View Full Version : Primitive Living Skills - Any Others?

Apr 20, 2007, 12:34 PM
I happen to be a bi guy who's into primitive living skills, experimental archaeology, and more (see profile). I'd like to meet a guy and/or a gal who is into primitive living, but:

a) primitive-skills enthusiasts of any gender/orientation are relatively rare here,
b) women into getting outdoors and getting a little dirty (non-sexual) are rare,
c) bisexual/gay men into primitive living skills are even rarer

I have met others who share my interests; though we tend to be scattered far and wide.

Apr 20, 2007, 1:22 PM
Perhaps you could provide some more information about what exactly you mean by "primitive living skills."

I have some idea about what you are talking about, but my ideas may be incorrect---

Do you mean living totally without most or many modern conveniences?
Living a more green lifestyle using a mix of new and old technologies? Live "primitive" when going camping or as a complete lifestyle?

Please specify----thanks....

Apr 20, 2007, 4:02 PM
If by primitive living skills you mean someone who can live in and off the land with out any modern conveniences, then I can say I have those skills. I've done it before. Doesnt mean that its all that fun though. You do work your ass off if my understanding is correct. These days Im willing to go down to primitive camping for short bits, but thats it.

Apr 20, 2007, 4:07 PM
man i like air conditioning

Apr 20, 2007, 4:13 PM
Exactly. Climate controled environments rock.

meteast chick
Apr 20, 2007, 4:28 PM
Hey I don't mind getting physically dirty, but as a woman, indoor plumbing is soooooooo nice...

Apr 20, 2007, 6:06 PM
I've never actually tried it, hands-on, but the concept (and I suppose you could call it ethics?) behind it is very intrigueing to me. I agree with a lot of it, theorectically, though am skeptical of how well I would personally fare in the practical matters.

I do respect anyone who can do it, though. I'm willing to try on a small scale to start.

Apr 21, 2007, 2:05 AM
Living primitive sounds good-but the reality is---it is pretty damn hard to sustain oneself these days just from "living off the land"---that is due to so many factors--but primarily the way we have structured our society and the impacts man has had upon the land--it is simply not possible for a person to be totally self-sufficient these days. You can't hunt or trap but certain times of the year and limits are set on the number of animals you can take--things like that...

I think that the model to strive for would be to live as "green" as possible.

Examples of that: building your living structure out of strawbales and using natural materials to seal over the straw--but that is problematic in many places because the local building codes would not allow for such home construction.

You can use composting toilets and such--non-bleached toilet paper that decomposes quickly---use wind and solar power for electric or use more energy efficient means of heating/cooling such as geothermal and have water recycling systems. Collect rainwater to water home grown fruits and veggies.

You can either not have a car at all---not always practical--but own a green car such as a hybrid--

There are ways to reduce your " energy footprint" but the fact is--unless you go way out away from civilization to say maybe Montana or Alaska---living primitive sounds good---but it is really no longer a viable option if you are more than just a single person or a couple....if you have kids--fogedaboudit!!!!

I doubt if there are many places in much of Europe that living primitive is a viable option---perhaps way out in the bush in Australia----

I have to say that for me---it sounds good to live in a more enviromentally friendly manner--but I do like air conditioning in the summer and I like to run motor boats--which admittedly---unless you do something where you work on the water and have a reason beyond "just having fun"-- running a boat to have fun is a pretty wasteful thing to do--they use up lots of gas and make their fair share of pollution. I do kayak and sail, but I still love to buzz around in the pontoon boat or on a PWC---

So--I have to admit--I am not so green--and the artwork I do and now the decorative painting business I am starting----those things are not very green...they use up lots of paints and other things that probably are very energy wasteful to produce--so I am no saint that way!!!!!

Apr 21, 2007, 5:52 AM
Hmmm, I didn't read into your thread that you live primitive full time. Do you? It sounded more like you want a camping companion for the summer. . . maybe longer. All of my camping is primitive (BLM land) with no facilities whatsoever. I really enjoy it and think I was born way to late in history. Well, we'll probably get back to nature after the apocalypse. I'm really sorry I won't be around for that...probably. Anyway, I love the wildlife and wish you the best on your journey.

Apr 21, 2007, 9:05 AM
truthfully i think it's all primitive anyways... even the highest technology is still just mixing the elements around to provide a result, but the basic elements are still just that.. basic elements

having said that i do love the outdoors, and getting back to and respecting nature, and i miss the more peaceful and quiet living of the country greatly

but i always find that no matter where i go, i'm still there and i'm smart enough to know that electricity for better or worse is a wonderful tool lol

it's just really hard to forget that beer tastes better cold lol

Apr 21, 2007, 10:02 AM
I'm not sure exactly what "primitive" means but I suppose many people have accused me of having "primitive" skills!! LOL

I am sorry to say that I don't like getting dirty (in almost any context) and I don't know exactly why. I have nothing specific against it but just prefer to be on the "clean" side

Maybe I am missing something fun!!

Good luck..


I happen to be a bi guy who's into primitive living skills, experimental archaeology, and more (see profile). I'd like to meet a guy and/or a gal who is into primitive living, but:

a) primitive-skills enthusiasts of any gender/orientation are relatively rare here,
b) women into getting outdoors and getting a little dirty (non-sexual) are rare,
c) bisexual/gay men into primitive living skills are even rarer

I have met others who share my interests; though we tend to be scattered far and wide.