View Full Version : question-advice please

Apr 5, 2007, 3:24 AM
hey,good evening
so I was wondering If I could have some advice.
I am just finding out that I am Bi and possibly even lesbian.I just feel as if I am living a doubled life.I try and meet new people.Girls that is online and I talk and get to know them and am planning to meet them soon too.I dont tell anybody about this except for my one friend.I am afraid to tell anybody else since I joke around about lesbians and Bisexuals ,and sometimes comment that I am BI In a joking matter and they freak out.I just feel bad keeping this to myself..and I feel alone.I know I like girls :s
-I hope that makes sense

any advice would be nice

Apr 5, 2007, 3:39 AM
Hey welcome! You've found a really great community here.

That said, you should be aware that online communities can be dangerous. The problem is that they are totally public and wackos can be lurking without anyone knowing.

Meeting someone in real life that you met online can be risky. Always remember to meet in a public place, and you might want to consider bringing backup - like a friend to make sure everything turns out ok. Even then, you might become the target of some kind of stalker.

A lot of bisexual and lesbian women prefer to meet potential partners in person at support group meetings and other social events. Meeting other bisexual and lesbian women in the supportive environment of a GLBT center, for example, is not only much safer, but is a much better way to get to know people in person in a low-pressure and community-building atmosphere before going on a "date."

There are lots of bisexual meetups listed on this site and elsewhere, just let us know if you need any help locating a real life bisexual or lesbian community.

Feel free to ask us anything, and have fun! :)

Apr 5, 2007, 4:04 AM
sorry mnaybe I didnt get my message across clearly.what I meant to say was that I feel like I am living a doubled life since I dont tell anybody about how I really feel ..Im not too worried about the meeting of people thtas not my issue,thks though..hehe

Apr 5, 2007, 4:07 AM
Well that would be another reason to go to a queer women's support group - so that you can talk about your double life with others who know where you're coming from. Usually the LGBT centers have coming out groups that deal with just these types of issues. What part of BC are you in? Perhaps we could locate a queer center for you?

Apr 5, 2007, 4:25 AM
I am in Vanocuver BC

Apr 5, 2007, 4:45 AM
OK well I found this listing at http://www.lgtbcentrevancouver.com/Up%20Coming%20Events.htm :

Bisexual Discussion Support Group

Last Monday of every month, 7:00 - 9:00 pm

1033 Davie St.

Info: 604 684-5307

Can anyone else vouch for this group?

Apr 5, 2007, 4:50 AM
OK well I found this listing at http://www.lgtbcentrevancouver.com/Up%20Coming%20Events.htm :

Bisexual Discussion Support Group

Last Monday of every month, 7:00 - 9:00 pm

1033 Davie St.

Info: 604 684-5307

Can anyone else vouch for this group?

I know nothing about this group.

But I would like to say that Davie Street is in downtown Vancouver and that most of it is NOT somewhere that anyone should venture ALONE.

Apr 5, 2007, 5:16 AM
Sol/Flex, is there a group that you two can recommend for Confused_BC_Gurl?