today? It's clicking somewhere that it is today...

I had fun celebrating it.... I told people it's a custom to kiss the one who tells you this first... and strangely everyone did without objection. lol

anyway the day is far from over! the night is young and i hope all of you are enjoying your lives!

love you all

//The Swede :male: :flag3: That is SO cool. Meanwhile I am redfaced with shame that I forgot. :disgust: As anyone who knows me understands, my ability to focus is like a laser-beam, it can be intense but isn't easily spread out onto multiple targets. And I have been focussing on other things lately. "Can you say 'poor example' boys and girls? I knew you could." But I will try to regroup and come up with more ways we can celebrate on the site today. :rolleyes:

- Drew :paw:

Sep 23, 2005, 11:43 AM
Hey there drew
dont worry about forgetting today (im sure it was a temporary thing) and besides, im sure you have a lot going on in life, this is not your only concern (this site)
but we do all love this site,(thank you bunches) and please keep up the great work

enjoy your day , and i cant wait to see the ideas you have to celebrate bisexual day

my idea is to see if we can get a "record" memeber usage today

have a great day
m.in.heels&hose :cool:

Sep 23, 2005, 12:59 PM
I didnt know someone had a bisexual day...?
Everyday is bisexual day for me --- I like checking the lil hunnies out :bipride:

Sep 23, 2005, 1:06 PM
Happy Bi Day Everyone

I hope you all have a great time doing what ever you have planned.

I can think of no better way to celebrate than to celebrate in the chat room with new found friends

Hugs & kisses to all


Sep 24, 2005, 12:42 PM
Well I must say my day just got better and better all the way til the end! My friends decided to take me out clubbing in order to celebrate "my" day! since imm the only one open with my bisexuality i was the main focus :bigrin:
However, we all enjoyed the night!!

Next year I'm gonna promote the day more that's for sure! I wan't everyone to know.... And it would be nice if the day was written in the calender just like all the other international days. don't you think?

take care

Sep 24, 2005, 12:57 PM
Next year I am going to be better organized. And we will have an automated counter on the site to better publicize the event - something like "12 days left until Celebrate Bisexuality Day!", "11 days..." and so on.

If only for my own benefit! :rolleyes:

- Drew :paw:

Sep 24, 2005, 7:55 PM
Next year I am going to be better organized. And we will have an automated counter on the site to better publicize the event - something like "12 days left until Celebrate Bisexuality Day!", "11 days..." and so on.

If only for my own benefit! :rolleyes:

- Drew :paw:

That would be very cool Drew! And BTW what's the anniversary of this website? Can we celebrate it as well???

Arana :tong:

Sep 24, 2005, 8:54 PM
great idea arana!
i second the motion!!!!!!! :cool:

ok drew, the ball is in your court! lol (sorry,bad pun)

but i really do think arana has a great idea, and i feel we should celebrate the anniversary date of this great website

hugs and more hugs
m.in.heels&hose :cool:

Sep 25, 2005, 12:21 AM
Bisexual.com's birthday is March 6. And yes I will plan some special events. A great idea. :)


- Drew :paw: