View Full Version : Tips for receiving anal?

Apr 23, 2007, 5:41 PM
I've never been a bottom before, but I the thought of it and am really curious to try it. Everytime I try to experiment (by myself), however, it's uncomfortable and hurts a bit, although the orgasms I have while doing so are far more intense. Does anyone suggestions to make it easier?

Apr 23, 2007, 5:49 PM
Anal sex is like a fine wine, never to be served until its time. It must be loving and slowly initiated. The build up to it should begin either in the shower or hot soapy bubble bath. Feeling your lover washing and caressing you while you anticipate what you know is coming. Feeling a warm soapy washcloth gently caressing and preparing you, then being rinsed down and stepping out of the tub to the waiting arms of your lover who slowly dries your body, while kissing you all over.

You’re lead to your bed and you lay face down on your bed exposing your ass. You feel a little exposed but yet excited as you feel your lover kisses on your ass. Hands touching you and opening you up. Hot lips on your ass. Feeling the tip of a tongue on one of the most private parts of you body you shiver as your love continues to kiss and tongue your ass. You feeling their tongue going in and out as their hands caress your ass and you push back to take more and more of their tongue.

Moaning you beg them to take you, to make love to you. You feel your lover slide between your cheeks, kissing your neck as you push back to feel your lover against you. You’re so excited as you feel your lover gently entering you. You push back letting your lover know you want more and begin to rock your hips as your lover makes love to you.

Your lover reached around and begins to play with you as they thrust in and out in rhythm with your hips as you push back and forth. They thrust deeper and continue to play with you until both of you climax. Holding each other you look in your lover’s eyes smiling telling them tomorrow night it’s your turn to be on the receiving end.

Some links to anal sex:

Advanced Anal Sex Techniques - http://www.sexuality.org/l/incoming/aanal.html

Ten Rules of Anal Sex - http://www.sexuality.org/authors/morin/analrule.html

Anal Sex - http://www.sexhealth.org/bettersex/anal.shtml

RELAX, RELAX, RELAX... http://tperkins.com/anal/painless.html#relax

Apr 23, 2007, 6:46 PM
If it hurts you aren't relaxed. If you aren't relaxed it won't work. No amount of lube will replace relaxation.

Apr 23, 2007, 7:43 PM
Oh Billy Campbell....next time I am in Maryland....can I buy you a drink and dinner? If dessert is what you described, I would melt.


Apr 23, 2007, 8:16 PM
maby it's not your thing. not all people take to anal. all are different. do you play with it and get it ready, get it hot like you would do a female pussy, do you clean it out first? lot of questions ? never force it you might tear the lining which is very delicate. check on search engines like google and look for anal sex and suggestions. this is one that you have to work out for your self. all are different. remember to treat it gentile and enjoy the sensations. if it hurts it's wrong. but then again this is only my :2cents: make shure you have the right partner, unlike when popping a cherry on a girl, someone could cause you some real damage to the walls which are thin and sensitive. use a lot of lube and go slow. like any other part of the body it must get used to it and depending on which part of the body it will take time.

Apr 23, 2007, 8:18 PM
I'm with onewhocares! We should all sign up for a night with Billy! Got HOT just reading it! Whoever is on the receiving end with him will have one hot time!


Apr 23, 2007, 8:30 PM
Wow, thank you everyone for the advice, and the links! Billy, I think you've earned yourself a few admirers! :P

miller lite man
Apr 23, 2007, 9:31 PM
:) our soul sister sez she wants anal sex..I can fuck her in her ass, but wants me to cumm on her cute butt. .It's gonna be a first, for me to do anal with anyone.
We plan to use plenty of KY warming oil,for this and any sexual play.

Apr 23, 2007, 10:56 PM
Remember, you don't HAVE to take anything.

I have tried toys/fingers by myself and from others and I can't relax enough and it just feels like going to the bathroom backwards and it's very uncomfortable.

A friend tells me I'd be a top (even mostly a top for oral sex too) but I don't really go by that label and I'm not even that into anal sex anyway.

Apr 23, 2007, 10:56 PM
I am in, too!!


Oh Billy Campbell....next time I am in Maryland....can I buy you a drink and dinner? If dessert is what you described, I would melt.


Apr 23, 2007, 11:04 PM
Practical tips:

Relax, Relax, Relax..
Relaxation is the key and leads to incredible experiences!!!


Apr 23, 2007, 11:37 PM
I think thats plenty enough of "relax" tips. With that many, its just gonna make people stress about being relaxed =P Take your time to enjoy the sensation and you will slowly move toward what feels pleasant to you.

Apr 23, 2007, 11:57 PM
I tried adding this into my post but it wouldn't let me edit/delete my old post.

I have tried toys/fingers by myself and from others and I can't relax enough and it just feels like going to the bathroom backwards and it's very uncomfortable.

Remember, you don't HAVE to take anything.

Nobody says you have to do anal sex unless you want to.

I know lots of guys who don't do it or like it for a number of reasons (personal taste, saftey, they're not into it, they'd rather do other types of sex, they find it to be basically improvising heterosexual sex with a man, they're not wired for it, or they find it to be dirty and unclean).

A friend tells me I'd be a top (even mostly a top for oral sex too) but I don't really go by that label and I'm not even that into anal sex anyway.

I've heard that nitrates (also called poppers) work really well but I'd rather smell them while dancing. ;)

Apr 24, 2007, 12:10 AM
Does anyone have cleaning techniques to share prior to anal sex? :bigrin:

my life
Apr 24, 2007, 12:13 AM
Well I happen to enjoy the pleasures of anal sex. Both giving and receiving. I agree with the comments by Billy Campbell that making the prelude to anal sex is as erotic as I can imagine. For me a frame of mind is key, knowing that we both anticipate the journey to come and take our time and savour the moment is wonderful. The path from arousal to climax can be spectacular...I know I have been lucky to have found a good partner. I also like both the real thing and toys. Just respect each other wishes and desires and lots of lube. We have found that Adam and Eve makes an awesome anal lube.


Count me amoung Billy Campbells fan club.....where do we sign up?

Apr 24, 2007, 1:18 AM
Does anyone have cleaning techniques to share prior to anal sex? :bigrin:

I've been told that as long as you take a crap and then wash on the outside with soap and water you'll be fine and that you should avoid douching with water or chemicals since it takes the natural mucus lining of the rectum and increases your chances for STDs, bleeding, and not to mention taking/getting water into yourself isn't the most fun activity in the world!

However, if I were ever going to rim someone or be rimmed I'd douche myself with water or ask them to and I'd only do it to a partner or someone who I know really well even though I have both vaccinations for Hep A and B, but that's just me being picky.

Apr 24, 2007, 7:07 AM
I'm with everyone else. Relaxation first, lots of water based lube, and don't forget the condoms! :2cents:

Apr 24, 2007, 11:12 AM
It is also recommended that in order to totally clear out the poop chute---do an enema beforehand----

Judas Imok
Apr 24, 2007, 6:34 PM
Does anyone have cleaning techniques to share prior to anal sex? :bigrin:

All I do is make sure I am all emptied out by having used the toilet recnetly, take a quick shower with warm soap and water and just make sure I am clean out side. To be extra sure, I also gently stick a finger partway in a couple times. It does the job just fine.

Enema's are fine, but unless your literally sick and your bowel movements aren't reasonably solid, I don't honestly think it necessary. But that is only my opinion.

*hugs and kisses*

Apr 25, 2007, 7:50 PM
I am in, too!!


:bigrin: ;) :tong:

Apr 25, 2007, 7:51 PM
Well I happen to enjoy the pleasures of anal sex. Both giving and receiving. I agree with the comments by Billy Campbell that making the prelude to anal sex is as erotic as I can imagine. For me a frame of mind is key, knowing that we both anticipate the journey to come and take our time and savour the moment is wonderful. The path from arousal to climax can be spectacular...I know I have been lucky to have found a good partner. I also like both the real thing and toys. Just respect each other wishes and desires and lots of lube. We have found that Adam and Eve makes an awesome anal lube.


Count me amoung Billy Campbells fan club.....where do we sign up?

:bigrin: ;) :tong:

Apr 25, 2007, 7:52 PM
I'm with onewhocares! We should all sign up for a night with Billy! Got HOT just reading it! Whoever is on the receiving end with him will have one hot time!


:bigrin: ;) :tong: