View Full Version : how to get even with my friend

Apr 19, 2007, 8:02 PM
first I do not want to get even with her in a bad way I want it to be somewhat bad but nice mostly. for a long time and right now she is playing games with my thoughts, she does and saids things to make me think there is some kind of interest there then goes around and make me mad on purpose to push me away then if I go away or sit away from her which we do work closely together, she gets annoyed because I'm not talking to her or close to her there was one time she wanted me to come close to her and I would not so she stop and would not move until I came close to her. Now this has been in another one of my posts so its somewhat of a repeat: she gets in front of me knowing she has a low-cut blouse on and bends over so i can see her breast, rubs up against me, I felt her whole hand on my butt and second she bumps up against me in my mid-section and says nothing. She told me she cares about me which in the beginning without her knowing that i overheard it that she would not allow me to know that she cares about me. When she cooks at home lately she brings me something like: brownies,meatloaf,strawberry cheesecake and a few other desserts but I have asked for some. now I know this could only mean friends but there are other things she does and saids that make me think otherwise, i can feel something when i'm around her and it does not be one-sided, If i'm looking elsewhere she is looking down my blouse at my breast which i have caught her doing it and yes I have been doing it too you can't help it with her because she bends or either does something in a way so you can look at her breast. Then there is this male student who hugs her and she said she did not like it but she has not stopped it yet but yet everytime he does it she looks at me to see my reaction to it and why would she if she did not like me in an another way? sometimes I ask her does she like my clothes and she will give me her opinion but with her sometimes she will ask me about her blouse but yet sometimes show me her breast partially. I feel she is playing games with me and I want to give her a taste of her own medicine so she could see how it feels. that same male student that huggs her also disrespects her every chance he gets and she does nothing about it but say teenage boys will be that way and words are just words, that part of it is true but why send the message to the other sudents indirectly that boys can disrespect me but the girls can't its not right!!! she asked me why do I react like getting annoyed with the student if shes not my mother, I told her she knows why but she still asks me because I think she wants me to say to her I care why would that be so important to her? She Is Playing Games!!!!!!!!! So Please Help Me Get Even With Her By Showing No Reaction To Her Games And Please Also Give Opinions And Advice!!!!!!!!!!! Thank You All!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :female: :(

Apr 19, 2007, 8:11 PM
If you don't like her playing games then tell her so.

DON'T get even or revenage.... it hurts in the end and might ruin the friendship.

Just tell her and then ignore her... show her you mean it.

No one likes drama and games. Sometimes people do it cause they are scared or maybe they aren't really serious but have nothing better to do so they do that cause they know you like it.

Could she be doing that to see what you'll do?? What happens if you touch her when she does that to you??

Tell her you care about her but you're not into playing games like that.

Just my thoughts.


Apr 19, 2007, 8:38 PM
Tasha hits the bullseye again. Also, and at the risk of stating the obvious: at the end of the day, after taking Tasha's advice and seeing the result, you find that the relationship is still bringing you more grief than joy, or in any case more grief than you want to deal with, then why continue? There are always nice, sincere people out there to meet.

Apr 19, 2007, 9:04 PM
As a dude, I can tell you outright how to pi** a woman off in many situations. Before you read the rest, don't go to far with slapping her on the wrist or you could regret it. Anyways.....

If she is constantly flirting and giving you a show, checking you out, and pretending not to care at times, you need to know that not only is she playing with you, she is looking for a reaction.

So as the others have stated in a small way, stop showing that you do care. And while your at it, act like the whole thing isn't happening. When she finally asks what your problem is, tell her, "You are hurting me."

Myself, I would just "out with it".

"Hey, your playing with me. Knock it off or leave."

Apr 19, 2007, 9:16 PM
i agree with Tasha an mindfinding an biwords, ultimately who's playing the game? you or her?

although in one respect it seems ya do hafta work with her... have ya thought of another job?

that to me seems the most rational solution... look for another job, and then make a decision about you and her