View Full Version : How to find someone

Apr 6, 2007, 2:15 PM
I was just wondering I haven't been on this site but for a few days. And i was wondering for those of you who have been on hear for a while have you found someone on this site that you have meet? I was just wondering because ihavent' found a whole lot of people from my state. Just wondering how ya'll luck has been with the site? lil bit

Apr 6, 2007, 3:32 PM
Hi, I have the same issues :) I'll LOVE to meet people more locally from my Prov (BC, Canada) or nearby.

But I just keep posting and chatting with friends whom I met after posting for awhile lol

Im perfectly happy with having a big online friends group but I would love to meet some in real life. That MAY be happening soon but I don't know yet.

I think you should just keep posting, let people get to know who you are. Who knows, maybe a lurker from your state might sign up and post :-)


miller lite man
Apr 6, 2007, 6:12 PM
This is an interesting post,and i'm glad to add my :2cents: .
I enjoy this site,the discussions in here,and the topics that ask for reply.
I joined on a whim,and got a reply from a gal who lives about 4 hours away,the same night. We're in S.E South Dakota.
My advice. .just keep trying. . . all goood things take time. It's a good place to meet people,just be patient.
ceitre@aol.com or miller lite man. .

Apr 6, 2007, 6:52 PM
I wanted to thank ya'll for your responds. And i am totally willing to wait. What do they say about it that if it is worth having it's worth waiting for. well i have to go thanks for the advice. Really enjoyed reading ya'll responds. thanks again lil bit

Apr 6, 2007, 8:12 PM
For me I havnt found anyone from michigan on this site that ive gotton to know and have wanted to meet. Yes it can be a waiting game. However , if you feel like traveling you could do that too. Im not married so it makes it a tad easier for me to pick up and go , but if you find that you and your hub do not mind somewhat of a LD relationship ( something i dont recomend if you get super serious ) It might work for ya. Good Luck !

Apr 6, 2007, 10:08 PM
You can meet others with similar interests on this site. However, for me, I like the exchange of ideas, desires, and human interest that characterizes the site. For volumes of link up opportunities I would go to other sites that specialize in that. They will cost you money and you have to exercise caution (avoid bad matches and a few socially skewed people)! But you are almost guaranteed success (a relationship with a quality person) because that is why they are paid members of the site.


Apr 7, 2007, 12:22 PM
It is kind of odd that of those who are very near me--we have not developed a friendship or such, but I meet people from all over the place, very far from me usually, who I would like to meet in person and vice versa---

Good luck in meeting someone close to you--

Apr 7, 2007, 3:22 PM
For me I havnt found anyone from michigan on this site that ive gotton to know and have wanted to meet. Yes it can be a waiting game. However , if you feel like traveling you could do that too. Im not married so it makes it a tad easier for me to pick up and go , but if you find that you and your hub do not mind somewhat of a LD relationship ( something i dont recomend if you get super serious ) It might work for ya. Good Luck !

Im single too :-P Its rather fusterating too tho when you like someone a lot and you want to be Real Life friends and see where that goes.... BUT this person lives to far away or is dating someone or married lol
(Im not into couples... just doesn't feel right to me)

MEANWHILE People that you have met locally are never your type lol I would love to move back to Ontario but that would requre A LOT of $$$$$ to move everything lol Big move but I could live without half of the stuff I own tho :)

I put an ad on Craiglist and a girl replied but now shes mad Im not in Vancouver lol Penticton is like 5 or 6 hours away. I can't post on the Kelowna Craiglist cause hardly anyones there.

Oh well. Still looking and waiting. waiting and waiting and waiting

Apr 8, 2007, 2:44 AM
How well I can relate to this. Oddly enough and as has already been stated, I run into people I really enjoy in a deeper way that are usually quite a distance; one in particular. Wouldn't you know that this person; this woman would be 2000 friggin' miles away from me. Our souls are so powerfully a part of each other, but it will not be realized because of more than just distance. It's my belief that distance isn't the problem as much as it is other issues and this is the case with the person I am referring to here. When two souls really are tuned into to each other and the obstacles are removed then nothing can prevent the two from being united. Anyhow, there are plenty in my local area but I have yet to make a connection with any of them in this sense. Some probably interpret when they see my profile that I'm only about play and nothing else which certainly is not the case. Perhaps I need to change the "angle" of my profile as posting so many pics of my cock doesn't allow anyone to see the side of me that yearns for that deep soul connection. It's not the case I can assure you. Of course, I haven't been here as much either but when I was, nothing was happening then either. I was immersed in this other person for many months too however. So, over the last two months I've hardly been here at all and this night is the longest I have visited here in 2 months also. I've been staying away from the computer and being online so much as I feel for myself it allows me more freedom to make connections in a real sense of the word. For in meeting people face to face, they are able to actually experience who we are. Though there is a certain amount of 'trust' when online, meeting someone in person allows them and yourself to experience them more directly. I doubt if my entry here is very helpful. It's not that I don't believe or think that one can't make a 'soulful' connection online, but it's not nearly as direct as in person. And interestingly, when it comes down to that after meeting someone we're interested online, people are reluctant quite often to do that...it's much easier to hide ourselves here. My only answer or response would be to be more consistent and always always show yourself as to who you really are when here. This is where most are not willing to go and simply out of fear. That's understandable online or even here at this site....but I do think it is possible if your heart is really into it and sincere.

Apr 8, 2007, 2:54 AM
Some probably interpret when they see my profile that I'm only about play and nothing else which certainly is not the case. Perhaps I need to change the "angle" of my profile as posting so many pics of my cock doesn't allow anyone to see the side of me that yearns for that deep soul connection. It's not the case I can assure you.

As with the all things in these sites, people will see you for what your profile portrays you to be. Changing the info on your profile to accurately show the real you is always best.
We are often tweaking our profile for just that reason.

As far as the whole finding local people thing, we see a ton of folks from out of our area (Canada, Texas, California, etc.) but very few that meet our criteria in our area. We are fairly certain that if we move to another area, we will see very few in the area that we move to, but suddenly tons in this area will pop up. :P

Go figure, right?

Apr 8, 2007, 11:41 AM
:flag4: Personally I think even if you meet someone not in your area (locally) that if there is chemistry fate or destiny will step in for you and help you make the connection. After all the heart and your voice, your personality are very powerful moving things when it comes to attracting that person you so desire.A meeting would therefore be inevitible for you.Be yourself, show them who you are a nd what your made of truely and love always finds a way. :flag4: Ps. great topic and good luck to all the "HOPELESS ROMANTICS OUT THERE"

Apr 8, 2007, 3:26 PM
Thank you for everyone responding to my question i have really enjoyed your answers and i thank you all very much because you have helped me. I wish you all well and talk to you all later. lil bit

Apr 8, 2007, 4:16 PM
As with the all things in these sites, people will see you for what your profile portrays you to be. Changing the info on your profile to accurately show the real you is always best.
We are often tweaking our profile for just that reason.

As far as the whole finding local people thing, we see a ton of folks from out of our area (Canada, Texas, California, etc.) but very few that meet our criteria in our area. We are fairly certain that if we move to another area, we will see very few in the area that we move to, but suddenly tons in this area will pop up. :P

Go figure, right?

I have to agree, it's the profile that shows who you are and so it will be the thing that sparks someone's interest. It's probably coincidence but since I've changed my profile to a pretty lengthy one I seem to be getting more responses lately. I'm not really out to find someone as I've got all I need, but I'm always happy to meet new people and I think my profile reflects that. I've met a few people who have contacted me through this site and all are really nice. I've been very fortunate that way. Something else is that there should be more chances of meeting others if you do the contacting as opposed to waiting for others to contact you. I guess all I wanted to say is that you are who you're profile shows you are and eventually someone with similar interests will notice. Also start contacting others.

Apr 8, 2007, 8:51 PM
I personally don't do the online dating sites. i mean i'm all about meeting someone in real life..or better yet face to face. That's why i'm more concerned when meeting another bisexual chick. Everyone says internet and im like no...i want to learn how to have confidence and approach a woman... it's hard out there. but younger women are too fiesty for me. :female:

Aug 20, 2023, 12:35 PM
I was just wondering I haven't been on this site but for a few days. And i was wondering for those of you who have been on hear for a while have you found someone on this site that you have meet? I was just wondering because ihavent' found a whole lot of people from my state. Just wondering how ya'll luck has been with the site? lil bit
This site, I never find any one any where near local.

Aug 20, 2023, 6:27 PM
I was just wondering I haven't been on this site but for a few days. And i was wondering for those of you who have been on hear for a while have you found someone on this site that you have meet? I was just wondering because ihavent' found a whole lot of people from my state. Just wondering how ya'll luck has been with the site? lil bit

Yes I have