View Full Version : Let's raise some shit!

Apr 18, 2007, 11:23 PM
Meaning no disrespect to the folks already in here with threads,but they're starting to wear a little thin. What we need, to satisfy our animal lust, is to start a real head buttin', ass kickin', controversy startin', pull-out-all-the plugs thread. I mean, the cutesy, huggy, make you feel warm all over threads are delightful but we're Bi's here, we love to get it on! I'll start.

Anybody over 4 on the Kinsey Scale doesn't belong here. This site is for Bi's, hence the name. Gays are cute and all and they make great hairdressers and softball players but I wouldn't want my daughter marrying one. They never seem to be looking for anyone. There's no angst, no uncertainty, no curiosity in their profiles. I think they just come over to our site to smirk at us. They flame us on; they know all the answers; they look better in pastels then we do! I say kick'em out!
We should have security checks like they have at the airports. If you know every word to every Elton John song, you're outta here! If you know the difference between puce and lavender, if you can distinguish between mohair and alpaca, if you know that the salad fork goes to the left of the shrimp fork then you so do not belong here!
Am I right??!!

Apr 19, 2007, 12:01 AM
CSRAKATE shakes her head, rolls her eyes and waits for the shit to hit the fan!!


Fire Lotus
Apr 19, 2007, 12:07 AM
Let's raise some shit?

No, let's not!

Apr 19, 2007, 12:09 AM

don't worry Kate.....apparently Stanleypark KNOWS where the salad fork goes....so he can be the first to be kicked out! hehehehe!! :bigrin: :bigrin:


Apr 19, 2007, 12:13 AM
I am not very confrontational, as a rule. I guess to some that may be a fault. I don't like to judge or think others are better or worse than me. I respect your right to say what you want, Stanleypark, but the line about kicking people out is one I do not agree with. Bisexual.com is a place for all people to meet and learn and laugh and share, and everything we can do that is respectful of others. We are not about labels or distinguishing who fits in here or not. We don't have that right, we never did, we never will. By doing so, we act like the people that have tormented us all our respective lives by attempting to put us in their defined boxes. I hope you can see my point of view and I hope that you can respect the cutesy threads as much as the more serious topics. Peace and love, my friend. We're in this life together. :bipride:

Long Duck Dong
Apr 19, 2007, 12:19 AM
gives stanley a cement truck to do the mixing and directions to the door to the site...lol......meanwhile, I have a date with many of the sites members, even the ones I don't agree with...... lol

Apr 19, 2007, 12:59 AM
Meaning no disrespect to the folks already in here with threads,but they're starting to wear a little thin. What we need, to satisfy our animal lust, is to start a real head buttin', ass kickin', controversy startin', pull-out-all-the plugs thread. I mean, the cutesy, huggy, make you feel warm all over threads are delightful but we're Bi's here, we love to get it on! I'll start.

Anybody over 4 on the Kinsey Scale doesn't belong here. This site is for Bi's, hence the name. Gays are cute and all and they make great hairdressers and softball players but I wouldn't want my daughter marrying one. They never seem to be looking for anyone. There's no angst, no uncertainty, no curiosity in their profiles. I think they just come over to our site to smirk at us. They flame us on; they know all the answers; they look better in pastels then we do! I say kick'em out!
We should have security checks like they have at the airports. If you know every word to every Elton John song, you're outta here! If you know the difference between puce and lavender, if you can distinguish between mohair and alpaca, if you know that the salad fork goes to the left of the shrimp fork then you so do not belong here!
Am I right??!!
Seriously honey, I know gay men who are considered what most/lots of people would consider hyper "masculine" (masculine put in quotes since while there is an archetype of masculinity it changes over time and there's not a clear cut defintion of just what it IS that makes a male masculine) that they put heterosexual men to shame! ;)

*Puts on his Petshop boys CD for Stanleypark to listen to.

Your post is just riddled with bad stereotypes. Pastels are SOOOO early 1980s! ;)

Plus a 4 on the Kinsey scale is actually someone who's just a bit on the homosexual side in their attractions.

See here with the cute rainbow scale: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinsey_scale

What's wrong with identifying as gay and bi, somewhere in between gay and bisexual, or queer? I do this and I have friends that do too.

Anyway this is Drew's site and you don't have to be bisexual in order to post here or join. LOL it's not like they check ID at the door. Like in John Waters' movie Pecker at the "trade" bar where they ask for "gay ID" LOL

But on the serious side, gay people don't hate us so we shouldn't hate them. I have lots of gay friends that are nothing but supportive of me and bisexuality.

Apr 19, 2007, 1:42 AM
OOOOOh! The flaming has begun and I am the primary target. Well, let's have at it.
Oh and Flex, that was a trick question. The salad fork goes to the left of the escargot tongs, so there.

Apr 19, 2007, 2:02 AM
OOOOOh! The flaming has begun and I am the primary target. Well, let's have at it.
Oh and Flex, that was a trick question. The salad fork goes to the left of the escargot tongs, so there.

So you DO know where it goes!

Don't let the door smack your ass on the way out! (Hey! It was YOUR idea! lol!) :bigrin:

*wonders if Stanleypark has been playing with the squirrels too long...*

Apr 19, 2007, 3:17 AM
Everyone it sounds to me like he either doesn't like what we have here on this site or he just doesn't like gays, but he can't control who is on here so I say just forget about him and the rudeness and just go back to what we are all doing.

Oh btw Stanleypark if their is something you don't like about the site why don't you try sending an email to Drew about it.

Apr 19, 2007, 3:34 AM
Oh, btw Taz, you're a 1- straight...you shouldn't be here either....Flame away!

Apr 19, 2007, 4:31 AM
I took stanleypark's posting to be frivolous rather than rude. Am I the only one?

Apr 19, 2007, 5:27 AM
Frivolous, biwords?
Did it get your hackles up? Did it make you question my supposed/real prejudices? Your own? Get off your high horse and learn to read the real from the bullshit. Learn to laugh. There's an old saying that goes, 'you're only as big as what makes you angry.' If my little :2cents: post made you angry then you'll never be able to face the real antagonisms that WE all face daily. Sure, I'm a shit disturber, I told you I was going to be, and you fell for it anyway. At least I got a reaction out of you and some others. That's a good thing but let's learn to direct our energies towards those that really don't understand us or mean us ill will.
I'm sorry, I thought this post would start a thread of people coming together in a spirit of good-natured, prejudice-busting, self-effacing dialogue. But I guess I was wrong. We're still way too uptight and self-important for that. Flex, you were the only one who saw it. No more from me. I quit.

Apr 19, 2007, 7:46 AM
Stanleypark-I got you, I think my sense of humor is still intact-and my skin is more than 1 micron thick.

Apr 19, 2007, 7:56 AM
let's get a life...

Apr 19, 2007, 9:15 AM
I took stanleypark's posting to be frivolous rather than rude. Am I the only one?

Absolutely!!! This is precisely why I shook my head and rolled my eyes....He wants confrontation and now he is getting it...such a waste of Forum space!!!

Just my :2cents:


Apr 19, 2007, 10:36 AM
Stanleypark-I got you, I think my sense of humor is still intact-and my skin is more than 1 micron thick.

Ditto, made me smile. I think folks need to relax and enjoy a little humor rather than take life so frigging seriously.

Apr 19, 2007, 12:12 PM
Oh, btw Taz, you're a 1- straight...you shouldn't be here either....Flame away!

Yeah your right Stanleypark, I'm straight but their are others here that are straight and we are here for friends and to understand the bisexual side of our spouse.

Apr 19, 2007, 12:39 PM
CSRAKATE shakes her head, rolls her eyes and waits for the shit to hit the fan!!

SIGH!!!!! Texasman6172003,Rolls his eyes right along with Kate,we dont need this crap...

Apr 19, 2007, 12:49 PM
StanleyPark is obviously just muckin around you guys. Gotcha Stanley, well played.

Though you meant no harm, you most certainly did get a reaction huh? You lil pot stir'er. :tongue:


Apr 19, 2007, 1:51 PM
Texasman6172003,Rolls his eyes right along with Kate,we dont need this crap...

*Pounces on box* :soapbox: *smiles*

I agree with you guys.

SP you need to open your fricken eyes. What we have hear is a GOd Damn Family and we are all the Black sheep what ever our Rating is. Why don't you just............ *calms down* why don't you just open your heart. Yes a controversy is great but do you really want to piss off people who are here to learn and to find others like themselves. Yeah some of us are bi, straight and gay but who the hell are you to start this kind of thread. :2cents: we are all hear for each other not just our sexuality but for understanding in a world that doesn't.


Sorry all I got a LITTLE PISSED I thought Hitler had died. :eek:

Apr 19, 2007, 3:32 PM
That's the problem with text on the internet. You can't tell if a person is being serious or not.

I have seen what I thought were gay bashing posts around here and then the poster claimed that they were being sarcastic or said that it was 'all a joke'. :rolleyes:

Apr 19, 2007, 3:41 PM
AstroGlide rolling eyes and shaking head along with the others.......

Look.... up in the sky..... it's a bird.... it's a plane.... it's Superman. Splat.... no.... it was a bird.

Apr 19, 2007, 3:41 PM
Stanleypark... just a word but sarcasm really doesn't carry well in text without the emoticons to take the place of facial expressions, an voice inflections....

Apr 19, 2007, 4:53 PM
Anybody over 4 on the Kinsey Scale doesn't belong here. This site is for Bi's, hence the name. Gays are cute and all and they make great hairdressers and softball players but I wouldn't want my daughter marrying one. They never seem to be looking for anyone. There's no angst, no uncertainty, no curiosity in their profiles. I think they just come over to our site to smirk at us. They flame us on; they know all the answers; they look better in pastels then we do! I say kick'em out!

That's just plain dick. Us and them bullshit like this is why noone takes the queer community seriously. Ugh.

Apr 19, 2007, 7:44 PM
Stanley, you misread me completely. By 'frivolous' I meant light-hearted as opposed to serious or solemn. So, of course I wasn't on a 'high horse', nor was I angry.

Apr 19, 2007, 7:52 PM
What goes around, comes around.

Stanleypark...did you just become a "victim" of your own game? LOL!!

Apr 20, 2007, 4:52 AM
CSRAKATE shakes her head, rolls her eyes and waits for the shit to hit the fan!!

Aint he jus an arsehole Mumsy??? Wer wud me b wivout u???

Yas a tosser Stan if that really is ya view... sure its for bi peeps, but its also for human beins. Str8s, Gays, Transgendered whoeva wants ta try an know an understand who we are an wy.. its for str8 peeps like mumsy who's partner is bi. Its for peeps whether they support us or not who may jus learn a bit about us possibly against ther betta judgement.. its for Gays and lezzies who wetha ya like it or not r kin.. afta all..a lot of us shag em.. an so alot of em must shag us.. they live wiv us..luv us.. hav our insecurities. Who knows ya silly sod...they may even find they really bi themselves...me not sure that aint happened..who can say!

Me knows lotsa gays an lessies don think we exist as a species..they slag us ..tell us we gay or les an bout time we came off the fence.. but wiv ur attitude u as bad as the worst of them..as the worst of the str8 community who treat us as shite..

Jus behave yaself hun... b nice...if we all had ur attitude we wud neva make ne progress. An if ya cant understand that...go find a nice slimy rock 2 crawl unda!!! Ther r enuff gay an str8 fascists wivout havin bloody bi fascists as well!

Apr 20, 2007, 5:00 AM
OOps..tempa tempa Fran dear! :bigrin:

meteast chick
Apr 20, 2007, 10:23 AM
OOps..tempa tempa Fran dear! :bigrin:

Oh Fran me luffly, gotta luff ur fire! And I must say I thought it was well put, and I agree fully!

luv and kisses(and lix for Fran),

Apr 20, 2007, 12:36 PM
HEY!!! EVERYBODY ON THIS THREAD!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

I gotta say its killing me how many of you haven't picked up that he was being sarcastic. More so, he erased his file in disgust of no one having a sense of humor.

Read the thread and the posts. You officially scared away someone who was here in support of their spouse. He was just having a bit of fun. I'm not judging nobody, but he just showed how intolerant and how quick to be offended many of us are.

This thread needs to close. :2cents:

Apr 20, 2007, 2:36 PM
HEY!!! EVERYBODY ON THIS THREAD!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

I gotta say its killing me how many of you haven't picked up that he was being sarcastic. More so, he erased his file in disgust of no one having a sense of humor.

Read the thread and the posts. You officially scared away someone who was here in support of their spouse. He was just having a bit of fun. I'm not judging nobody, but he just showed how intolerant and how quick to be offended many of us are.

This thread needs to close. :2cents:
Of course he was being sarcastic and meaning well by this thread but at the same time, being the Queen of Sarcasm, I know you can also hurt peoples feelings very easily with it when it's misunderstood. Text is the worst to be sarcastic because you lose the whole personalality of your intent. People are hurt in chat constantly because they don't understand the joking around that goes on in there. New people are often on the defensive because of it and inturn misjudged themselves.

While I know Stanley meant well and just wanted to spice up the threads, trying to do so by stirring up a hornets nest was not quite the way to do it because he is the one that ended up getting stung and I'm very sorry for that. He is a nice person and I hope he won't let this keep him away for long.

Apr 21, 2007, 9:13 AM
i have to say i do agree mindfinding....
but i have just one thing to say .....

there's such a thing as a salad fork ???????????????????????????????

:eek: :bigrin:

Apr 21, 2007, 9:26 AM
I admire stanley for having the guts to take on the establishment...obviously there are one or two too many airheads who would rather get a bean bag and discuss irrelevent issues posted on here..

if you dont like the site then leave...

however stanley is just shaking the tree to try and dislodge the dead wood.

I quite agree ref the kinsey(?) rating .....its a crap way of sorting the bi's from the gays from the lesbians to the transgendered.....

I am not a number,I will not be pushed shoved or filed..I am a human being(from the Prisoner I believe..I am a 6 of 1 previous memeber)

Apr 21, 2007, 10:38 AM
There is enough sh@#% in this world

Let's flush this one down the toilet and into the sewer where it belongs!!!

Apr 21, 2007, 8:29 PM
...sigh.....And yet people continue posting without reading the thread. :rolleyes:

you made me laugh. :bigrin: A salad what now?....



Apr 21, 2007, 8:53 PM
...sigh.....And yet people continue posting without reading the thread. :rolleyes:

you made me laugh. :bigrin: A salad what now?....



Sarcasm doesn't work well in real life....and completely loses all tone and body language in text, making it very easily misunderstood - as we see here. :rolleyes:

and on a completely different note.....

a sarad fok....

chiki flied lice...you wanna fok wi dat? :bigrin:

Apr 22, 2007, 11:58 AM
Ah, I think this thread was meant to be controversy for the sake of controvery - I mean, even Stanley doesn't seem to be taking it entirely seriously [unlike in that whole Daisy buisness a month ago or so where she actually believed all the junk she said]. Yeah, I think this is just meant to be humerous/absurd, I mean since when does loving another man have anything to do with cutlery, salad forks, escargot tongs etc... lol

Seriously, Stan's thread even starts with a statement saying that he wants to cause some controversy for the sake of it because he was bored. Perhaps this is a joke that didn't quite work or whatever. I mean it is certainly quite ironic [eg; Stan's knowledge of where salad forks, escargot tongs etc... go when he said it should be used as a test ]

We should have security checks like they have at the airports. If you know every word to every Elton John song, you're outta here! If you know the difference between puce and lavender, if you can distinguish between mohair and alpaca, if you know that the salad fork goes to the left of the shrimp fork then you so do not belong here!

I REALLY doubt this was intended to be taken seriously lol

Izzfan :flag3:

Apr 22, 2007, 12:47 PM
lol...i'm amused by this thread.