View Full Version : cchalmer is in the hospital

Apr 25, 2007, 10:40 AM
hi everyone this is cruiouslady....i know a lot of u dont know me but a few do and u are very special to cc and i ....just wanted to let u know that colin is in the hospital...all we know right now is that his heart stopped last night at work...they had to shock him 3 times...right now..we dont know why his heart stopped but the docotrs are doing more tests today...his son and i will be going back to the hospital today....im trying to be positive but its hard...colin is a strong man and fairly healty..those are good things right???

i know u will be thinking of us and thank you for that...i will keep u updated on his condition

Apr 25, 2007, 10:49 AM
OMG...I will have you and Colin in my thoughts and prayers!!! Please keep us up to date and if you need a shoulder during this time, you know where to find me. Lots of love and support coming your way!!


Apr 25, 2007, 11:12 AM
OH Honey, My thoughts and prayers are with you. So if you just wont talk to someone beside family here i am go head. You can yell if you wont to. :female:

Apr 25, 2007, 11:32 AM
Thank you so much for letting us know ((((((((( CL ))))))))) I'm sure CC will be fine. He's a tough nut to crack. Please give him our love and let him know we are thinking of him. Our hearts and prayers are with you and you know if you need any of us here we are there for you.

Apr 25, 2007, 11:56 AM

If I may offer a word or two of encouragement and comfort....

"May a warm sun grace your face and gentle breezes be at your back during your days of worry and concern...."

You and others will be in my prayers today and often.


Apr 25, 2007, 3:27 PM
I feel I should say something, but I never know what to say in times like this (sorry if i sound insensitive, I really do care). Im not a religious man, but if I were I would pray for cc. I wish cc best and hope he is back on his feet again soon with no further problems.

Apr 25, 2007, 3:35 PM
Miss Curious Lady please know that all our thoughts are with you and our buddy CC. Please know he is a very tough fella with a heart of gold....gold does not tarnish easily. He is strong as are you. But know that we are here for you.


Apr 25, 2007, 3:51 PM
((((((((( cl ))))))))) ((((((((((( cl )))))))))))) one for you and one to pass on to colin. I'll be keeping all of you in my thoughts.

He's young, the odds are in his favor. A tough road ahead, tho, and we're all here for you.

Apr 25, 2007, 5:21 PM
I hope that he will get well and they can figure what caused his heart to act up--there are all kinds of things it could be--they are pretty good at figuring such things out and correcting them these days.

Apr 25, 2007, 7:27 PM
just an update on colin......yes he did have a heart attack....his vital signs today are really good....he is listed as stable....they did a brain wave test today and there is activity there....so that is a good thing....they had to wake him for that and needless to say that he wasnt happy...so they had to restrain him...tomorrow maybe they will try again to wake him.....im not lookin forward to that cause it looks like he is going to be very adjatated (please forgive the spelling) and that will be hard on me and his son..but we need to be there....so in all i guess today was a good day...nothing but good news for us....need to take it one day at a time....

Also i just want to thank everyone...for everything...it means alot to me..and it will to colin when he comes home

Apr 25, 2007, 8:25 PM
We are so sorry to hear of Colin's heart attack, but sounds like he was tough enough to make it through and will soon be on the road to recovery. Luck was on his side and we will pray for his continued recovery. :angel: Hugs to you both! :grouphug:

I understand the part of waking them. My dad was in a induced coma and each time they let him wake a little he would get VERY agitated and just move his head back and forth going nuts. With a ventilator in it's not good and they want to try and pull it out. It's hard to watch and you know they are in pain. It will get better!

Flounder and Mrs.F

curious married m
Apr 25, 2007, 8:30 PM
Hey Curiouslady, You know how I fell bout both you and Colin. I have seen ya both go thru alot of tough things, I know this scarey but with all the love he gets from you and his son and all of us here, just try not to let him get to much exercise for next few months. Prayers and Hugs Ralph :( :bounce: :grouphug: :love:

Apr 25, 2007, 8:42 PM
just an update on colin......yes he did have a heart attack....his vital signs today are really good....he is listed as stable....they did a brain wave test today and there is activity there....so that is a good thing....they had to wake him for that and needless to say that he wasnt happy...so they had to restrain him...tomorrow maybe they will try again to wake him.....im not lookin forward to that cause it looks like he is going to be very adjatated (please forgive the spelling) and that will be hard on me and his son..but we need to be there....so in all i guess today was a good day...nothing but good news for us....need to take it one day at a time....

Also i just want to thank everyone...for everything...it means alot to me..and it will to colin when he comes home Hi!

I wish both of you all the best and a speedy recovery for cc.

A warm cuddle,


Apr 25, 2007, 8:49 PM
Hiya's (((((((((CL))))))))), hope CC heals quickly and completely, you're both in my prayers and thoughts, . . . all my best wishes and positive vibes I send to you and yours!

Apr 25, 2007, 10:27 PM
I pray for a speedy recovery...Thank you for keeping us informed... :paw: :paw:

Apr 26, 2007, 3:13 AM
personally i don't think ya hafta be religious to pray.... prayers help and that's been proven scientifically

and curiouslady your husband is certainly in our prayers :cool:

Apr 26, 2007, 3:22 PM
just another update....they tried to wake colin again today but his gag reflex isnt strong enough....or at least that is how they explained it to me.....so they put him back to sleep and will try again tomorrow maybe

Apr 26, 2007, 7:20 PM
my thoughts and prayers are with you CL and CC. please tell him get well soon, I am sure I also speak for all of us when I say we miss him and we/I miss talking to you also, as u see I am not online much these days. If you need anything please let us know.



Mrs. Taz

Apr 26, 2007, 10:43 PM
Our positive thoughts and well-wishes go out to both of you. Keep us updated on Colin's condition. We'll hope for the best on this end.

Apr 27, 2007, 6:18 PM
as promised another update on colin....he is awake and he remember me and his son...so everyhting looks good....so far anyway...we are not out of the woods yet but so far so good..the docotors dont understand why he is still alive after going 45 minute with no heart beat.....right now..i dont care he is alive that all i care about !!!!!

Apr 29, 2007, 7:56 PM
another update...colin isnt doing too bad... just a few problems with memory and sleeping....not sure how much of it is cause of the meds....he is going to have an angiogram on monday or tuesday.....we will see from that what damage was done to his heart........and take it from there.....he should be out of icu in the next couple of days.....yes i am trying to take care of myself but it hard not to be with him all the time..i feel so useless if i am not there...so i gonna try going back to work tomorrow...not my regular schedual but its a start....as long as his parents are here i might as well .....just taking one day at a time....

Apr 29, 2007, 8:03 PM
I know you don't know me and Sol, but we are thinking of you both and you're in our prayers. I can't imagine what you're going through....but hang in there and take care of you too.

Apr 29, 2007, 8:19 PM
I am so sorry to hear about this, (I don't know how I missed it earlier)

I had a heart attack myself last July. I am also 42. So I have some measure of understanding of what you have been and are going through.

My episode wasn't nearly as severe, and I have seemingly made a full recovery. Hopefully your husband will too.

The fastest way to see that happen, is to just do what you already are doing. Love him. Think only positive thoughts, and know that you are loved by the people in this community.

Hold tight in the face of adversity, remain confident of positive outcome.


Apr 29, 2007, 9:18 PM
Although you don't know me nor I you, still, my concerned thoughts and prayers are about you curioslady and colin. May God bledd and keep you in his covenant.


Apr 29, 2007, 9:41 PM
Glad to hear that Colin is awake. The road ahead will be paved one day at a time. Make you sure that you take care of yourself. You need to be strong for both of you.


Apr 29, 2007, 9:43 PM
For some reason I know that all will be well.

curious married m
Apr 29, 2007, 9:55 PM
Hey CL, 1st thanx for all your effort to keep us informed about Colin, knowing all the emotions that you have been dealing with. And yes, I am so happy that each day has been a positive step forward so far. Please feel the love of those who know and care about both of you. You are doing it all right at this point and please make sure you do not make yourself sick. Give that big hunk a hug for me and let him know we are with him here a day at a time as well. CMM :grouphug: :bigrin:

Apr 30, 2007, 12:36 AM
Wishing him a speedy recovery, blessings to your and yours in this time.

Apr 30, 2007, 3:47 AM
I hope all is well and improving.
I know how difficult this tiime can be and sometimes hopeless
Keep being positive.
Please keep us up to date
we all wish you and Colin well.


Apr 30, 2007, 4:14 PM
i will keep you in my prayers

Apr 30, 2007, 5:36 PM
The Plants Breathe out and we breathe in, not noticing the exchange. And so we walk with angels, seldom noticing the company we keep :angel: :yinyang:

Apr 30, 2007, 10:06 PM
well one more day and we breath a little easier....he had his angiogram today...no surgery is required....yay!!!!!!!!!!!! no blockages or anything that they can see....the only thing he might need and they still not sure yet if they are going to do it is insert something into his chest like a pace maker....not sure of the word for it but it is basically like a defib...and will shock him if he needs it...he hopes to be home in a couple of days but i dont think so yet...he hasnt been out of bed except to sit in a chair...so we will see :tongue: :)

Apr 30, 2007, 11:13 PM
Curious Lady, what wonderful news to hear. I would suggest that slow is the way to go. CC's body had been through a lot and it will take time to recover. Glad that you are keeping us posted.


Apr 30, 2007, 11:33 PM
Everyone supports you and wishes you both well.

May 2, 2007, 9:20 PM
tomorrow colin goes to london to have this defib inserted into his chest....he should be back here in kitchener tomorrow night he will stay in the hospital for observation and all goes well he should be sent home on friday....well thats what the doctor said today....we will see how it goes!!!! :)

May 2, 2007, 9:36 PM
My hopes and very best wishes for an uncomplicated recovery.

May 3, 2007, 1:51 AM
that is great news! He has made a remarkable recovery already and I'm sure he will continue to do well as soon as he gets home..


tomorrow colin goes to london to have this defib inserted into his chest....he should be back here in kitchener tomorrow night he will stay in the hospital for observation and all goes well he should be sent home on friday....well thats what the doctor said today....we will see how it goes!!!! :)

May 3, 2007, 2:04 PM
Glad to hear he is well on the mend--I hope he gets one of those MedTronic internal defrib units--they were the ones who created them so they know what they are doing--that company makes some great products--and they do save countless lives each year thanks to their breakthroughs in such medical devices--many designed for cardiac patients---

Best wishes and hope he comes home and gets back to living his life---

May 3, 2007, 9:06 PM
yes 12voltman ... i think that is what he got today..he is tired and in pain today but doing well....from what the nurse said he could still be released tomorrow!!

May 3, 2007, 9:57 PM
This is great news :) I 'am so glad to hear this :female:

May 4, 2007, 1:57 AM
We wish him a speedy recovery, and good health, peace, and long life to you both.

May 4, 2007, 2:50 PM
Colin came home today!! He is tired but doing ok so far. hehehe its gonna be hard to try and hold him down but i think he will be fine

i would like to thank everyone for their support...kind words...prayers...it has meant a lot to both of us. im sure that u will see him around in a few days ..once he feels stronger....thanks again for all u have done...u guys are great!!! :bibounce:

May 4, 2007, 2:51 PM
So glad to hear that Colin is home! I know you will have your hands full trying to keep him still! Give him a big hug for me and keep in touch!!!


May 4, 2007, 2:55 PM
Colin came home today!! He is tired but doing ok so far. hehehe its gonna be hard to try and hold him down but i think he will be fine

i would like to thank everyone for their support...kind words...prayers...it has meant a lot to both of us. im sure that u will see him around in a few days ..once he feels stronger....thanks again for all u have done...u guys are great!!! :bibounce:
Awesome!! :)
We are very happy for you both!

May 4, 2007, 5:06 PM
GREAT NEWS CL!!!!!! I'm so happy to hear he's home. I'm sure he's much happier there too. I hope everything from here on is smooth sailing for both of you. Big big hugs to you both.

May 4, 2007, 8:30 PM
Great news...Healing will be better in the home...Take great care, both of you... :paw: :paw:

May 4, 2007, 8:39 PM
My thoughts and prayer are with you. So sorry you have to go through this.

curious married m
May 4, 2007, 8:47 PM
Colin came home today!! He is tired but doing ok so far. hehehe its gonna be hard to try and hold him down but i think he will be fine

i would like to thank everyone for their support...kind words...prayers...it has meant a lot to both of us. im sure that u will see him around in a few days ..once he feels stronger....thanks again for all u have done...u guys are great!!! :bibounce:

Hey Colin & Patti, So glad it is on the down slide from here on. Hmmm using the words hard and down in the same sentence just DOES NOT sound like the Colin I know. But Patti do your best not to overheat that defiblrillator. All my love to ya both. Ralph

May 4, 2007, 11:00 PM

Willby and I are thrilled that you are back at home under the watchful eye of your sweetie. Collin, you must listen to her and take it easy.


May 5, 2007, 11:33 PM
welcome home cc, I am glad to hear your doing much better. cant wait to see you back on the site. becareful though and dont over work yourself, and dont push yourself to fast. take good care of him cl. :) hugs and a kotc (kiss on the cheek) for the both of ya.

Mrs. Taz