View Full Version : Questions about anal sex

Apr 5, 2007, 9:40 PM
Hello everyone.....My wife and I are considering trying anal sex without using a condom, but are unsure if this is a healthy practice. I have done some research on the subject, but as usual, it's 50% do it and 50% don't do it.

So I was hoping I could get some information from you guys. I'd like to ask that you answer the following questions only if you are in a MONOGAMOUS relationship, as I think you'd have to be totally out of your mind, to have anal sex with a stranger and not use protection.

However, I do see many a porn pic in which the man is not using any protection while having anal sex. So my questions are:

1) Are you male or female?

2) How long have you been having unprotected anal sex with your partner?

3) Have you ever gotten any illnesses from it?

4) Anything else I should know?


Apr 5, 2007, 10:07 PM
1. I am a male and have had unprotected sex with both male and female partners both on the giving and recieving end.

2. While the relationship was going on as soon as condoms came off it was free game.

3. I am totally clean and safe if you 2 are only condom free with each other you should have too many problems.

4. I have heard a man can get an infection from the waste in the anus if you are feeling unsure go with the enema first. Or at least fingering in the shower with warm water to pull some of any left over residue out. Also as protection for yourself go pee when you get done that is the mans body's way of cleaning the penis after sex. I say go for it and have fun!!!

thats just me talking someone may disagree and thats...OK

Apr 5, 2007, 10:19 PM
Not sure if I can donate anything useful to this thread. I am a married, bi, and don't use protected sex with my wife. I have never contracted anything illness wise from her except maybe getting her juices caught in my beard occasionally. :devil:

As far as my current male friend (as I like to call him) we do not engage in any form of unsafe sexual activity. I can hear it now.... so what do you do if you don't practice any unsafe sexual activity.. huh? C'mon Tommy, what do you do? Well, we just don't get stupid and not use precautions. He is a full time member of a gay oriented club in Austin and they don't, as far as he can tell, play unsafe. But, I will never take any chances of giving any unwanted gifts (you know the kind... the ones that keep on giving.) to my wife or receiving any of those from my male friend.

Anal sex... go for it. If it's exclusive with you and your wife, there shouldn't be a really good reason, except for pain and physical injury, that should keep you away from a fairly popular form of sexual activity.

Go SLOW and be PATIENT... and honor HER wishes at ALL times. And use a good, high quality lubricant and for gosh sakes, please warm it up before going for the gold.

Thanks for listening,

Tommy2020 :shades:

P.S. Oh yes, one last thing. Those porno stars who take it up the old dirt road do it for money and probably use rubber bands to keep their assholes closed between takes as they are probably so worn out that they need them.

Apr 5, 2007, 10:32 PM
good actitud. I had anal sex with my partener [female] for over 4 years without any problems what so ever.The previous sugestion of cleaning her anus first is a very sensible idea and one that i would recomend ....but ...that only happend when you plan it, as we all know is a thing that you do on impulse becouse she feels like it at this moment.
Is important not to insert your penis on the vegina after anal sex, clean your self before as she could get some infection.
Dont forget ..LOTS of lube if she is not use to it. Take your time and can be very plesurable for both of you.
My partener was very reluctant to do it ...so i started by slowly licking her on the anus and when had plenty of saliva i inserted a finger, to see her reaction....normaly you get a good response.
When she seem to be acepting it, have her doggie style, and again put some lube,a finger.and may be 2... If she enjoy it will let you know by pushing her ass towards you [finger]
Then is the time to place plenty of lube and very slowly penetrate her ,make her relax so it enter a lot eseear ....May be play with her clit at the same time.
After a few times she enjoyed so much that she will ask me to. "Fuck me on the ass ". As she put it.She was very surprise tha she had great anal orgasmes. Good luck and have lots of fun :) :tong: :bigrin:

Apr 5, 2007, 11:42 PM
One thing you should keep in mind if you are going to have unprotected anal sex with your wife is to make sure you don't enter her vagina directly after having anal sex. That can cause her some problems with infection but certainly nothing that would be considered deadly or STD related...mostly a hygienic issue. I realize you were asking about something completely different but thought I would add that little tidbit of info.


Apr 6, 2007, 12:14 AM
One thing you should keep in mind if you are going to have unprotected anal sex with your wife is to make sure you don't enter her vagina directly after having anal sex. That can cause her some problems with infection but certainly nothing that would be considered deadly or STD related...mostly a hygienic issue. I realize you were asking about something completely different but thought I would add that little tidbit of info.

Great advice Kate
You can go from pussy to ass but never from ass to pussy.

Apr 6, 2007, 12:45 AM
Yep Kate gave some good advice.

As for us:

1) I'm a male

2) 10 + years of unprotected anal sex with my wife. Why unprotected? Cause shes the only person I have unprotected sex with.

3) Nope. The thing is that you should always wash your self after sex in the shower if possible. Im not saying you get off and then run into the shower before she even has a chance to recover, but instead, after your post coitus cuddling, excuse yourself and go shower. As always, never place anything that has been in her anus into her vagina with out fully washing it first.

4) If your wife has never had anal sex, you are gonna have to start her off slowly. Maybe the first few times just a well lubricated finger, and after that maybe graduating to two fingers. Then when she is read, have her get ontop of you cowgirl style (I.e. facing you) while you lay on your back. That way she is able to control the speed of penetration and how far you get in. Keep in mind that if she has never had sex that sphincter muscle is gonna hurt like the dickens the first time you go in there. It will get better (well for most folks at least) after the first few seconds, but be patient. I highly suggest this approach and have found that being patient means that she'll more than likely be a repeat customer. Also check out an assortment of lubrication liquids and gels. I used to beleive in KY jelly. But then we discovered this product called "Just like me" and have to say its a million times better for the both of us. But which ever product you use, DONT SKIMP ON IT.

Apr 6, 2007, 11:10 AM
I am male

I have had unprotected anal sex with my wife for 7 years about 1-2 times a month.

I have never had any illness from it.

Relax, use lube, and enjoy.

Apr 6, 2007, 4:30 PM
The wife and I have been having sex for just under 39 years. Never once in those years have I ever used a rubber on her. Never had any health problems, anal or otherwise.
One other word of caution, if you have a weakened immune system from diabetes, surgeries, medications etc. DO NOT even try it without protection. I had a friend with diabetes who did and it nearly cost him his life. It was his own wife but he none the less got an infection. :2cents:

Apr 6, 2007, 5:32 PM
As a male I've had anal sex swith my female partners for man years with no problems on my part and none to my knowledge from my partners.

A close female friend of ours and her male lover have anal sex more than vaginal sex. (He just loves it.) After several years she did begin to experience some sphincter muscle problems. So they did cut back on the frequency of anal. Seems to fix the problem.

Personally, I've had M/M anal sex numerous times on both sides of the act. If I'm going to be the reciever, I prefer to go to the bathroom early on and get really squeeky clean inside and out. (Yay disposable enemas.) :) As the top guy, I pretty much go with the flow and just make sure that I take time to freshen up as soon afterward as possible. (Always had to bleach the towels.) :)

Anal is not for everyone but male or female, if you want it you'll get it and deal with the discomfort and cleanliness issues as they arise.

Apr 6, 2007, 5:34 PM
1) female
2)over 20yrs
3)no raist and i always shower afterwards
4) start slow. a full body massage is a really good way to relax someone, and the upside is it's enjoyable and very relaxing and she needs to be relaxed first time around. for both the message and the lube we use "st.ives collagen elastin" lotion. spend lots of time massaging the buttocks an anus, and use lot of lotion, the more the better. i prefer to be on my stomach or hands and knees, but thats me. when you first penetrate (head only) stop and wait this will allow the spincter to relax. first time there will be some initial discomfort,but if your patient you will be rewarded. if she says its painful withdraw immediatly and go back to massage, and try again later. if everything is good proceed slowly, listen to her, gotta trust me on this one. once she's ready to go let nature take it's course. have fun kit

miller lite man
Apr 6, 2007, 6:17 PM
not into anal...nope. . anal is for excretion..not insertion.. some will agree with me,others will not.
just my :2cents:
ceitre ..

Apr 6, 2007, 7:36 PM
1) Female

2) Since marriage - 17 years. The odd extra-curricula involved as well. :rolleyes:

3) Never.

4) Its got to be the receiver's call. Its a very sensitive area packed with pain receptors as well as pleasure ones. Listen to your partner.

Apr 7, 2007, 2:30 AM
I am female, 30, and have had unprotected anal sex with two boyfriends. I loved it, but would only do it in a serious, trusting relationship. The reason why...condoms break during anal sex. So going in you have to be comfortable with your partner knowing thats a probability. Also, I never go from anal to vaginal or oral because I heard it can cause infections but it's not an issue cuz once I start I don't want to stop. Try it, you'll really enjoy it.

Apr 7, 2007, 5:20 PM
This is the first time Google didn't bring me back a site to verify.
Condums break during anal sex? You must be using some old rubbers. Or, maybe you have some hemmroids that rip them. Nothing out there that supports your theory. I even wrote to Trojans to get their opinion on using rubbers for anal. They claim they have had no complaints.

Apr 7, 2007, 7:09 PM
not into anal...nope. . anal is for excretion..not insertion.. some will agree with me,others will not.
just my :2cents:
ceitre ..

I use to think the way you do but after using toys on my self, by my self. I am ok with my partner using the toy on me. Still not ready for an actuall penis size yet.


Apr 7, 2007, 10:37 PM
My bad welickit. The first two times I had anal the condoms broke. i don't have hemmroids, he wasn't overly huge. It just happened. Maybe we were rough. I guess my point is I personally would not have anal with anyone I did not trust 100% to the point where the condom wasn't an issue. Thank you for clarifying for others the condom thing. In some cases, like this, facts are way better then opinion.