View Full Version : Mirror, mirror...

Apr 16, 2007, 9:49 PM
I happened to check out Selfellatio's profile and it raised an interesting, albeit narcissistic question in my mind. If I met my exact double, my clone, if you will, in a club or somewhere, would I be attracted to me/him? Why? Why not?

Apr 17, 2007, 1:12 AM
Not getting any posts here. I obviously phrased the question incorrectly or more likely, no one gives a shit. LOL.
Would you find yourself attracted to your double if you encountered him/her/it?
It's a silly post I know but I'm sick to death of reading another chapter in the book of how barbaric humans can be sometimes.

Apr 17, 2007, 3:33 AM
Well, I used to be able to suck my own cock, if that tells ya anything. :tongue:

I don't think I would mind having sex with the whole me (double) in a pinch but I'd prefer sexing up someone else.... anyone else. :three:

Apr 17, 2007, 3:48 AM
Not getting any posts here. I obviously phrased the question incorrectly or more likely, no one gives a shit. LOL.
Would you find yourself attracted to your double if you encountered him/her/it?
It's a silly post I know but I'm sick to death of reading another chapter in the book of how barbaric humans can be sometimes.

Interesting question and to be truthful and at the risk of also sounding narcissistic I more than likely would be. The notion has passed my mind before when posing the question of: What I would attractive about a male, especially on a physical level. Living the majority of my life as a straight heterosexual male it's never been an issue in discerning those qualities that I find attractive in a woman on a physical level when I was younger and on an inner level as well as I got older...but I never thought about attractiveness in regard to a male until I began coming to this site, and began to allow myself that freedom.
Giving myself permission to go there, opened up a lot of those inner doors as I began to create a more lucid fantasy of that make believe individual and would use all males in general as the pallet to create from. Since attractiveness is subjective. the notion of a clone became one possibility because it would be someone I’m already comfortable with, trust, and generally hold in high regard. I’m comfortable with myself physically for the most part and fit the not overly masculine with a balanced hint of the feminine persona that I’m already use too. I possess those physical attributes that I’d seek smooth body somewhat muscular, longish hair, and selfishly judgmental perhaps but I’ll include, well endowed as well LOL.
Where the real brain twister would be for me is, if I ran into my clone and it was 20 years younger that my current age would the attraction be mutual or would I blow myself off as being too old. Imagine being rejected by yourself, and at 36 I would have been a lot more self-centered and shallow-minded than I am now and probably not have recognized the value that comes with the wisdom of age…..Hmmmm Something new to ponder
Thanks Stan LOL

Ambi :)

Apr 17, 2007, 6:37 AM
I would not like to spend a significant amount of time with someone exactly like me. I like people whose values I share. I enjoy interact with very smart people. The best match for me is someone to keep me away from the same (comfortable) life experience all the time, so that I expand my horizons mentally and emotionally. Sometimes it is very stimulating to be with someone totally different. Yet, the older I get, uneventful days become more satisfying. So, I am relatively happy with me.
Then, of course there is SEX, I need someone who is capable of sharing with me extreme sexual pleasure, where our higher brain functions shutdown and genitals spasm with delight :bigrin: .


Apr 17, 2007, 8:25 AM
Yes, and then I thought of my poor wife-one of me is a handful but two would certainly kill her. A very amusing post. I do on a more serious vein think that on a physical level I am attracted to men that are somewhat but not exactly like myself in phenotype.

Apr 17, 2007, 10:28 AM
I think that if you where to go to a club and found your double that you wouldnt' like them because who wants someone that is just like you where is the fun in that. I mean think about it. I wouldnt' like it all. lil bit

Apr 17, 2007, 10:35 AM
On the up side if I were to sleep with an exact double, I would know where all the buttons were and so would my double. The sex would be fantastic!

On the down side, I think I would get bored after a while because I would know everything they would say, think or do. I like a little unpredictability.

Apr 17, 2007, 11:28 AM
If i had sex with my exact clone would i still be a virgin? lol :confused:

Apr 17, 2007, 12:02 PM
If i had sex with my clone, I would never get anything done :female: Sometimes i just love being a smartass :tong:

Apr 17, 2007, 11:17 PM
If there were 2 of me, wouldn't one be redundant?

Generally speaking, opposites attract.....

Apr 17, 2007, 11:27 PM
Well, on the whole, yes I would like to gether for a drink and talk. If I were able to give myself just three additional attributes they would be greater intelligence, sophistication and a great singing voice.


Apr 18, 2007, 12:42 AM
I wouldn't want to make it with myself even if I looked like Colin Farrell. For me the whole adventure is in encountering someone 'other'. The kind of auto-eroticism you whimsically describe strikes me as masturbation, but with the added cost of dinner and drinks. :)

Apr 19, 2007, 3:50 PM
I'd totally do me, provided my clone didn't take neuroleptics.. Nothing quite like manic sex :bigrin:

Apr 19, 2007, 4:12 PM
I'd do myself too!

There's a hot guy on gay.com who is my EXACT body type and kinda looks like a taller me and yeah I'd hit it! ;)

Apr 19, 2007, 5:50 PM
Mirror, mirror on the wall,
Who is the fairest of them all?

Snow White!!

(Evil Queen) WHAT?!?! She CAN'T BE!!! I'll fix this..... *runs down to her chambers and stirs up a posion apple then changes herself into a ugly old witch.*

LOL sorry, had to do that when I saw "Mirror, mirror..." hehe

Apr 19, 2007, 9:59 PM
Another thought: I make love to myself occasionally so playing with my clone would probably work out about the same. Fun, but not totally fulfilling.

By the way, in relation to another thread, would it be considered incestuous? :eek:

have fun,

Apr 19, 2007, 10:09 PM
No, I actually wouldn't.


Apr 19, 2007, 10:31 PM
No, I actually wouldn't.


Hmmmm...well...in that case could I borrow your clone next Thursday night for a while :bigrin:

Just teasing LOL

Ambi :)

Apr 19, 2007, 10:47 PM
Nope. She looks back at me in the mirror and isn't very nice so ya.... Im not gonna bother with her :)

BUT for some reason I have a familar face.... Im often stopped by people who go "OMG, you look just like someone I know!!!"

I honestly don't think I look like anyone.... but I don't know.... I do think we all have a "look a like" somewhere in the world.


Apr 19, 2007, 11:04 PM
I would be ok with the body part of it, I don't think I am in too bad a shape. but the personality is even more important than body, if they were exactly like me in personality we would not get along at all sexually, I need a person that takes is the exact oposite of my personality in the bedroom for me to "blossom" shall we say.

Skater Boy
Jun 5, 2007, 3:10 PM
Interesting topic. A bit of "Queer Theory" for ya:


1. Adj. Referring to sexual behaviour in which the subject's object is a person of the same sex. According to Freud (1914), homosexual love differs from heterosexual love in being narcissistic, since the object is loved on account of its similarity to what the subject is, once was, or hopes to some time become, as opposed to heterosexual love, which is Anaclitic, being dependant on the object providing what the subject himself cannot be.


1. Sexual perversion in which the subject's preferred object is his own body.

2. By extension, any form of self love.

(as described by the "Critical Dictionary of Psychoanalysis" Penguin Reference,1972)

Personally, I'm not sure I agree with what is written above, but its straight from a psychoanalysis textbook that my mother used on her psychology degree. I showed this to a psychotherapist recently (who happens to be gay) and he didn't really agree with it either. But that said, you've gotta do your homework first if you're gonna dismiss Freud completely.

If anyone knows any good MODERN books on "Queeory" just shout...

the mage
Jun 5, 2007, 8:37 PM
I go hunt for me at age 17 and slap me upside the head and tell me to smarten up. Then I'd take me to a strip club and get me drunk and ravage me.

Jun 5, 2007, 10:04 PM
hmm...i'm not sure but, i doubt i would want me.

Jun 5, 2007, 11:43 PM
No I do not think that I would intrested in being with my clone I think that I would be friends, but I am not peronally intrested in my self I am rather intersted in others and it is more fun that way because if I loved my self than the passion and feeling would not exist.

Jun 6, 2007, 2:19 AM
What a question. On one hand, my clone and I would share all the same turn ons, and for someone as particular as me, that would be amazing. The mental/emotional side of things would be probably the best it could possibly be because we'd want exactly the same thing.

On the other hand, I tend to like guys who are smaller than me, so I'm not sure how into my clone I'd be physically. It's not that I don't think I'm attractive, but generally I've noticed that a lot of people desire, sexually and emotionally, traits that they don't share. That's definitely true for me on some level.

I think I'd definitely go for myself, simply because of the similarities. I tend to like people similar to me, and the sex would probably be amazing. It still wouldn't be an ideal situation, because the ideal guy for me would be my mind in a shorter, less muscular body. I also wouldn't want to settle down with myself, because in a long-term relationship I want someone who is going to challenge me, not just reinforce my existing predispositions, and my clone certainly wouldn't do that. However, as a one-night (or maybe one-weekend) stand, it'd be pretty awesome.

Jun 6, 2007, 2:58 AM
Wow what a question, Hope you liked my pictures... LOL
I do admit that I am a bit narcissistic, and yes I would do me. LOL Could I have a long term relationship with my clone? I seriously doubt it.

Jun 6, 2007, 4:38 AM
Interesting topic. A bit of "Queer Theory" for ya:


1. Adj. Referring to sexual behaviour in which the subject's object is a person of the same sex. According to Freud (1914), homosexual love differs from heterosexual love in being narcissistic, since the object is loved on account of its similarity to what the subject is, once was, or hopes to some time become, as opposed to heterosexual love, which is Anaclitic, being dependant on the object providing what the subject himself cannot be.


1. Sexual perversion in which the subject's preferred object is his own body.

2. By extension, any form of self love.

(as described by the "Critical Dictionary of Psychoanalysis" Penguin Reference,1972)

Personally, I'm not sure I agree with what is written above, but its straight from a psychoanalysis textbook that my mother used on her psychology degree. I showed this to a psychotherapist recently (who happens to be gay) and he didn't really agree with it either. But that said, you've gotta do your homework first if you're gonna dismiss Freud completely.

If anyone knows any good MODERN books on "Queeory" just shout...

i think a better question would be what's not narcissistic?

Jun 6, 2007, 9:51 AM
Oddly enough, I always look for the same body type as myself.