View Full Version : Assumptions - Feedback please :)

Apr 28, 2007, 12:27 PM
This is a condensed version of an article I am writing. I'd like to hear your feedback :)

Assumptions. We all know the old line about what happens when you assume, you make an ass out of u and me.

There are an awful lot of people that seem to be assumption prone. I keep getting hit with their mistaken beliefs.

The ones that seem to cause the most issues for them are:

I am a Nudist.

I am Bisexual.

I am a Photographer.

I am an Artist.

I am Nudist. A non-sexual, clean minded, and well intended Nudist. Not a swinger, not a partner swapper. I could write thousands of words on family friendly social nudism (and I have), but will refrain from doing that right now. Nudism is the human body in it's natural state. It is not inherently dirty, perverted, or sexual. It is however amazingly relaxing and healthy both physically and psychologically. I realize that there are nudists out there for whom nudism is a sexual thing. They're NOT "nudists", they're hybrids! They are mixing nudism with sexuality. I am NOT one of them.

To me the human body is the greatest work of art we have, and we each have one. Honestly, clothing is more sexual than the human body is. The mere fact that a person does not have any clothing on is not a sexual thing at all. It's not the absence of clothing that is sexual. It is what a person does when nude, or how a person reacts when encountering nudity that can turn it into something sexual. It's the behavior factor the determines it all.

I just feel much more relaxed and less distracted and constrained when I am nude. My body feels more at ease, which in turn makes me feel more comfortable. Whether I am alone, with my wife, a few friends, or a large group, my views on nudism don't change. Too many people assume that because I am a nudist, I'm looking for sex. I'm not. In fact, I'm offended by people who use Nudism to do that. Does sex involve nudity? Usually. But that's nudity, not NUDISM. Does nudism involve sex? Not for me and my Nudist friends it doesn't.

I am Bisexual. I am happily married though, and deeply in love with my wife. I am not promiscuous. In fact, even though I have my wife's blessing to have a male friend with benefits, I have not done so. And that's not for lack of offers. It's because I'm not ready for that, and don't know if I ever will be. I've thought about it, and I've even looked around and posted the fact in online ads; but it stopped there. I definitely want to have regular friends who don't care that I am Bisexual, but just don't know if having sex outside my marriage is something I can do. Too many people assume that because I am Bisexual, I am promiscuous. I'm not. They assume that being Bisexual means I am ready to have sex with anyone, anytime. It doesn't. A person's sexual orientation can not be used to judge their behavior. There are allot of promiscuous people of all orientations, just as there are allot of people of all orientations who are not promiscuous.

I am a Photographer. I'm not a "professional" yet, but I am learning. Slowly learning that is. The more I learn, the more I see I have yet to learn. Apparently some people assume that because I am a photographer, especially one that is just starting out, I should be more than happy to lug all my gear to wherever they wish, and shoot professional level portraits for free. That includes shooting, post production, and even printing them out! When that doesn't happen, they get pissed. I hear things like "Well, aren't you a photographer?". When I explain that what they are expecting of me is the same as me asking them to come to my location and do what ever it is they do for a living, but to do it for free; I usually hear "yeah, but this is different. You're a photographer."

Such as with a networking administrator that wanted free family portraits. I was not friends with this guy, and only knew of him through someone else. He wanted me to come to his home and shoot, then he wanted a 16x20 print along with a "few sheets" of wallet size. And he was clear about the fact that this should all be free of charge. I asked when he would be coming to my home to set up a wireless network with all my computers and printers, he replied that he charges for that. He never caught on. These people are just selfish and expect freebies. They assume that because I am just getting started, they can take advantage of me and get free portraits just because they ask. Will I do free work for others? I already do quite a bit of free work actually. But I'm not the photography welfare office. If you're not a friend of mine, live in a $400,000 home, and are driving a car that cost more than my house, don't expect to get too much of a discount from me.

I am an Artist. At the moment, most of my gallery on Deviant Art is of nudes, and most of those are me. Why? the primary reason is because I am interested in the human form and I can't afford to pay other people to model. The more non-pornographic examples of the human form we can put out into the world, the more it will be accepted. We can tear down the bullshit that is being shoved down people's throats telling us we must all look like super models and body builders. We come in all different colors, shapes, and sizes, and we are all beautiful. It's time for us to tell the corporations that, instead of them telling all of us that we're ugly.

Just because I do nudes, some folks assume that I'll get sexual with a model. In fact, most of the people who "volunteer" to model are actually looking for sex. I've had people approach me and ask if I would do a few headshots for them in return for their modeling for me, only to later add that I should bring the condoms. WTF? (BE AWARE THAT JEFF, THE ONLY OTHER PERSON IN MY GALLERY AT THE MOMENT DID NOT ACT LIKE THIS. HE WAS PURELY PROFESSIONAL) When I ask what the hell I will need condoms for, I hear stuff like "Well, I know you Artists that do nudes have sex with your models, but I'm not going to have sex with you without a condom.". Uh-huh, this is where I thank them for their interest, explain that I do not work that way, and end the conversation. Being an artist does not mean that someone is eccentric (although I am to a degree), has no morals, or anything else other than the person is question is an artist.

Judge me by what I do, not by what you assume I will do.

Ok bisexual.com friends, what's your :2cents: on this so far?

Apr 28, 2007, 2:21 PM

i am new also... and maybe u shud continu what u du so well.

Tank u and may all u camels be healthy

Apr 28, 2007, 3:38 PM
I think the piece is very well written and obviously reflects both your frustration with peoples assumptions while clarifying to the reader the information needed in such a way as to make assumptions about your developing attitudes towards bisexuality, nudism and your art unnecessary. The real value of your piece will be to you because, of the process that was necessary to reach deep enough within your self, and the struggle of finding those words that most honestly reflect your thoughts and feelings.

I’ve been a nudist since my early 20’s and an accomplished artist since the age of 15 meaning that I produce art and get paid to do so. There are many mediums for artistic expression and some seem to pay more than others. I would starve as a musician but do quite well as an interior designer and the creative process is involved in both. Art to me is about the passion and I can’t separate the two.

LOL When I had a van people made the assumption that I would move their various possessions and belongings for free constantly. I got rid of the van. I would have typed a proposal for your boss and had him sign it with half down and the balance upon delivery of the photos. If he wants professional quality photos then you need to be compensated for you time and material costs.

Struggling with my bisexuality is an ongoing process but I’ve made progress. Writing about it for over the last year and a half has done more to help me move in the direction I wish to go in than reading could ever accomplish. I write to delve deeper within myself for myself. Your piece reflects your need to delve and clarify and writing is a way of bringing it from the abstract into the concrete. In that regard you’ve succeeded and that’s what I enjoyed while reading. As a nudist, artist, bisexual male, and human being it touches common ground.

Ambi :)

Apr 28, 2007, 8:40 PM
Thanks Ambi.

Apr 29, 2007, 8:47 AM
Thank you as well. I took the opportunity to check out you photo gallery at Deviant. What an awesome site and I really enjoyed your photo collection. My favorite was the guitar shot that you also have in your profile.
Add a little length to the hair with a little gray thrown in, and give or take 10 pounds with about 20 years of wear and tear on the body, and that could be me...right down to the guitar. If you ever make it down to central Florida, we have (4) premium resorts within less than an hours drive.It’s worth the visit especially when the weathers cold up North LOL. :eek:

Ambi :)

Apr 29, 2007, 1:31 PM
Hi Jedi. A good article. It tells me alot about you and clears up some of the stereo types about bisexuals, nudists, photographers and artists. Do I also sense a bit of a vent in there?

A was a bit surprised by the name. I was anticipating an article addressing the nature of assumptions and how then can affect us. Instead I got something more personal, describing yourself. Thats not a bad thing of course.

I was trying to check out your gallery, but the page wouldn't load properly. My internet has been on the fritz lately so I will try again later.

Apr 29, 2007, 1:49 PM
Well said Jedi--I am most of those things too--nudist,bisexual-even though I am single, artist--I am adding photography too my skills since I have a nice new camera on order and should have it in a few days---- you have hit the nail on the head on each of the topics you have covered!!!!!!!!

I get it more in terms of giving things away like with my writing---like doing lots of pro bono PR kind of stuff--for things like non-profits--I am in the middle of doing somethings for MoveOn.org right now. I just did something for the Veteran's Administration for free that is going into not only a local newsletter, but in some things they do statewide and nationally--so the exposure is good.

I am about to finally get my decorative painting biz underway within the next few weeks--and yes---for now--I am going to be offering to do types of decorative finishes work at what amounts to pennies on the dollar for the kind of work I can do for a limited period of time just to get experience and build up my portfolio---all I will be charging is for cost of materials, basic expenses like covering my gas and a minor labor charge---

You have a great posting here--I would like to see the finished piece when you are done---

Great job my man!!!---on all of the topics you covered----

Apr 30, 2007, 1:14 AM
wow, ..uh, kewl, ..don't change a thing.. it's good as it is. :2cents:

Apr 30, 2007, 3:58 AM
I try not to have any preconceptions for anyone here.
I am sorry if you were misunderstood
There have been several threads recently with that theme.

We should all try to NOT "assume" anything about anyone.

THanks for writing such an eloquent explanation.


Apr 30, 2007, 9:19 AM
jedinudist- I enjoyed what you wrote and how you wrote it. We are very similar in lifestyle- I sit typing, nude, will work out shortly the same and begin producing a bit of work clad again the same. I like and am comfortable in my skin. I am an "artist" but find financial reward as a craftsman/furniture designer more than as a painter.--It is amazing how some will assume you're "hungry newbie" status as a photographer/artist is open season on freebees and of course b/c you "love" your work you can work for free or nearly free-phaf-. I consider myself bi and have lived a married monogomous and fulfilling life with my mate for 19 going on 20 years. I think if you lived closer I would much enjoy your company from sharing a similar philosophy and interests.

Apr 30, 2007, 9:59 AM
Thank you so much to everyone who has taken a moment to reply! :)

Yes, this post is a condensed part of what I am writing, and it is a bit :soapbox:

It's NOT directed at anyone here at Bisexual.com though!

Thanks everyone - I really appreciate your feedback :)