View Full Version : new report on bisexual health.

Apr 30, 2007, 6:38 PM
Here's a report on bisexuality and bisexual health: http://www.thetaskforce.org/press/releases/prBI_031407

you can even download the report and read it at your own leisure (in PDF format): http://www.thetaskforce.org/reports_and_research/bisexual_health

The report goes on to say how bisexuals are largely ignored or even erased by both homosexuals and heterosexuals and the media. It also states that many people are afraid to come out as bi to their doctors since many doctors will give bisexuals incomplete or wrong information about safer sex and HIV/STD prevention.

Anyway if you check out the report and read it tell me what you think of it.

Long Duck Dong
May 1, 2007, 2:57 AM

I am biased in regards to LGBT health care....I will openly admit that

I personally can't see how the health system should be expected to change to suit the LGBT community.....
the need for more LGBT friendly heath care specialists is actually saying the LGBT wants more people to feel that LGBT people need special care and attention so either the current doctors / specialists change their personal biased or we advertise for LGBT friendly health care workers

yeah, I am biased, but I was not aware that the LGBT community catchs any form of disease / infection in different ways to the heterosexual community

the responsibility of informed health care and safe sex, is NOT the responsibility of the heath care system....its the responsibility of the person themselves

saying something like " I caught aids cos the doctor didn't tell me to use condoms " is no excuse, the risk is real regardless of the percentages associated with catching std / hiv

now the healthcare system has a responsiblity to make sure that a individual has access to all the info that they need or require and adequate access to means of protection.....but the fact of sexuality is not a issue there.....
if a docter is not doing a good enuf job with my health care, then i change doctors.....I will not sit there and bitch about the doctor and then go back to the doctor

over here in nz, there is a move to stop the flow of condoms into jails cos it * promotes homosexual behievour * ... what a load of crap.....people are gonna fuck ...denying them access to condoms is like saying " please don't fuck but if you do, please catch aids and die or get a std cos we feel that providing you with adequate means of protecting yourself and your partner, is not in the best interests of people "

the higher rates of std / hiv in bisexual / gay men is not a result of lack of knowledge and info but the fact that people are not practising safe sex....
hiv / std / aids have been around long enuf that the only people that don't know about the possible risks, would be the ones that are brain dead...
using the excuse that people were not properly informed as to the risks by health care workers, is like saying " its the gun dealers fault that I loaded a gun, pointed it at my head and pulled the trigger, he should have told me that the gun will go bang "

the percentages of risk of contracting std / hiv may be minimal....but they are percentages of something that can happen......
if its postive to get preggers using condoms and birth control... what the hell makes people think that safe sex is 100% safe against std / hiv

as a last word..... the adage " better informed people are safer people " only holds water... if people follow the advice......
just cos I am told to wear a seatbelt in a car, doesn't mean I will wear a seatbelt in a car...it just means that I only have myself to blame when I get hurt in a accident for not wearing my seatbelt....and you can beat ya bottom dollar I will blame the seat belt makers for not telling me all the possible risks I may face thru not wearing my seatbelt lol