View Full Version : Advice

Sep 17, 2005, 8:16 AM
I am a straight male, but I work in a group of eight guys all of whom are gay. I’m beginning to feel left out. I feel the need to explore but don’t know how to start. What should I do, what can I expect?

Sep 17, 2005, 8:30 AM
Welcome to the site but I have to admit that I really don't undertand what it is you are asking. Just what is it that is making you feel left out? If your sexuality makes you an outsider, then I don't feel that you have a whole lot of exploring to do. You can't "force" yourself to be gay any more than a gay man can force himself to be straight. I don't mean to sound harsh here but just what is it that you are seeking?


Sep 17, 2005, 12:54 PM

It's a little hard to give you any advice without some more info on your profile, especially like where you are on the Kinsey rating. If you are open to the possibility of same sex relationships, you might want to start by trying to decide if your are attracted to any of these co-workers. If so, try and get to know that person socially and see if there is any attraction.

Also, have any of the co-workers made any overtures to you?

Be careful about relationships with co-workers of either sex. You don't want to mess things up at work. :2cents:

Let us know how it goes.

BiMale :flag1:

Lisa (va)
Sep 17, 2005, 3:41 PM
Are you sure you are curious about exploring the bi and/or gay life just because you work with gay guys? Or are you really curious about same sex relations? That is the question you should be asking yourself. In either case you shouldn't do anything you are not comfortable with, you can freely talk about sex with your coworkers as a straight, bi or gay man. There sexual orientation should not drive your own sexuality. If you are indeed interested in 'exploring' i must concur with BiMale about the pitfalls of having coworker relations. Crudely put, it is not wise to get your pussy or pecker the same place you get your paycheck.


hugs n kisses

Sep 17, 2005, 4:42 PM
I am a straight male, but I work in a group of eight guys all of whom are gay. I’m beginning to feel left out. I feel the need to explore but don’t know how to start. What should I do, what can I expect?

Hey Don...Heres a question for you. Who are you? This question can only be answered by you. According to your post, you are straight and work with eight gay guys. Would you be feeling the need to explore if these guys were str8? What if they were cross-dressers? In the end, Don, I don't believe your work peers should drive your "needs" for anything. So once again Don...Who are you? Either way, welcome. I am here to lend an ear if you wish to ask non-public questions... :bipride: :paw:

Sep 18, 2005, 9:10 AM
Bi, gay or str8, never have a sexual realtionship with someone you work with. It (almost) always ends in disaster. Explore your feelings and questions here, not at work. :2cents:

Sep 18, 2005, 2:52 PM

I also agree that work place relationships are verboten but I'm not sure that this is exactly what you may be referring to. I will say, however, that we could be a lot more helpful to you if you would perhaps be more explicit as to what exactly you feel 'left out" of. I mean, I would like to think that your co-workers don't engage in a lunchtime group thing or an after hours "happy" hour where you find that your sexuality leaves you excluded. LOL But do you feel left out because when you go out socially with them you are the only straight guy....do you feel that you cannot engage in conversation with them because you don't have any gay stories to tell....or could it just possibly be that hearing their stories makes you begin to question your own sexuality, that you may not truly believe that you are straight. I'm not asking you for full self-disclosure, but you might have to help us out a bit so that we can help you find the answers you are seeking. But do take the suggestions about avoiding office liaisons to heart...that is a one way road to nowhere!!

Take care,


Sep 21, 2005, 9:19 AM
Hello donhutch
i really have to agree with lisa and kate, a workplace "fling" (lets say) really dont work in the long run.
my advice to you is to befriend these guys, and ask questions in a way that they know you are "curious" and not asking in a malious manner, they should open up to you and they are the ones that could guide you along to the path that you may want to explore!
but just go slowly, and DONT do anything you may regret the next morning!

good luck
m.in.heels&hose :)

Sep 21, 2005, 3:37 PM
The way you worded your post it sounds like you only want to explore because you feel left out of the loop with your co-workers. Do you get along well with them or do they leave you out and you think you need to explore to be accepted? You didn't mention having any kind of attraction toward men at all. I hope you'll think about who and what you are before doing anything just for the sake of fitting in to a specific group.

Good luck,
Arana :tong: