View Full Version : Differing attitudes to....

Apr 29, 2007, 12:23 AM
Its one of those taboo subjects - yet every woman from roughly 12 to 50+ goes through it every month.
Its really just such a natural function - why is it such a non subject?
Even at home we chat about most bodily events freely, yet even with 3 females in the house, menstual periods are sort of hush hush.
Anyway, to my query - or topic, whatever.
Being bisexual has nothing whatsoever to do with it, but I'm wondering, for the women here that are "active" do they notice a difference in the way men and women lovers behave/respond when you are having your period?
And in what way do you behave towards a lover who is having hers?
Admittedly, many refrain from active sexual contact during this time, but I would think at some time, every woman has faced this "dilemma."
Although my husband and I have no qualms (now) I would now hesitate about being with another man at that time - and when I have in the past, their response was almost universally a negative reaction.
Whereas if I'm with a female lover, if one of us is having her period it matters far less, and really presents no obstacle; personal preferences re behaviour and limits are accepted freely and not breached.
I just wonder if other girls have noticed this difference in behaviours?

Apr 29, 2007, 5:57 AM
This man finds nothing unsexy about making love to a woman during her period, assuming she's comfortable enough with herself to be interested...

Apr 29, 2007, 7:27 AM
Like biwords this man has no qualms about sex during that time of the month! A minor inconvience is all and trust me it is worth it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :tongue:

Apr 29, 2007, 3:54 PM
Having me fun an games durin "that time a month" aint unknown..but like Innaminka have always been more reluctant 2 do it wiv a guy than a girl..howeva...the period before hand... "that" awful period..me usually feels so mizzy an tetchy that peeps r more likely 2 get ther heads in ther hands 2 play wiv than gettin ther leg ova! God me a miz bitch then! B warned!!!

Apr 29, 2007, 6:59 PM
The only downside is a little mess, and as women tend to be more aroused at this time, I think it's a fair trade. Oral's not happenin though.
Discussion of a biological function should never be taboo.

Apr 29, 2007, 7:09 PM
Fine here too...for most activites... :)

Apr 29, 2007, 7:12 PM
Depends on the "event" itself. Sometimes its significantly messier and on those days the last thing I feel is physically desirable. Just not gonna happen. The issue has yet to come up with me and a female partner. I'd be less apprehensive about it though, just because another female understands it better. There have been two men who've braved the red sea. Both times it shocked the hell out of me that they didn't run screaming the other direction (cause that's certainly happened plenty). Both times they won more cool points than they could possibly know.

the sacred night
Apr 29, 2007, 9:53 PM
My ex and I didn't have sex during it, but we did other stuff so I could still get off, since I was so horny during it. That's what I prefer most, because actual sex would be messy and I can get off just as well other ways. I do tend to talk about it a little more than some people are comfortable with, but I think society should be more open about that and other female topics, so I say it even if I'm not sure it'll be well-received. Same with anything I think people are too hush hush about.