View Full Version : Browser or Site?

Apr 13, 2007, 2:34 AM
We keep having trouble with this site "hanging" and I am unsure if it has to do with the browser or the site.

We have IE7, which is the latest IE.

Is anyone else having difficulties with this site just suddenly hanging?

We don't seem to have this same problem elsewhere...just here on this site.

I get a "Internet Explorer not responding" error...or it just goes to a "cannot display the webpage" page....or else it does nothing at all.

Like I said, it just seems to happen on this site though.....

It's annoying cuz if leaves me or Sol logged in even if we reboot the computer.

Oh great...it did it again while I was trying to post this! LOL!

Apr 13, 2007, 3:02 AM
Hi flex, I haven't had any problems with the site. Are you on dialup? That could cause your problem. Good luck....dan

Apr 13, 2007, 6:25 AM
hey Flex download Firefox, this browser works well with this site and is much better than IE whether you use PC or Mac. In fact its one of the most popular third party browsers worldwide... and its free!

Apr 13, 2007, 7:33 AM
Ill add to the list of people that will suggest that you download firefox from www.mozilla.com. Its a great browser. I also prefer it to IE because though its not free of them, it tends to have a lot less security holes and when one is found its fixed ASAP.

Apr 13, 2007, 12:22 PM
I haven't had no hanging on this site. But i'm sorry to hear that you are having problems i hope that they get fixed for ya. lil bit

Fire Lotus
Apr 13, 2007, 12:55 PM
I too use firefox and no problems.

Apr 13, 2007, 1:49 PM
Hey Flex...

I use Firefox and I have no problems with this or any other site. I can only offer this because others have already posted this suggestion. But my :2cents:


Apr 13, 2007, 7:49 PM
Dan, not dialup...am not insane (well, mostly not insane) lol!! :tong: We have DSL.

We use Sol's computer to access the site, cuz the kids aren't allowed on this computer. ;)

I have tried firefox on my computer several times...it is a good browser, no doubt about that....I just get kinda overloaded with all the bells and whistles it seems to have...and I don't care for the way it bookmarks. Probably just habits on my part lol!

Sol doesn't want firefox on his computer, and that's fine with me...it is his computer!

I think what I was trying to determine by my question was whether or not it was the site.

Sounds like it's a problem on my end, probably with the browser...but being half geek, I can do some tweaking....hehehe! :bigrin: