View Full Version : Ladies! Thoughts on Male Bisexuality?

Apr 29, 2007, 1:38 AM
Hi there,

This question is really for anyone willing to answer. But I am really trying to get a sense, from women in partuicular, regardless of their status or sexual preference, their feelings about male bisexuality.

Thank you,


Apr 29, 2007, 3:05 AM
Well let me see: the thought of me and two men together . . . .

All I can say is THANK GOD for bisexual men!!!



Apr 29, 2007, 7:25 AM
Enjoy an hav fun boys!!! x

Apr 29, 2007, 1:21 PM
To respond on male bisexuality. Thats a tuff one considering i just found out my hubby is Bi. In all honesty i never really thought about it till now. Before my idea was what you do in privacy is your business. I can tell you that you need to be upfront with your partner if you have one and to be very understanding if they aren't interested. On that note i have adjusted really well to the fact the hubby is Bi and looking for all sorts of info that will help me help him in his endeavours to discover his Bisexuality. My personal view is don't throw it in her face real her in gently. Most women i think would like the experience. all in all thats just my opinion. used it or lose it your choice.

Apr 29, 2007, 1:59 PM
I dont really know what I think about it, it doesnt bother me but it doesnt really seem very interesting to me.

I was talking about this with a friend of mine the other day. She is straight and not atall biphobic although she did say she didnt think she could be with a guy who had been intimate with another guy. I guess its just about what turns you on.

Apr 29, 2007, 7:44 PM
about 18 months ago, I decided I was ready to search for the mate I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. After 10+ years of deep dear friendships with my bi guys, I knew that was the group of men I would be searching to find "Mr Right"

About a year ago, I found him (or he found me). We're incredibly happy together.

As for his sexual expression as a bi man - it simply turns me on when he shares his past experiences. We have chosen to be monogamous, but we share many different ways to make love and express our sexuality.

the sacred night
Apr 29, 2007, 9:29 PM
My main thought on it is: YUM!

his wife
Apr 30, 2007, 10:31 AM
Doubt I could be in a relationship with a straight man.


Apr 30, 2007, 1:38 PM
Seeing as the hubby is a bi guy, I am rather fond of them. I think bisexuals tend to be a bit more fun than other folks. :2cents:

Apr 30, 2007, 2:43 PM
Wow these answers are very interesting because I've always thought that it was str8 men who would accept bi girls easier than str8 women. I guess only us bisexuals understand more about sex than str8 or gay. Tha't my opinion.

Apr 30, 2007, 2:45 PM
:bipride: Wow these answers are very interesting because I've always thought that it was str8 men who would accept bi girls easier than str8 women. I guess only us bisexuals understand more about sex than str8 or gay. Tha't my opinion. :bipride:

Apr 30, 2007, 6:03 PM
My main thought on it is: YUM!
Big YUM! :) That is :bigrin: :female:

Apr 30, 2007, 6:14 PM
Mmmmmm... I love the thought of men together so I think Bi guys are great!

May 1, 2007, 11:35 AM
In the American society there is a hetero-dichotomous structure of man and woman and in the homo-dichotomous structure there is woman and woman or man and man but to have one woman with either man or women is not common, nor as widely accepted. There is a level of uncomfortably in the thought that a human being can be ambiguous in their sexual preference or a combination of three. In my experience, there is always the question among partners of true commitment while holding desire and attraction for both sexes. Although, monogamy is never in question in my mind only preference it is clearly questioned in others for me it is a matter of being faithful and loving to one at a time despite gender.

I whole heartly accept bisexual men or women and everything that encompasses. Question is.. is it a monogamous relationship or is there more than two people involved? Then it becomes a different issue and question.

May 1, 2007, 11:55 AM
Well let me see: the thought of me and two men together . . . .

All I can say is THANK GOD for bisexual men!!!



You hit it on the head! I think bisexual men are far more fulfilling in bed as well. More considerate in bed maybe? For me, having a bi husband and being bi myself, it just is natural to think of any same sex ppl being together.

I'm all for bi guys :bigrin:

May 1, 2007, 11:58 AM
Growing up I always thought it was natural for girls to be together and men to be together. :)
Yep.... girl/boy just seemed weird. lol

May 1, 2007, 1:58 PM
I love it all, bi men and bi women. It's all yummy. I have to admit I really like it when other guys flirt with me. :bipride: :male:

May 1, 2007, 6:17 PM
Wow great replies! Thanks everyone, your insights are invaluable to me.

And soon to be followed up by my next question.



May 1, 2007, 9:31 PM
i think if you conducted a general poll of society, you'd find more men are comfortable with the concept of bisexual women than women who are confortable with the concept of bisexual men.

however, on this site, i think you'll find a much higher percentage of both men and women being comfortable with it, since this is a bisexual website!

May 1, 2007, 10:01 PM
In the American society there is a hetero-dichotomous structure of man and woman and in the homo-dichotomous structure there is woman and woman or man and man but to have one woman with either man or women is not common, nor as widely accepted. There is a level of uncomfortably in the thought that a human being can be ambiguous in their sexual preference or a combination of three. In my experience, there is always the question among partners of true commitment while holding desire and attraction for both sexes. Although, monogamy is never in question in my mind only preference it is clearly questioned in others for me it is a matter of being faithful and loving to one at a time despite gender.

I whole heartly accept bisexual men or women and everything that encompasses. Question is.. is it a monogamous relationship or is there more than two people involved? Then it becomes a different issue and question.

My first response to this was ...HUH? Then I figured out the lack of punctuation.

Socialbutterfly, some people, both men and women are not hardwired monogamous. I know - I'm not. I choose to be, to offer that gift to my beloved husband, who is very monogamous.

Because some of us are not, it's possible to have triads and other less traditional relationships that work and work well.

My girlfriend (my female lover before my marriage) is in a triad with her husband and his best friend. It's worked very well for them for over 4 years. They've blended their families, vacationing together, cheering each other's kids at sports events - and loving each other sexually also. They're very committed to making it work.

Some of us just don't fit inside society's traditional box you see?