View Full Version : gullible

Sep 13, 2005, 11:54 PM
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]ok, maybe i screwed up, i kno i sure feel dumb right now. see, i took the advice on the page at the entry to the chat room and went to the java homepage to check my java version. well, it was out of date, but worked just fine here.. blind faith in the vendors product, eagerness to get the latest and greatest [ yeh right] call it what you will, but i went and downloaded the newest version... now i can't EVEN get into the chatroom.. i have some little , i dunno, like palmflower [ think 70's sci fi] lookin thing settin there rotating while i can go wash the car, kick the dog [ no , bad joke] write a novel, and not a thing happens. so, if anyone who is a true techie, worx with puters or java for a living and knows win2Kpro inside and out can help, please contact me via yahoo IM at this handle.. i really need to get this thing back up and runnin.

Sep 14, 2005, 12:30 AM
I did the same thing Rich, but after the thing runs a little bit it lets me in the chatroom. I do notice I get bumped out of chat more since I downloaded Java. I didn't have that problem before.
Hope you get it worked out soon!

Arana :tong:

Sep 14, 2005, 2:18 AM
ok i need to tell you that the problem has been solved.. part of it was my inability to RTFS! .. but i also blame sun microsystems , cause their online instructions and setup guidlines or installation help, well it needs work to be polite.. so, thanx, but i seem to have gotten it< mumbling to self as closes page; after 45 mintes of digging, diabling and friggin reboots.....>