View Full Version : How do you know which dating sites are.....Just me rambling :)

Apr 14, 2007, 12:56 AM
Lets say you make an ad on more than 5 dating sites.... you pay for one or maybe none for now.

Then you have NO one looking at your profile for weeks and you aren't finding anyone on that site... even if you do, that person hasn't logged on for MONTHS (usually means they aren't coming back and forgot to close thier profile) or the person just lives to far away and has "will not relocate" (some sites have this feature) on thier profile.
THEN you tell someone you know about the site and they go "Oh, I never heard of such site" lol

Would you just close your profile on all the sites that seems to have no one your interested and just keep the ones you have had some success on? (Flirts, small messages) or would you just delete all BUT keep your profile updated and on the more common known sites such as "pently of fish" ??

Im about to just delete ALL the profiles on all the dating sites I have a profile on!! *sighs*

Im attempted to give Match.com a try again but I don't know. They took my money before and NOTHING good came out of it. Really.... what was Im paying for??

I would like to delete all the profiles and just see what happens on its own.... as life wants you to live. (Only time knows everything and when you try to rush it, time will be sure to make you feel like your wasting your time trying to speed it up lol)

I think dating sites are pointless these days when so many people are using them as a sex finder ad. You cannot find ANY serious people looking for a SERIOUS relationship.. Ugh. I actually like THIS board (bisexuals.com) cause I always said you know the person MORE in messages than you would by just a profile on thier ad.

And um well, Ive developed crushs on a couple of ladies on here :) And no, Im not telling you THATS a seeeeeeeecret lol


Apr 14, 2007, 12:05 PM
Hey tasha i just wanted to give you a few of my thoughts. I think with all of the site like match.com and adultfriendfinder and shit like that you aren't going to find someoen that is going to be into you because the only thing that they are going to know is what you put onto a profile. Which anyone can lie these days. i'm always looking for someoen to talk to and i have tried to use the match things and let me tell you bad things just came out of them. Because i mean anyone can put a file onto the damn things and i really dont like that. I mean i want to know the peopel for who they are for the bad habits and shit like that i mean everyoen has something they dont like and something they love. But when you are putting up a profile it's like selling a car you only say the good things. some people are really nice and some people are really mean. Some people you can look at and just see that you dont' like them. i mean with the internet you can put up anything. That is why ihave given up on the whole matching sites and shit like taht becuase if i'm going to find someone i'm going to find them my way. Like with you sites and everything with the whole people not saying nothing to you i would just give up on those. But that is just me. I hope that i have helped you some. I hope that you are doing good today. lil bit

Apr 14, 2007, 12:31 PM
Hi All, My comments from experience with dating sites. Hey they aare just in it for the money. You don't hear from anyone, no respose to your enquirey so you decide to cancell and suddenly you get mail from many people who claims tom have seen your profile in such and such place. Who's sending these messages, owners and managers of site just to get you to sign up again. Well that's my say and I'm sure many will agree with me.

Apr 14, 2007, 1:15 PM
Match.com was actually really good back in the early 2000s. Now it seems not serious people are all over on the dating sites and yes, if you leave you get endless emails about coming back "join for 3 months and you get 1 month free" kind of deals lol
Plus right now Match.com is in a lawsult battle for fake ads and scams.

Im gonna be taking most of mine down from the dating sites Im on. They are just a waste of time. :)

Beside, I think I may just meet someone on THIS place so when you get a good vibe on a site then ya, you probably have a chance.... if you get "this isn't going anywhere" vibe on a site then your not gonna meet anyone or just peopel that aren't serious.

Lilbits, I agree with you.... its much better finding people your own way and I have found message boards like this place is the best way.
People seem more honest in thier messages, you can tell what kind of person he/she is.

So Im gonna be busy the next hour or so deleting profiles on the other sites and shutting down accts. REASON for leaving? "scam site" ? hehe Nah I usually just lie and say "not enough locals" (which is true anyway hehe but the real reason is cause the site has NOTHING HAPPENING hehe and a money waster)


Apr 14, 2007, 3:28 PM
Obviously, you have not obtained connections with people (women) you want to date.
I did not have the same experience. However, I am a male and suspect that makes a big difference.
So, I suggest that other women at this site should list and rate other sites they have tried. This may allow you concentrate your efforts on one or two sites. I think your efforts are spread to thin with 5 or more sites.
Also, I could tell that the site I relied on most to meet other did generate some false traffic to my inbox. However, this was rather easy to overcome by actively doing the selecting and initiating contact.


Apr 14, 2007, 3:36 PM
Good idea Jem :) Thanks.

Ya, I thought I would get more responses from other sites but so far it seems nothings happening :( Maybe Im just on all the wrong sites perhaps.
Craiglist is the only one Ive gotten responses from tho.