View Full Version : Any musicians out there?

Apr 24, 2007, 8:12 PM
Me again :)

Just wondering if there are, as the title says, any musicians/writers out there? (I'm a singer/songwriter) If so, has anyone ever come up with any songs about being bi?

Apr 24, 2007, 9:03 PM
Wrote a few many years ago that I knew leaned in that direction but were done in ways that could easily be explained with a different interpretation. Have played since I was 14 (does the math) geeez 44 years now...damn is that right?? Still playing as in right now LOL

Ambi :)

Apr 24, 2007, 10:51 PM
I have unfinished lyrics stuffed in my notebook about a cross dressing woman that seduces a man.


Apr 24, 2007, 11:25 PM
Long ago i played drums pretty good but my skills really shine when it comes to my Skin flute & butt bongo playing....lol :flag3:

Apr 25, 2007, 1:06 AM
I've cut 5 cd's....never thought about writing a bi song. Thank you for the idea. If I can come up with something I'd gladly share.


Apr 25, 2007, 1:26 AM
I play an array of brass instruments and the piano, never been any good at song writing though... It'd be interesting to hear some songs about being bi, if anybody writes one please post it..


Apr 25, 2007, 2:01 AM
There's an electronic song by a Norwegian group Royksopp called "Circuit Breaker". I think they wrote the lyrics as being a guy attracted to a girl, but you can also listen to it and think of it as a bicurious kinda thing... err at least that's what I do ;)

Apr 25, 2007, 3:10 AM
I play guitar, bass, drums, and keys. Have not thought about writing a song about being bi.

Apr 25, 2007, 9:54 AM
I just remembered.... There was a techno called "I do both Jay and Jane"... it was lame as hell and kinda re-inforced the image of the "party" bisexual.

You can have a listen Here... (http://www.mp3.com/albums/416566/summary.html?from=338991&q=techno)

Don't say I didn't warn you. It's teh lame.


Apr 25, 2007, 2:31 PM
Hi , I can not sing a lick,lol. I tried once to learn how to plat the fiddle,but did not have the drive to see it thru.. When i quite learning it,i could play Has Ft. Worth ever crossed your mine ral slowly when i quit. Iwished like hell now i had seen it thru. I want to try again but the arthritis in my damm fingers won't let me be nimble enuff to to work the strings on the neck of the fiddle,:(. Oh well shit happens,lol. But i gratly admire people who can sing or play any musical instruments!!! :flag3:

Apr 25, 2007, 9:56 PM
I'm professional musician. I composed with such great names in Scandinavian Black Metal scene, and toured with them.

I even recorded solo album for my beloved wife when we had some problems in marriedge. I wrote it all, whole music and lyrics, that was very brutal, and at the end it was as usual, symphonic Black Metal style with my extremly high vocals and some grim guests male vocals.

Apr 25, 2007, 10:41 PM
I wrote a few songs when I was a teenager, for some friends that had a band. Only one that fits the topic was one about a girl I met in a nightclub while on visiting London. We drank champagne and danced all night. At least I think it was champagne... may have been cherry cola for I know (I was pretty trashed). Anyway, she said she was gonna "make me a man," and I went home with her, only to find out she was a he.

Needless to say, I was pretty mixed up and shook up, but wow, what a night. As soon as I got back to my hotel, I sat down and quickly wrote a couple of verses about the whole experience. Unfortunately, when I returned home I couldn't find the notes anywhere. I must have left them in the hotel room. I can't imagine what the next person who stayed in that room must have thought about my lyrics!

I've always wondered what happened to that girl, too. Ah well, girls will be boys and boys will be girls, I guess.

Apr 25, 2007, 10:53 PM
You couldn't find a notes? That never happens to me, i remember everything, every single note, no need to write them at all.

Apr 25, 2007, 11:15 PM
If playing the "mouth organ "and the "flute" make me a musician... the i am one ..heheheheheehehe :bigrin:

Apr 26, 2007, 10:22 AM
Drums, bass, guitar, and keys. Decided not to pursue going pro after college. Instead, became an audio engineer. Now work on the technical side of the entertainment industry freelance. Still play music and have a studio, but just for my own personal enjoyment.

Apr 26, 2007, 6:24 PM
I'm a singer-songwriter. I play guitar and drums. Not too long ago I came up with a tune that hints at bisexuality among other things. That's basically where I'm at these days regarding my bisexuality. I'm feeling kind of camouflaged. I'm not really able to come out to anyone, not even myself.

Anyway, here are some of the lyrics to that song I wrote.

The chorus goes,

Born like a refrigerator
warm tyke in an incubator
and I remember I remember

Hot spike, you're an instigator
Butch dyke you negotiator
and I remember a warm November
and I remember I remember

Thanks, that's all for now.


Skater Boy
Jun 5, 2007, 2:53 PM
"Every year is getting shorter... never seem to find the time, plans that either come to naught, or half a page of scribbled lines..."

Rings true, I'm afraid. I sold my precious Gibson a few months back... I needed the money, and I'm getting more into Flamenco guitar these days. I don't think I'll ever let go of music, but I'll probably never be a successful musician either. Shame... apparently its good for your sex life...

Jun 5, 2007, 2:55 PM
Half assed bassist. Just haven't had the time lately.

Jun 5, 2007, 3:01 PM
i am a singer/songwriter and musician and i have come up with a few songs about bisexuality. they are quite old though, many years ago.

Jun 5, 2007, 5:09 PM
I'm a singer and songwriter, and I write lyrics about many many things, but curiously, i've never even thought of writing lyrics that are directly about my being bi....think I may have to try it...though my english reservedness may force me to write them in a way that could be interpreted differently.... :bigrin:

Skater Boy
Jun 5, 2007, 6:00 PM
i've never even thought of writing lyrics that are directly about my being bi....think I may have to try it...though my english reservedness may force me to write them in a way that could be interpreted differently.... :bigrin:

Hehe, yes, I think that happens quite a bit these days... vague lyrics with double meanings and innuendo... Its cool, I suppose. Although sometimes I long for a sense of honesty...

Jun 5, 2007, 10:27 PM
...We drank champagne and danced all night. At least I think it was champagne... may have been cherry cola for I know (I was pretty trashed). Anyway, she said she was gonna "make me a man," and I went home with her, only to find out she was a he....

Next guest in the room must have been Ray Davies... (How many of us are old enough to remember The Kinks and "Lola"?)

I play guitar, some woodwinds. After many years of minimal playing, over the last 4 years or so I've gotten back into it, probably playing the best I ever have now. I wrote some songs in high school and college, never had any confidence in my lyric writing, but decent at the tunes. Starting to get back at that as well, and less critical of my lyrics these days. No "bi" lyrics yet, tho...

Jun 6, 2007, 6:43 AM
I play guitar, and while I love playing rock on my leccy guitars, for pure enjoyment I have always most enjoyed the purer and sweeter sound of acoustic. Folk music has always been a love and have done some pub and club singing in the past. I have and do write songs, but only two about my sexuality.

This I wrote just after my marriage disintegrated into chaos because of who and what I am.

Farewell to Bri (living the lie)

I'm just the same little girl you've always known
Never wanted to hurt you
Dont need to say the words
Cant look you in the eye
But not for shame of what I am
But for the pain in your mind

Forgive me for that burnin spear
I have thrust into your gentle heart
But I cant live that lie any more
Let me be who I am
Bless me and forgive my sin
The living of that lie

You cant live with what I need
You cant be and see
You can never be who and what I want
So can never be truly yours
Forgive me for living the lie
Forgive me before you die
Now I go and leave you be
Now I leave we can both be free

Jun 6, 2007, 9:25 AM
i used to be guilt tripped into playing the clarinet... think i was traumatized 'cuz i never picked up another instrument seriously, but i love music and always have one tune or another going through me head

Jun 6, 2007, 9:52 AM
Fran, let them have Linnet. Much luv

Jun 7, 2007, 12:11 PM
Its only a love song Sam, and not a very good one. But to those who dont know Linnet was the first girl I ever truly loved. She was always around our house when I was a kind being my sisters friend, Its the stroy of our in the end unhappy relationship. Helly is my sister, and Linnet was my name for Lynnette. Im not sure now looking back, but she as much as anyone and probably more than most made me question my sexuality, not by words or deed, just by being Linnet.


I was only little
But you were always there
You an Helly together
Me forever in your hair

O Linnet I worshipped you
Linnet God so fair
Tall and fun and took a care
Even when I tugged your hair
You smiled at me

As I grew you and she
Out trawlin on the town
Boys forever in the place
Music screamin round
Linnet I hated all of them
They turned my stomache sick
I saw their hands on your ass
An where they shudnt be
Linnet I started hatin you
Cos they were no good
You stopped smiling at me
An swore at me so crude

Time rolled by I moved along
Made my own life’s way
Had my man all to me
He was kind and good
Our life wasnt great but it was peace
Which was just what I need
My mind no longer obsessed by her
My man he was for me
And then the day came when we met
And my man he had to go

Linnet I couldn’t help myself
I just had to see you smile
Once again straight at me
The way only that you could
Linnet I threw myself
Right at your feet
You smiled in that lovely way
That once had made me weak

You asked me to go with you
Just down the street
Where we could sit and talk and eat
And laugh about our lives
As then I was about to leave
You took me by the hand
And pulled me in your arms
The way I’d often dreamed you would
Your lips met mine we kissed and sighed
We were lost in our love
Life now changed
Linnet you were mine

We laughed we loved we cried
Or lives were just as one
I never thought that it could end
But Linnet you proved me wrong

The day you went away with her I died
My life was at an end
You lied an said I was the one
But I knew she was more than friend
…. I knew she was more than friend
…….more than friend

Jun 7, 2007, 4:04 PM
I love playing with my pink picallo :)

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Jun 7, 2007, 4:35 PM
I love playing with my pink picallo :)

Cheers Chook :bigrin:
Not wot Mrs Chook sez...she sez its been so long since either of yas cud find it yas forgotten how!!!! :tong:

Jun 7, 2007, 7:02 PM
Not wot Mrs Chook sez...she sez its been so long since either of yas cud find it yas forgotten how!!!! :tong:

Admit it Fran you would absolutely love to BLOW a few tunes on my little picallo...he he he he :)

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Jun 7, 2007, 7:14 PM

plenty of songs

plenty of poems

i have a few ;) :cool: :bipride:

Jun 7, 2007, 7:49 PM
Admit it Fran you would absolutely love to BLOW a few tunes on my little picallo...he he he he :)

Cheers Chook :bigrin:I have never blown a little 1 in my life and will not ruin my reputation now!!! :bigrin:

Jun 7, 2007, 9:58 PM
i have played the piano since i was little, and the guitar for 4 years now
i write a lot of songs about guys and even more about girls, but not anything about me being actually bi
maybe i should...

Jun 8, 2007, 1:08 AM
I have never blown a little 1 in my life and will not ruin my reputation now!!! :bigrin:

Now the truth comes out...........you like em BIG huh ;) :)

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Jun 8, 2007, 5:42 AM
Now the truth comes out...........you like em BIG huh ;) :)

Cheers Chook :bigrin:
Once chook, once darling I was rather fond blowing of a nice decent tune, but now Ive found not a tin whistle but a rather yummie classical orchestra of sweetness, light and a crescendo of beautiful music... and it don involve picallos large small or any size in between baby. :bigrin:

Jul 31, 2007, 5:46 AM
Well, I'm not much of a songwriter, but I have played guitar...mostly lead for about 25 years or so. I love blues and classic rock, but will listen to nearly everything.


Aug 13, 2007, 2:22 PM
wow, lots of singer/songwriters here. I am a working pro musician, Symphony orchestra percussionist, also opera & ballet orchestra. I also teach - both private lessons and at the college level. Used to be a middle & high school band director but moved on to the college level along with the symphony job.

Can't help much with the question you asked, but noticed how many people here were identifying as songwriters so had to put myself on.

I wonder how many other "working pro" musicians there are in this special community

Aug 19, 2007, 8:19 PM
All my compositions are instrumental (for orchestra no less) - it's an intriguing subject though. I have sometimes pondered over writing something like "Erotic Variations" - it would be a fun one to explore.

(There IS a piece out there called "EROTICON" but I know nothing about it beyond the title).

Aug 29, 2007, 1:49 PM
me too <raising hand>... classically trained in clarinet/tenor sax, played as a serious pro for years (jump-blues bandleader & front sax/MC), but now only play avocationally.

One of these days, it would be nice to do some group sax with a strumpet section ;-) ... LOL

Skater Boy
Aug 29, 2007, 1:52 PM
One of these days, it would be nice to do some group sax with a strumpet section ;-) ... LOL

haha, good one! :bigrin:

Aug 30, 2007, 12:06 PM
haha, good one! :bigrin:

Thanks, Skater...

Here's one of my "messed with" famous songs that I originally posted over at LitErotica (http://forum.literotica.com/showthread.php?t=433971&page=6):

Strap-On Sally

Strap-On Sally...
Think you better slow your Strap-On down.
Strap-On Sally now...
Think you better slow your Strap-On down.
You been slammin' me deep and sound, babe...
Now put your flat feet on the ground.

All I wantcha do is ride my ass Sally
Ride, Sally, ride.
All I wantcha do is ride my ass Sally
Ride, Sally, ride.
All I wantcha do is ride my ass Sally
Ride, Sally, ride.

All of these early mornings, babe,
You get to hear my big-O cries!

I bought you a brand new Strap-On
A silicone 9 X 3
Don't be wastin' time
Teasing me woman,
I know you wanna ass-bang me!

Strap-On Sally...
Think you better slow your Strap-On down.

You been slammin' me deep and sound now, Baby...
Now put your flat feet on the ground.

All I wantcha do is ride my ass Sally
Ride, Sally, ride.
All I wantcha do is ride my ass Sally
Ride, Sally, ride.
All I wantcha do is ride my ass Sally
Ride, Sally, ride.

-- yuk yuk --

Apr 11, 2015, 8:46 AM
Bump da da da bump