View Full Version : Posting an ad on Craiglist???

Apr 10, 2007, 12:32 AM
How many of you had good experiences with posting an ad on the personals section of Craiglist??


Apr 10, 2007, 12:40 AM
I've only posted to the casual encounters section of CL. I've had good luck with that but all I was looking for was a casual thing. I don't think I'd wanna look for something deeper on CL.

That being said, I did find my current job and apartment there. lol

Apr 10, 2007, 12:45 AM
LOL ya, I heard jobs and apt/room hunting were the favorties on there.

How about roomate searching?? Is that any good especially if you want to avoid "nightmare roomates?" (even tho I know they can say everything you want to hear and turn out to be the oppsite!!!)


Apr 10, 2007, 12:41 PM
I don't know if I would trust Craig's list now--they just had that story in the news abut the woman who had rehabbed a house and had it for sale but someone ran a fake add on the site saying that people could come into the house and take anything they like--people thought the add was true and they basically stipped the woman's house of everything of value---windows, doors, plumbing fixtures including the kitchen sink, cabinets--you name it!!!!!

Apr 10, 2007, 1:26 PM
I've used CL for sex ads and have had a few good encounters out of it...

I've also used it to get rid of my car... well, TRY to get rid of it. All I got out of it was a bunch of people offering me money for the car without even looking at it. and the money offered was WAY too low. so... I still have the heap. LOL

Anyway, the thing with that house?? that was a fluke. MOSt people are honest -- whoever sent that ad was an asshole and I hope they catch him or her. Did they ever find out who it was?

Alex L.

Apr 10, 2007, 1:29 PM
I don't know if I would trust Craig's list now--they just had that story in the news abut the woman who had rehabbed a house and had it for sale but someone ran a fake add on the site saying that people could come into the house and take anything they like--people thought the add was true and they basically stipped the woman's house of everything of value---windows, doors, plumbing fixtures including the kitchen sink, cabinets--you name it!!!!!

I saw that on CNN!!!!!!! They even showed you inside the house. YIKES!!
Thats why I think its STUPID when you look in the "free" section and people give thier address "You come and pick up" lol
I think its dangerous to do that.

But seeing the news on CNN makes me think about it more lol People who have that woman's stuff and saw it wasn't true should return the items. :(


Apr 10, 2007, 1:33 PM
I've used CL for sex ads and have had a few good encounters out of it...

I've also used it to get rid of my car... well, TRY to get rid of it. All I got out of it was a bunch of people offering me money for the car without even looking at it. and the money offered was WAY too low. so... I still have the heap. LOL

Anyway, the thing with that house?? that was a fluke. MOSt people are honest -- whoever sent that ad was an asshole and I hope they catch him or her. Did they ever find out who it was?

Alex L.

Alex, I don't think you can track down who posted the ad. That would be very hard to do since millions use the site.

I tried selling a pocket watch on there 5 times but that didn;t work :( Ebay isn't helping either after 6 tries so Im gonna toss that pocket watch in the trash this weekend. (Don't want it and it seems no one else does so bye bye. Don't want things reminding me of my ex.)

I have posted a ad in the woman-woman section and gotten some nice responses lol


Apr 10, 2007, 1:49 PM
How many of you had good experiences with posting an ad on the personals section of Craiglist??


The only word of caution that I would offer (other than the usual) is to be ultra-careful about relay calls. Most of them are fraudulent when in response to ads on the web.

Apr 10, 2007, 1:54 PM
The only word of caution that I would offer (other than the usual) is to be ultra-careful about relay calls. Most of them are fraudulent when in response to ads on the web.

Relay calls? The only relay call I know of is through a service that helps Deaf and hard of hearing people communicate with hearing people over the phone... what are you referring to??

Apr 10, 2007, 7:34 PM
i've never used craigs list for anything. i have heard too many bad things about that site..

Apr 10, 2007, 8:19 PM
Craigslist is seriously REALLY sketchy.

It's ALL anonomous and anyone can go in and make an ad or reply to one.

I know people who have been assaulted, beaten up, robbed, and raped/forced into sex they didn't want to do by people they hooked up with on there.

Or they hooked up with a person and thought they were getting a hot jock twink type based on the pic in the ad, and they wound up with an obese old man!

My friends have gotten sketchy job deals from a companies that didn't exist, bought damaged stuff that they were told was brand new, and got tons of spam from fake users/companies in their email inboxes.

Craigslist in SFO is FULL of tweakers (people who abuse meth) and mostly everyone is Poz or has some sort of STD but lies about it. example: Bottom looking for bareback top, HIV- ub2! :rolleyes:

Be careful!

Apr 10, 2007, 9:38 PM
Seems like noir has had a VERY bad experience with Craigslist. I have responded to a couple of personals on their and posted as well and have gotten good responses and bad responses. I have sold two items on there for my asking price. Like anything personal, trust your gut. If you get a response and it seems fishy - then it probably is.

As for the deal with the woman and the house, they are thinking that it may be a previous tenant. That was the last word I had heard. Again, the old adage is true - if it seems to good to be true, then it probably is.


Apr 11, 2007, 8:32 PM
i have never used it. what is it? lil bit

Apr 11, 2007, 10:27 PM
Ive used it on the occasion and had varying degrees of success with meeting others when Im traveling. Of course it works better with larger cities. When you are in small towns you might as well just hang it up and forget about it

Apr 12, 2007, 7:12 AM
Ive used it on the occasion and had varying degrees of success with meeting others when Im traveling. Of course it works better with larger cities. When you are in small towns you might as well just hang it up and forget about it

I have used it as well, and like Pasco said, area's such as tampa bay are pretty good, of course yo have a population base of over a million people... I too have tried small towns and they just don;t have usually what your looking for, short of someone selling something

Apr 12, 2007, 4:28 PM
i have had quite a few good experiences meeting women on CL. i've never had a bad experience. i met 3 girlfriends and several other friends though it. i like to talk to people via email for quite a long time and by then anyone who is not serious or maybe kinda crazy gives up on me by then.

i love CL, so good luck. i personally have never managed to meet anyone in real life, like at a bar or club or group. since any women i am involved with have to be okay with a poly relationship (since i'm already with a guy partner) CL is wonderful since i can just lay it all out there ahead of time and anyone who isn't interested doesn't need to email me.

Apr 12, 2007, 8:02 PM
i have never used it. what is it? lil bit

Craiglist is basically like the classfield ads we see in our local papers... just online thats all and you can access other cities as well.

Apr 13, 2007, 4:13 AM
Here in the SF Bay Area Craigslist has a distinct character in each different personals niche.

"Casual Encounters" and "Men Seeking Men" tend to be raunchy, balls-out (pun intended) sex cruising.

"Women Seeking Women" on the other hand, tends to be very civilized.

It all just depends.

Personally I use Craigslist to look for couples, because it beats the alternatives such as AdultFriendFinder. Unfortunately, a lot of the couples posting on Craigslist are looking to trade sex for drugs like crystal meth. The rest tend to be very superficial in terms of the bisexual men they are looking for: young, hung, and dumb seems to be the flavor of choice on Craigslist. Oh, and like everywhere else, the cuckold/bull fetish is on the upswing. Not my thing really.

So I keep my marketing plan alive, in the event some nice couple will come through there before they get burned out on superficial flakes and drug addicts. One can only hope! :)

Apr 13, 2007, 12:30 PM
Thank you tasha i feel like a fool but that is okay. thanks again lil bit

Apr 13, 2007, 12:53 PM
Y'all are EVIL!!! :tong: ;)

So, I had to go check out Craigslist (not for a date, my hubby and g/f would kick my ass). I found a place near here that gives away free decorate rock (granite, slate, etc) and someone looking to give away lots of tree seedlings, which is great since had have property that has been timbered and needs replanted. So, now I'm driving all over and hauling rock and baby trees.

Happy, happy, joy, joy! :bigrin: :bigrin: :bigrin:

Apr 13, 2007, 1:36 PM
Thank you tasha i feel like a fool but that is okay. thanks again lil bit

Dear Lilbits :)

Do not feel like a fool :( Fools are those that DON'T ask questions and assume if they don't know the answer to it. We all learn by asking.

You will never be a fool to me. I see you as someone curious who just didn't know what Craiglist was. I didn't either till a few months ago when I asked another friend what she was talking about. :)

If anyone calls you a fool or stupid cause you asked a question then its THEM that are cause we shouldn't be expected to know EVERYTHING. If you don't know it then you don't.

Thats why I get picky with people that assume they know everything about hearing impairment when they don't. hehe Always be honest and ASK if you don't know.... sometimes you can tell if a persons your real friend that way.... if they tell you your a fool or stupid then they aren't really your friends I guess. I love helping out people :) So consider me a new friend !!!

Tasha :) :)

Apr 13, 2007, 1:43 PM
Y'all are EVIL!!! :tong: ;)

So, I had to go check out Craigslist (not for a date, my hubby and g/f would kick my ass). I found a place near here that gives away free decorate rock (granite, slate, etc) and someone looking to give away lots of tree seedlings, which is great since had have property that has been timbered and needs replanted. So, now I'm driving all over and hauling rock and baby trees.

Happy, happy, joy, joy! :bigrin: :bigrin: :bigrin:

ME ??? Evil?!?!?! NEVER!! No one told you to check lol

Glad to hear you found a place nearby to get things you want lol Now you've got yourself busy for a bit hehehe and Im to thank for bringing up the topic :bigrin: :bigrin: :bigrin: :bigrin:

Oct 13, 2007, 5:01 PM
How many of you had good experiences with posting an ad on the personals section of Craiglist??


Jess and I have had good luck with Craigslist for sexual encounters. ;-)