View Full Version : complex friendship

Apr 15, 2007, 2:18 AM
i care about this person a lot but my issue is about business right now, she has feelings for me to but we are not invading each other space, friendship is more important. there is this male student that seems to not know the meaning of respect and i want to write him up but because she is over me as far as authority i can't go forward without going over her head which will make things worst between us. every day we are at work this student uses strong language especially from songs and mentions her name and another student about how they stink or just saying bitches, one day she asked him to be quiet and he said no! your mama, she said nothing then the next day he said again but this time she only said do not say it again but yet when one of the female students including me she considers disrespecting her she gets mad and speaks right out but the male student gets away with just about everything, i mumble and she gets annoyed which she considers disrespectful but he comes to school high, eats on the bus which is not allowed, she has said it was just words, it may be but it's the fact the student is not respecting none of the females especially the teacher and she does nothing. what should i do? she had a situation in her past where her first husband beat her and her kids, the students said he will do and say what he wants because he wants a refferal but the point is she does not want to say anything at all because she feels sorry for him. she is 60 yrs old and the student shows her no respect which ina sense she reminds me of my mother which makes me more sensitive to this situation.the male student goes home high sometimes and still she wants to do nothing while we can't or don't see him getting high still someone else should be alerted of his behavior before things might get out of hand.

please let me know of your opinions and advice of this issue. :female:

Apr 15, 2007, 5:29 AM
from the sounds of it i think the important question would be what's in the best interest of the students?

what i'm hearing is that this student is disruptful, disrespectful, and maybe has issues with authority figures... i'm also hearing that this student is also very much being the 'leader of the pack' in as far as encouraging others to notice that he's not having any consequences to deal with, and yet i've also read in there where others are having to deal with consequences

i'm wondering why this student is recieving this preferencial treatment? have you been able to contact the student's parents and maybe try to hold a conference with them? perhaps taking a very strong stand with your friend and let her know you're willing to go over her head?

from what you've written, i gather that you've talked with your friend about your feelings on the matter, and yet you recieve a much less than satisfactory response from her

i'm inclined to think that trying to talk with the lad's parents and then going over your friends head would be the best direction to go in for the students....

if she's in an authority role over a group of people then frankly the expectation needs to be that she's professional about the matter..... that takes priority in my mind