View Full Version : Question about sports for the girls mainly..

Sep 21, 2005, 12:35 PM
Hi yall,i hope everyone is doing fine. As some of you know from chatting with me i love to watch my sports on television. And there have been times my wife just doesnt understand my infatuation with my love of professional and college sports. She can watch baseball,its a sport thats easier for her to watch and understand. So i thought id ask the question,is there any sport you girls like to wacth either live or on tv?? Just a question i ask women alot and am suprised sometimes buy the responses. Also if any guys look at this i wonder what there wives or girlfriends like to watch. Just a lighthearted question i have thought about quite a bit,Any response will be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Tex...

Lisa (va)
Sep 21, 2005, 12:50 PM
My husband likes his sports as well, especially racing. Me on the otherhand, I am not a sports fanatic or even sports literate, but I don't mind playing on occasion (though I'm not very good). Doesn't matter if win or lose, just having fun (gracious loser - comes with experience). But i do want my husband to enjoy his shows, gives him a chance to unwind and spend time with his pop.


hugs n kisses

Sep 21, 2005, 3:21 PM
I'm not much of a sports fanatic myself. I use to watch baseball and go to Dodger games and loved watching car racing but I don't watch anything much now.

Arana :tong:

Sep 21, 2005, 5:36 PM
So here's a theory... and please don't mistake me for being sexist or anything... I just really hope to understand what makes people tick... and have come up with this theory to your question...

Apparently... men predominantly have more spatial/mechanical type brains than woman for some reason... you know all the studies saying men are better with maps, etc. whereas woman are more intuitive, etc.???

I'm thinking men like their sports because there's an element of spatial or 'logic' activity going on... in most sports... be it a football play or a car race... so especially when they are looking to unwind... it's a way to get their brain's pre-occupied with some some logic / math type stuff to think about so they can 'zone out' from all the stuff which is weighing on them. There's surely an element in sport about being a fan and enjoying the comeraderie and the social aspect to it, but I'm talking about the general dose of arbitrary sport I find a lot of guys watching with no real 'passion' for the team or game most nights.

Woman, on the other hand... tend to watch more 'human interaction' type programmes and seem to be able to get distracted and in so doing relax, following complex relationships between people (like in soaps.. ("you can't marry Susan because she's your aunt's cousin's mother's sisters' child which makes her your mother." kinda stuff).

:-) dunno if I could 'unwind' to that... but hey... I'm a guy.

Funny thing for me is... maybe because I get enough 'logic' stuff in my job all day... I have very little interest in watching sports. In fact I have gone off tv nearly completely the last months. The last thing I want to do with my free time is point my eyes toward anything electronic.

Even funnier... it's my wife who will always be arranging that we go over to so and so's house, or having visitors over, to 'watch the game' or the race or whatever.... but I think she's driven by the social aspect... not the sport.

Just a thought...

use it... don't use it.

Sep 22, 2005, 8:01 AM
It is no surprise to me that when the subject of sports starts to dominate the chat in the chatroom, very few of the females seem to be adding anything to the conversation other than an occasional sigh as they wonder how much longer this talk is going to be going on. LOL! But this isn't a scientific study, merely an observation.

As for myself and whether or not I watch sports, I tend to be choosy about which ones I watch. I don't watch just for the sport, but mostly for the team or the event. I would rather stick needles in my eyes than watch golf on TV, but being from Augusta, GA, I never miss the daily recaps of The Masters, I attend the occasional practice round and I am always in front of my television for the final round. (Much more exciting to watch on TV the last day than to be there live). I have attended many a Atlanta Braves game and I will watch the the Braves on TV because...hey, they're the Braves! As for football, I only watch college football and that is only because I have a few alliances to some of the teams. Florida State football has become a major event in our house since my son went to school there and you can be sure that we were reveling in the most recent win over Miami. I even went to the Gator Bowl last year!!

But if you ask me why I don't tend to relish the idea of watching sports I will have to confess that it's the age old reason....I just don't watch sports like a guy!! I don't scream at the television....I don't shout expletives over a bad play...nor do I second guess the officials or the coaches. And in my male dominated household, unless you do at least one of the above, you are chastised as not being a fan, or in my case, not paying attention at the level that is expected of me. You see, I'm not fond of screaming and after a point, it wears on my nerves. And someone has to clean up after the dogs when they get frightened enough to lose bladder control everytime three men over six feet tall jump to their feet and high five each other over a good play! And of course, someone has to make the occasional run to the refrigerator because, "Please Mom....I don't want to miss this play!!!".

But because I love my husband and my two sons, I will continue to play the game of acting like an avid sports fan when called upon to do so. And as far as the subject goes in the chat room, I will also do the same. I might not participate, but I will respect your right to discuss sports and will not complain....just don't yell! LOL

Kate :tong:

Sep 22, 2005, 9:19 AM
I am a fan of of pro football-and not just for the tight ends! I do jump up and down, swear and throw things at the t.v....but then im from michigan and our team is the lions :eek: Trick

Sep 22, 2005, 8:36 PM
I like watching college football and baseball with my husband. Hockey...well thats another story they can fly over the moon lol

Sep 22, 2005, 8:39 PM
Lions.....----- Used to live in Windsor and have NEVER thought about buying a ticket to there games. Tell them to get with the program and get some cheerleaders.... :tongue:

I am a fan of of pro football-and not just for the tight ends! I do jump up and down, swear and throw things at the t.v....but then im from michigan and our team is the lions :eek: Trick