View Full Version : Information Please

Apr 13, 2005, 2:56 PM
I'm not sure if this is the right place to be, but thought I would give it a shot and

hopefully someone can at least direct me to the right place or someone to talk to.

I've made a few searches on the web and really haven't come across what I' looking

for. Any help would be appreciated.

I'm a 50 y/o hetrosexual divorced man. Once in a while I have wonderd what it

would be like to have a same sex experience. The closest term I've come across is

bi-curious, but somehow I'm not sure if this is appropriate in my case. I've used this

term as a keyword in searches but thus far haven't really found anything or anyone

with similar interest. What I'm looking for is a mature communication of expressing

my thoughts and feelings openly whereas I can't do this with friends just by the very

nature of the topic. Mostly what I've come across is people who want to cybersex

or meet for sex without any intellectual discussion. Most of the people I have

communicated with are either gay or bisexual and at this point I would like to just

communicate with someone who is curious but has never actually explored their

curiosity and are just interested in exploring their thoughts and feelings in

meaningful dialog.

Bi-curious can mean different things to different people. I have a step-daughter

from my ex-wife who I still keep in contact with. She is gay and has been very open

with me about her sexuality. I've learned a great deal from her but because she is

my ex-wife's daughter, I don't feel comfortable discussing my curiosity with her.

From what I've been able to gather the term bi-curious mainly means someone who

is curious if they could have an emotional relationship with someone of the same

sex much like they can with someone of the oppisite sex. This being above and

beyond the curiosity of what it would be like having physical sex with the same

gender. I've always felt more comfortable revealing my deepest thoughts and

feelings to women and kept my relationships with men in the 'buddy' sense, only

discussing surface type of things, so I feel I don't fit into the above described


My curiosity is based on the physical sex and is multi-faceted, dealing with the

physical, psycological and other aspects of which might not be appropriate in going

into detail here. I may never actually explore this curiosity, but at least I would like

to communitcate with people like myself who want to take the time to discuss

maturely their feelings. If this is not the appropriate place, I apologize and ask that

you can direct to to the right place, if there is such a place for curious people.

Thanks, GTS67

Apr 15, 2005, 1:01 PM
I same situation as you but have had experience in MFM. Be glad to chat.

Apr 18, 2005, 9:23 AM
Several years ago I could have expressed the same things that you have done here. Also, like you, I didn't have anyone to talk to about this 'bi-curious' definition. I'm a divorced male, 66 years old and I've taken one step beyond 'bi-curious'. That doesn't mean that I'm an expert on the subject, but I can certainly relate to your situation. I would be more than happy to start a dialogue with you about this.

Apr 18, 2005, 1:45 PM
The same is true for me. I am in my mid 50's and in college I experienced a little man to man sex at a gay bath house. I ventured into the bath not realizing what it was (at least consciously). But when I got inside, changed out of my cloths and wrapped a towel around my waist and walked around it suddenly became clear to me that the sole purpose of this place was for gay sex. Yet I didn't leave. As a matter of fact I stayed and played.

That was many years ago. Since then I have been married, had kids, divorced and remarried. Over the years I have had a few (3 in 20 years) dalliances with men, but never were emotional and altho they satisfied a carnal need on a temporary basis, they were in fact unsatisfactory.

Now I am happily married but I still fantasize about participating with another guy in sexual activities. For me it's really just fantasy now. I love my wife and I love making love to her and with her. WhenI see a sexy woman, I still react like every hetero guy does - I like looking at a nice pair of legs, especially in dark hose or a tight little but, or a bikini clad woman.

I feel that if I strayed and became emotionally involved with a guy, I would ruin the best thing that I have in my life. And I also feel that sex without an emotional component is not fulfilling - at least not for me. But I can't stop the fun ideas in my head.

Maybe thats why I have become excited about the fantasy of transgender sex - sex with a Cross-Dresser or TV. Someone feminine looking, but with male equipment. I sometimes fantasize about me in that role - hence the ID: moneeke

But I also fantasize about sex of all types - the only themes I do not find stimulating are extreme bondage and S&M themes and I am especially turned off by any scatological themes. But I like both oral and anal sex as the doer and as the do-ee. More frequently than not women paly a central role in my fantasies, but with great frequecny I fantasize about sex with men.

Well that's a little about me - Have I been too ego-centric? Enough for now. I'll wait to hear if others react and/or add to this.