View Full Version : LSD and Bisexuality

Apr 13, 2007, 5:00 AM
This post really isn’t about condoning or encouraging the use of any chemically mind- altering substance, but a curiosity. In an unrelated post about Woodstock I found myself going back in time to a different era that also coincides with the self-discovery of many areas of the psyche including my bisexual nature. LSD, Mescaline, Peyote, and other hallucinogens changed my life in profound ways. Many years have passed since those times but the influences are still being felt and passed on to this day in ways that things get passed on from one generation to the next
My question goes out to those that Hendrix poses the question to: "Are you experienced?” and if so, how instrumental were your explorations into discovering your own bisexual nature?

Ambi :)

Apr 13, 2007, 5:28 AM
This post really isn’t about condoning or encouraging the use of any chemically mind- altering substance, but a curiosity. In an unrelated post about Woodstock I found myself going back in time to a different era that also coincides with the self-discovery of many areas of the psyche including my bisexual nature. LSD, Mescaline, Peyote, and other hallucinogens changed my life in profound ways. Many years have passed since those times but the influences are still being felt and passed on to this day in ways that things get passed on from one generation to the next
My question goes out to those that Hendrix poses the question to: "Are you experienced?” and if so, how instrumental were your explorations into discovering your own bisexual nature?

Ambi :)

I don;t think it had anything to do with my bisexuality, I was bi, long before my "chemical experimental stage" If anything it was more the woodstock lifestyle "philosophy" that had a influlence with me. Not so much the drugs, though they did play a role to "free up my soul" I suppose it did take me places I wouldn;t have gone willing or mindfully. I will say the sum total of my being is everything I have done and experienced, good, bad or in-different, Jerr

Apr 13, 2007, 6:24 AM
i've never done LSD or anything like that, but there's many many days i wish i had lol!

Apr 13, 2007, 9:35 AM
The most I've done is smoked some pot and that was back when I was in my late teens/early 20's. In a way it *did* help with my exploration of heterosexuality, but I was in very deep denial over my attraction to women then. So the short answer is, no. it had no impact on my bisexuality or the discovery thereof.

Apr 13, 2007, 10:30 AM
I had done some of the more hallucinagenic drugs back in the '70s like mushrooms and the experiences could be rather frightening. I knew from my limited experiences that such stuff was not to be messed with---I figured that pot was about as far as I wanted to go and even with a very strong pot--you can be taken to some very scary places.

I later came to know why this was so when a few years later--- as part of my studying things of a spiritiual/religious nature and particularly the spiritural practices of "native" and aborigional peoples, especially regarding the manner these peoples use natural mind altering substances.

An example of this--I read the books by Carlos Castanada regarding his experiences with Don Juan Yaqui and I also looked at the manner in which the western native American tribal peoples use peyote; the use of LSD by people like Timothy Leary and the CIA's explorations of the use of LSD and other hallucinagens.

I do believe that these substances serve to open the mind to being able to experience alternate realities--realities that we are not really meant to know--such exploration can be done safely, but the use of these substances needs to be approached in a systematic way--like the way Don Juan Yaqui took years of training of Castanada before ever allowing Castanada to take the substance he was given by Yaqui.

I knew some people who had used "psychadellic" drugs back in the day and never were quite right again after they had done it-and that was with as few as one "bad trip"--this is in part because they went to places and saw things they were simply not able to handle and also for the fact they used man-made chemicals that did do some permanent brain damage as well--

The use of such drugs by many in those days was for fun or recreation--because it was some kind of cool thing to do--they did not do it in the manner that the native shamans had done for tens of thousands of years---with much preperation, study and understanding of what they were doing and why--and what pitfalls lay in those other places for the unwary---

Apr 13, 2007, 10:36 AM
I've taken LSD and mushrooms on many occasions but not for the last 10-12 years. Bizarrely my most sexual experience on either was having and orgasm while eating Maltesers on LSD. Unfortunately it only happened one time which is probably a relief as too many nights in with acid and Maltesers couldn't be good for one's sexual, mental or physical health ;)

Apr 13, 2007, 10:44 AM
I was attracted to both genders a loooooong time before I even knew what drugs were. However, they did help me cope with the guilt and shame for a while during my teen years.

Apr 13, 2007, 12:33 PM
In my lsd using days, I ate more acid then most of the folks on this thread put together. I never used it for sexual exploration, but as a means of escapism. I did have sex on LSD but, I wasn't looking for new things about myself sexually, just trying to forget where I was at in my life at the time.

The sex nights on LSD were alot of fun. I did find that I was rather fond when I was high, of having my girlfriend(at the time) dig her nails as hard as she could into my chest. LSD changes your pain receptors when you use it, and mine told me her nails in my flesh felt good. Then you sober up and want nothing to do with that cuz it hurts like crazy. HA! :tongue:

SHE STUCK HER NAILS INTO MY CHEST!.....and it felt really good. Until I came down.


Apr 13, 2007, 2:00 PM
"When you smoke the herb, it reveals you to yourself.' - Bob Marley

Amazingly so for us on just about all counts. As 'tools of enlightenment' all kinds of substances can be used to benefit and learn more about the Self. The key is being able to use them responsibly. A lot of people burn out or get screwed up because they're chasing the same high over and over, lose sight of what they were actually after to begin with and just start spiraling downward. While nothing but ourselves defined us as bisexual and we were able to come to these conclusions on our own, we've cherished our opportunities to study the subtleties of who and what we are on many different planes through various helpful magnifying glasses.

Apr 13, 2007, 3:14 PM
My experiences with these drugs were mostly asexual. The deeper the high, the more unnecesary others became. Conversely, inhibitions were not just gone they appeared ludicrous and arbitrary. Mostly,it was about your mind..not your body. Smoking pot and ex ctasy perhaps are exceptions.

Apr 13, 2007, 4:53 PM
I overdid it with acid, shrooms, 5-meo, salvia- basically I've had my atoms repeatedly scattered across the universe. Sex on mushrooms is pure insanity. When I first started tripping I was already starting to know I was into guys, but I didn't figure out for a while that I didn't have to decide. In retrospect I wish I could undo a lot of things to my brain. It's aggravated the hell out of my bipolar disorder. Still, I have learned much about myself in altered states. This permatripping thing, however is getting annoying.

Apr 13, 2007, 5:32 PM
It was on an acid trip that I realised I was bisexual. A bunch of buddies and I went out in the in the country to get high and watch nature. I sat on a cliff and felt like I was flying the world......Later I realised I wanted to suck every cock there. I didn't of course but I knew that acid does not lie...

Apr 13, 2007, 8:43 PM
12volt-your comment on Carlos C got me. Although the first time I tried mr. Natural was at the age of 15 prior to the "enlightenment". I found for me that the effects of "pure" LSD were a bit to far down the trail. I much preferred the mushroom as a mind's eye enhancer. I first began reading CC while traveling to New Mexico for my further college studies. While living in the Land of Enchantment I enacted several excursions into the wilderness to do such activities as hiking and (gasp) solo rock climbing while under the influence of both mushrooms and peyote. These were my "Yaki" adventures.

On one such occasion while in the mountains north of the Sandias I actually encountered a female mountain lion while ledge climbing. She as I was close enough to determine the sex of said creature was no more than 75 feet away on another outcropping of rock. I froze transfixed for ?????? an hour? I don't really know how long it was due to the time continuum in my head was a bit off due to the ingestion of the psychotropic substance-but it is a memory that will never leave me.

Apr 13, 2007, 10:08 PM
I don't think that psychedelics can really actually teach you anything of value or tell you the truth about your sexuality. You have to be the one to determine that yourself, and drugs won't give you all the answers, or even the right ones. Plus, I think that most people pretty much know about their sexuality before they take psychedelic drugs. Unless of course they're REALLY young and shouldn't be doing drugs or psychedelic drugs like that in the first place.

I've had gay/bi friends take psychedelics and swear that they're heterosexual but again, psilocybin and LSD were once used as "cures" for queerness. Obviously they don't work but that's what they were once used for in the mid/late 50s and 60s when they were legal and used for research.

I've even had heterosexual friends think that they're homosexual while tripping on drugs and obviously that isn't correct and the effect wore off when the psychedelic drugs did, and they just realized that it was the inbred fear that lots of heterosexuals supposedly have that they're actually repressed homosexuals, or that they thought that they were homosexual while on a psychedelic because it's supposedly "taboo".

They said how it wasn't really a desire to go out and have sex with the opposite gender or even explore/fantasize about it but how they just thought that they were homosexual while on the drugs. At least that's how one heterosexual friend explained it to me. No he's not confused about his sexuality, we've talked a lot about it and I've told him a lot about myself. I don't really get why people think that homosexuality is "taboo" but I wasn't raised in a family/environment like that.

I knew about my sexuality and my desires for kink long before I ever took any psychedelic entheogens, or smoked Cannabis which is a psychedelic too. I mean I used to get off/get excited (and still do!) watching men piss when I was a kid in late elementary and early Jr. highschool!

What's interesting enough though is that when I was taking prescription opiates that I was legally prescribed, that's how I got BIG into bondage and discipline, well even more than before, which looking back I'm a lot more into it now than I was then.

I wanted someone to scratch my body (your body itches when you take codeine/oxycodone or other opiates), tie me up, spank, and restrain me. I still want this and crave it often, and have since I was a teenager but I'd only do this with trusted friends/partners.

Honestly, I think that most westerners probably shouldn't take psychedelics, since they see them as more 'recreational' drugs, and not something to be used in a religious ceremony or in ceremony at all.

The knowledge of man about plants is best explored amongst people who live close to nature, and I do not mean new agers, hippies, nor western self described "shamans".

I mean people who grew in intimate inexorably deep connection to their environments.

Such knowledge might not be vanilla or cherry flavored, but it is indeed far reaching and in many ways, greater than that of our overconfident western civilization.

There is much to be lost when people use entheogens/psychedelics for the wrong reasons and ill prepared since they view them as recreational drugs.

Apr 14, 2007, 1:39 AM
In my lsd using days, I ate more acid then most of the folks on this thread put together.

LOL I don't know Mind...you may have some competion on that point..Probably well over a thousand here just with acid alone.

Ambi :)

Apr 14, 2007, 1:52 AM
I don't think that psychedelics can really actually teach you anything of value or tell you the truth about your sexuality. You have to be the one to determine that yourself, and drugs won't give you all the answers, or even the right ones. Plus, I think that most people pretty much know about their sexuality before they take psychedelic drugs. Unless of course they're REALLY young and shouldn't be doing drugs or psychedelic drugs like that in the first place.

I've had gay/bi friends take psychedelics and swear that they're heterosexual but again, psilocybin and LSD were once used as "cures" for queerness. Obviously they don't work but that's what they were once used for in the mid/late 50s and 60s when they were legal and used for research.

I've even had heterosexual friends think that they're homosexual while tripping on drugs and obviously that isn't correct and the effect wore off when the psychedelic drugs did, and they just realized that it was the inbred fear that lots of heterosexuals supposedly have that they're actually repressed homosexuals, or that they thought that they were homosexual while on a psychedelic because it's supposedly "taboo".

They said how it wasn't really a desire to go out and have sex with the opposite gender or even explore/fantasize about it but how they just thought that they were homosexual while on the drugs. At least that's how one heterosexual friend explained it to me. No he's not confused about his sexuality, we've talked a lot about it and I've told him a lot about myself. I don't really get why people think that homosexuality is "taboo" but I wasn't raised in a family/environment like that.

I knew about my sexuality and my desires for kink long before I ever took any psychedelic entheogens, or smoked Cannabis which is a psychedelic too. I mean I used to get off/get excited (and still do!) watching men piss when I was a kid in late elementary and early Jr. highschool!

What's interesting enough though is that when I was taking prescription opiates that I was legally prescribed, that's how I got BIG into bondage and discipline, well even more than before, which looking back I'm a lot more into it now than I was then.

I wanted someone to scratch my body (your body itches when you take codeine/oxycodone or other opiates), tie me up, spank, and restrain me. I still want this and crave it often, and have since I was a teenager but I'd only do this with trusted friends/partners.

Honestly, I think that most westerners probably shouldn't take psychedelics, since they see them as more 'recreational' drugs, and not something to be used in a religious ceremony or in ceremony at all.

The knowledge of man about plants is best explored amongst people who live close to nature, and I do not mean new agers, hippies, nor western self described "shamans".

I mean people who grew in intimate inexorably deep connection to their environments.

Such knowledge might not be vanilla or cherry flavored, but it is indeed far reaching and in many ways, greater than that of our overconfident western civilization.

There is much to be lost when people use entheogens/psychedelics for the wrong reasons and ill prepared since they view them as recreational drugs.

I can appreciate your perspectives DD... mainstream thought was pretty similar back when LSD first began to gain populaity...It's a very personal experience and differs for most folks....as to it's value personaly I would disagree but I'm speaking from first hand experience over the course of many years and like Mindfinding probably used it more than most folks would ever consider.
There are safer ways to obtain many of the same results Lucid dreaming perhaps being one but LSD just takes you there a lot faster. I don't regret my journeys..they have led me to where I am as all experiences eventually do...but I would never encourage it's use either...In my case.. I credit it with saving my life...but by the same token I have also seen it lead in the opposite direction as well.

Ambi :)

Apr 14, 2007, 12:39 PM

Yeah I know, very bold words. If I met my match for use in my youth, you'd have to tell me that your singles were doubles, because that what they were in my neck of the woods. :tongue:

And micro dot, man...... :eek:

But while I have my say in this pissing contest, I really need to say that drugs are no way to live and I lost the better part of 2 years being high. By the time I finally quit, I could feel the yuck in my blood, my eyes constantly saw things that were not there and it took roughly 3 years for the little symptoms to go away.

I quit eating acid @ 18/19 and don't regret it at all. I'm glad I got my mind back.

Apr 14, 2007, 1:25 PM
Well, I may be a confessed stoner but I'm a lightweight in this crowd. lol

Herb is my weapon of choice. Was never interested in trying anything else. Even then I didn't start smoking till a couple of years ago. There was a phase when I smoked every day. If I wasn't at work, I was high. Or drunk. Or both. Now I smoke once a week on average.

My drug use and my exploration of my sexuality are separate. I've certainly had the deep philosophical discussions about life while high. I've gone out clubbing and just gotten lost in the music and the lights while high as well. High on herb and quite honestly I'm not motivated enough to initiate sex with anyone. I knew I was bi long before my first hit. I'd had my first bi experience long before my first hit.

Apr 14, 2007, 6:46 PM
The only drugs I mess with these days are weed and Seroquel. I haven't tripped in I 1/2 to 2 years, but the damage is done. I constantly see things that arent there, or things start breathing or melting, like people's faces as I listen to them talk. I really hope this hallucinatory stuff eases off eventually, but I'm kinda doubtful it will. I have to just live with what I've done to my brain and treat it well from here. Lousy thing is, it wasn't as intense when I didn't take psych meds, but I was batshit manic instead. Either I'm completely nuts or stable but permatripping. I still have problems with anxiety and when that happens it makes things a lot more trippy to me to the point where I start getting lost in it. Whatever, I had my fun and then some. I'm not gonna say 'drugs are bad' because it all depends on in the hands of whom. It's like a surgeon's scalpel. Drugs can work wonders or wreak havoc depending on several variables. I didn't really learn much about myself sexually on hallucinogens, but it was around that time where I really started figuring myself out.

Apr 14, 2007, 7:50 PM

The melting will subside over time. So will the paranoia and disillusioned thoughts. I found the biggest helper with that was being clean and I mean clean. ........ok fine, I was still drinking from time to time, but when your body has a chance to start firing receptors in the brain without being thrown off course things will straighten out.

Azrael, if you need any tips or want help on getting your brain back, just let me know as I was down that messy road once aswell.


Apr 14, 2007, 8:25 PM
I used to play with drugs, but they screwed up my ability to program computers. Sounds like a silly thing to worry about, but for me, computer programming is normally as easy and natural as speaking English -- in fact, it's often easier. I stopped using any substances about ten years ago now and within about a year my abilities came back, although I have noticed that I have a harder time getting into and maintaining "flow", also known as "the zone". That's just personal, of course; I know other people who can take drugs and program and it doesn't seem to affect them at all.

As for relationship to my sexuality... None. I knew I was bi when I was twelve years old, and while it took me until I was nineteen to admit the truth to myself that admission had nothing to do with drugs.

Not that I didn't enjoy pot, shrooms, and acid, mind you, and want to experiment with sex while high. :tong:

Apr 14, 2007, 9:26 PM
My interest in drugs was not about their "recreational" aspects as some put it but was about the "explorational" aspects.

But I soon decided that doing drugs was just too dangerous to both mental and physical health.

I hate to say this, for it does sound like a stupid cliche--but I am "high on life."

I do mean that in a serious way because thanks to my striving to be more creative----I have found a degree of satisfaction that not much else can match--my creative endeavors are now a prime focus of my life and they satisfy me on many levels including the spirtual/metaphysical---my creativity is my "religion" and I don't need to go to church to feel a connection to "God," "Creation," "the Universe" or whatever one wants to call the trancendent.

From my time as a probation officer--I came to believe that many people who became addicted to drugs do so for a few primary reasons, chief among them is that they use drugs to fill up the holes that exist in their "soul" if you will--they feel so disconnected from life-so used and abused that drugs are one of the things that make them feel good--at least for a bit--and of course due to the physical affects of the drugs on the body and mind---develop an addiction that needs to be fed at all costs.

It was also a response the utter bleakness and sense of hopelessness they see in their worlds-and of course that everyone they know has some sort of addiction problem of one kind or another--or assortment of addictions.

It does get me that so many talented people in all avenues of endeavor--writing, art, music, etc. were lost way too early thanks to addictions to drugs, alcohol, etc. or lived to an old age with a dissolute, bitter end.

Apr 15, 2007, 2:31 AM

Yeah I know, very bold words. If I met my match for use in my youth, you'd have to tell me that your singles were doubles, because that what they were in my neck of the woods. :tongue:

And micro dot, man...... :eek:

But while I have my say in this pissing contest, I really need to say that drugs are no way to live and I lost the better part of 2 years being high. By the time I finally quit, I could feel the yuck in my blood, my eyes constantly saw things that were not there and it took roughly 3 years for the little symptoms to go away.

I quit eating acid @ 18/19 and don't regret it at all. I'm glad I got my mind back.

.....It's been several years as well like mid 70's for LSD anyway. My first several experiences were at 18 and in 1968 the quality was different it was more mind than body but what was out on the street by the end of the 70's seemed almost all body. When it became the same old same old I quit using it. I moved on to more natural products not so much for recreation although living in a commune while going to college I can't deny that most of us were recreational users.
I was fortunate to have had good teachers and guides along the way. Casteneda's first book fell into my hands from one such teacher and I found it helpful not with the drug experiences as much ss the experiences I began having as a result of meditation...."seeing with closed eyes"...LOL Yea I'd credit his source on that insight (squze the pun).
I had already explored same sex and hetero sex prior to LSD as well but still fought to repress my same sex desires writing them off as childhood explorations. I don’t know if was my experience alone but I swear my cock would tingle for hours while tripping. It tingled and I’d be obsessed with the beauty and wonder of this sensational object that at times to seemed to breathe and take on a life of it’s own. ….and to orgasm was to explode into a million pieces of…….
I never lost my mind but I sure did introduce it to some interesting places…synchronicity of the right place at the right time makes all the difference.

Ambi :)