View Full Version : feeling Old today

Apr 17, 2007, 1:05 AM
Some days - don't your kids make you feel, just ......old?
Off they went together to school, fresh faced, innocent ( :eek: ) and blooming with youth.
My 16 yr old only wears thongs - she has a self-administered Brazillian - she has a body to die for and worse she has an Ipod and can use it!
After they left - I was still in the "get them off to school" pre-shower trackies - I looked at myself!
Boobs and belly are losing the fight against gravity, but the cellulite on my bum is winning and I'm patently, ......hairy!
I only seem to read work-related stuff and my underwear drawer is full of functional and sensible stuff. - not 100%, I still try.............but........................
As I said, sometimes just looking at them makes me feel positively ancient.
(And just to add to the woes, atm my sex-life is zero. Dean's in Karratha till June and there's no o'seas trips scheduled for me to be naughty on!)
No comments needed, really, just a kerfuffle rant!
Inna sighs and eats another Tim-Tam!

Apr 17, 2007, 1:32 AM
Hey, maybe this'll cheer you up...
A guy walks into a bar asks the bartender for 12 Martinis. It's odd but the bartender makes them and watches the guy throw them back one after the other. His curiosity gets the better of him so he asks the fellow the reason for this unusual behaviour. "Oh" says the customer "I'm celebrating my first blow job." "That's great" says the bartender, "In that case let me buy you the 13th."
"Thanks" says the customer "but if 12 don't take the taste outta my mouth, 13 ain't gonna help."
Oh, and I understand about that 'hair' thing. Don't those little buggers pop out of the most bizarre places when you hit a certain age? Stay strong girl, we're all in this together.

Apr 17, 2007, 3:24 AM
I feel old and I don't even have kids! :eek:

Apr 17, 2007, 3:57 AM
Wanna trade? It's getting to the point that to feel younger I'll soon have to be visiting nursing homes. You know you're getting old when you're checking the obituary page daily to check up on old friends you've lost contact with...and praying you don't discover yourself listed.

Ambi :)

Apr 17, 2007, 11:13 AM
When I started feeling like that Ken told me something that I will pass on to you. We are never OLD. We are simply Old-ER. Age is just a number.

Personally I wouldn't want to floss my tush with a thong. They're NOT that comfortable. As for her self-administered Brazillian...OWCH!

Remember, no matter how young she is, you will ALWAYS be wiser and know more.

Apr 17, 2007, 11:19 AM
George Burns once said, and I quote, "YOUNG, OLD... JUST WORDS"


Apr 17, 2007, 12:15 PM
Some days - don't your kids make you feel, just ......old?
Off they went together to school, fresh faced, innocent ( :eek: ) and blooming with youth.
My 16 yr old only wears thongs - she has a self-administered Brazillian - she has a body to die for and worse she has an Ipod and can use it!
After they left - I was still in the "get them off to school" pre-shower trackies - I looked at myself!
Boobs and belly are losing the fight against gravity, but the cellulite on my bum is winning and I'm patently, ......hairy!
I only seem to read work-related stuff and my underwear drawer is full of functional and sensible stuff. - not 100%, I still try.............but........................
As I said, sometimes just looking at them makes me feel positively ancient.
(And just to add to the woes, atm my sex-life is zero. Dean's in Karratha till June and there's no o'seas trips scheduled for me to be naughty on!)
No comments needed, really, just a kerfuffle rant!
Inna sighs and eats another Tim-Tam!
This thread just made my day :) :girl: kept up fight against gravity.My Son is 25 the daugther is 22 ;)

Apr 17, 2007, 3:04 PM
Thank you Innaminka, even though I don't have children I feel your pain. It's so strange to see babies you cared for now having babies of their own. I look at old pictures and see where my boobs use to be. Then to top it off my doctor all but told me I was getting old and that it was probably time to start estrogen. OH LUCKY ME!

We are not getting older, we're just aged to perfection.

Apr 17, 2007, 3:16 PM
God Rana...an me has that 2 cum??? Make me feel old jus thinkin bout it..mind u... won havta c wer me boobies used ta b...if they go like me bloody grans it will b jus a matta of how nice an smooth they used ta be!!! God..me feelin really old all of a sudden!!! Go like me gran??? omg!!!!

Apr 17, 2007, 3:19 PM
God Rana...an me has that 2 cum??? Make me feel old jus thinkin bout it..mind u... won havta c wer me boobies used ta b...if they go like me bloody grans it will b jus a matta of how nice an smooth they used ta be!!! God..me feelin really old all of a sudden!!! Go like me gran??? omg!!!!
Did your gran use to get sloshed and break her wrists too? :tong:

Apr 17, 2007, 3:27 PM
Did your gran use to get sloshed and break her wrists too? :tong:
Wrist ya sarcy cow!! :tong: Ole bat wos t total till day she died... an if me eva goes like 'er me slashin me wrists!! :(

Apr 18, 2007, 1:49 AM
Gosh, I'm 51 and feel like a teenager! (well, almost). Partly good genes, and partly denial, both of which I highly recommend. Then again, the genes virtually ensure that cancer will get me in the end, so, um, it's a mixed bag, like everything.

Apr 18, 2007, 10:10 AM
i'm a toys r us kid. decided a long time ago not to grow up. that's someone else's job. 46 going on 16 thats me , just on the days when my arthritis acts up i move slower. kit

Apr 18, 2007, 10:26 AM
Me vewwy vewwy mature!!!! Wot life's bout innit?? Growin up an actin responsibly!!!!Becummin old an dull an neva puttin a foot wrong.. treatin authority wiv the respect an preservin wot we hav..fallin inta line wiv society's ethos.. raisin kids 2 raise grankids.. wearin granny knickers an tartan ankle covrin slippers.. skirts wich aint up round ya arse an all ya skin is respectfully covered.. raisin ya eyebrows at the antics of kids.. bein xenophobic..disapprovin of all sortsa fun... curlers in ya silver hair an teeth in the jar at the side of the bed.. fadin away gracefully an wiv dignity!!

Sod off!!! Gimme goin out wiv a bang ne time an bein bloody disgraceful... this our 1 shot at livin so me makin best of it..gettin old aint in the plans...