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Apr 13, 2007, 5:09 AM
Success…What criteria do you use to measure success? Do you consider yourself successful? ….or are you still chasing down the dreams that will lead to eventual success. At what point in life can you state; “ I am successful/” Is it relative to the moment, or a state of mind that fluctuates from day to day therefore.. forever elusive?

Ambi :)

Apr 13, 2007, 5:22 AM
Success…What criteria do you use to measure success? Do you consider yourself successful? ….or are you still chasing down the dreams that will lead to eventual success. At what point in life can you state; “ I am successful/” Is it relative to the moment, or a state mind that fluctuates from day to day therefore.. forever elusive?

Ambi :)

the most successful i know, all say that success is the PROGRESSIVE realization of a worthwhile dream or goal

which tells me that it's journey, not a destination, it also tells me that we can state we're successful every day about something... just a matter of what

they also say that it's kinda like climbing a set of stairs.... there's alot of plateau's along the way, but the direction is always upwards

they say that whatever we touch, smell, or feel through our senses, everyday is our dream... and if all we ever are around is our current reality, then that's what we're always shooting for....

Apr 13, 2007, 12:29 PM
I think that if you feel, and think that you are successful then you are. I think that i'm very successful because i have a good life. I also have two wonderful little girls who i love dearly. I think that i'm successful in my life and wouldn't change it for nothing. I think that it is how you look at things. that is my thoughts about it lil bit

Apr 13, 2007, 12:39 PM
*feels wrist*

*finds pulse*

Yup, I'm successful.

Lisa (va)
Apr 13, 2007, 12:55 PM
Success is being happy in your life. It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you have.


hugs n kisses

Apr 13, 2007, 3:41 PM
When I feel sweaty and stinky after a work out.

When my ex calls and I can still feel a tinge of longing in his/her voice.

When I finish a project just in time.

When I can finally afford that dress in my size.

When I can close my eyes at night and know I wouldn't do anything else different that day.


Apr 13, 2007, 4:08 PM
Success is being happy in your life. It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you have.


hugs n kisses

Kudos...Very well said, Lisa...I want to hit the lotto...Will I be successful? I hope so...Will I have success if I do hit the lotto?...I don't know, I hope so...
I'm happy now, and if I hit the lotto or not, I still want to be as happy then as I am now... :) :paw: :paw:

Apr 13, 2007, 5:56 PM
damn, everyone keeps telling me that happiness is a decision!

Apr 13, 2007, 8:26 PM
damn, everyone keeps telling me that happiness is a decision!

Ha haaa!! Ain't it the truth!

I agree that happiness equals success; really, that's the only success that could ever count. Some people are happy being billionairs and some are happy just struggling with raising their kids. I guess happiness, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.

Frankly, I only (really) happy when having sex. I can get lost in that and that's what makes me happy. Successful though? I'm afraid that'll never happen with my life.

Apr 14, 2007, 1:49 AM
Success…What criteria do you use to measure success? Do you consider yourself successful? ….or are you still chasing down the dreams that will lead to eventual success. At what point in life can you state; “ I am successful/” Is it relative to the moment, or a state of mind that fluctuates from day to day therefore.. forever elusive?

Ambi :)

Excellent question.

Criteria I use to measure success: Is this fulfilling to me. Has it satisfied a goal, or a step towards reaching a goal. Did it bring about growth in myself. Did it make the world a better place somehow.

Do I consider myself successful: Yes. I'm living life on my own terms. Working in my chosen career field. Supporting myself in a lifestyle I am comfortable with. Surrounded by family and friends that mean the world to me.

Or am I still chasing down the dreams that will lead to eventual success: Yes. I'm ambitious, I have goals. There's more in me to give to the world. The job I have now is fabulous, but its a step on the path and I know that. The relationships in my life are wonderful, but I still have lessons to learn and lessons to teach.

I'm simultaneously living my dream and looking forward to what the future holds. People evolve over time and our dreams and goals evolve with us. I believe success is a state of mind. You choose to be happy, you choose to be successful. Where ever you are, what ever situation you are in.

Apr 14, 2007, 2:04 AM
Excellent question.

Criteria I use to measure success: Is this fulfilling to me. Has it satisfied a goal, or a step towards reaching a goal. Did it bring about growth in myself. Did it make the world a better place somehow.

Do I consider myself successful: Yes. I'm living life on my own terms. Working in my chosen career field. Supporting myself in a lifestyle I am comfortable with. Surrounded by family and friends that mean the world to me.

Or am I still chasing down the dreams that will lead to eventual success: Yes. I'm ambitious, I have goals. There's more in me to give to the world. The job I have now is fabulous, but its a step on the path and I know that. The relationships in my life are wonderful, but I still have lessons to learn and lessons to teach.

I'm simultaneously living my dream and looking forward to what the future holds. People evolve over time and our dreams and goals evolve with us. I believe success is a state of mind. You choose to be happy, you choose to be successful. Where ever you are, what ever situation you are in.

Beautiful reply Misty

Ambi :)

Apr 14, 2007, 7:49 AM
Funny that this came up...I have really never felt all that sucessful in anything that I accomplished. Then this past Thursday I was told that I was a really good friend AND that the loving and fun realationship I had with my daughter made someone want to have a child.

Being a good Friend and Father... I felt really sucessful for the first time! :)


Apr 14, 2007, 9:50 PM
Funny that this came up...I have really never felt all that sucessful in anything that I accomplished. Then this past Thursday I was told that I was a really good friend AND that the loving and fun realationship I had with my daughter made someone want to have a child.

Being a good Friend and Father... I felt really sucessful for the first time! :)

That is kewl! :)

What I find interesting is that you were actually successful at those things BEFORE anyone said anything....you probably just didn't believe it until someone else said it.

Two things I've heard come to mind....

"We become what we think about."

"As we believe, so we are."

Apr 15, 2007, 10:17 AM
I'm so glad I read this post this morning as it gave a tangible boost to thinking positively about my life. Last evening by phone I had a terribly troubling conversation with my wife. For the past several monthes I've felt upside-down about myself and future in general. I came to the conclusion that my wife was right I needed to speak with someone. Last Monday I had my first appointment with a Psychologist to discuss at probably the top of the list -what the hell is success/happiness for us for me for life.

What was success this week? Finally committing and going to that first session, 64.4 miles on an ellipical trainer in 5 days, the loss of 2.5 lbs. and a reward of a pint of icecream.

Apr 15, 2007, 12:19 PM
Well--I am striving towards success along several avenues that are interrelated and all of which are "creative" pursuits like art, writing and my soon to be launched venture doing decorative painting.

It has taken me a long time to get to this point and I still have to break through and get "success" in terms of financial and others---but I know I am on my way--

Until I became a newspaper reporter back in the late 90s--I did not really consider myself to be a great success---I did ok at my jobs but it was mostly because I knew that I was "not where I am supposed to be."

If I do break through and achieve the kind of success I feel I am about to finally achieve--it will be thanks to many years of doing many things and finally putting them together to achieve that success----kind of "paying my dues" kind of thing----

And while the success will be made of many elements---spending time here will play its part too---

Apr 15, 2007, 1:49 PM
Recovering from a injury at 50!