View Full Version : have we done something wrong

Sep 13, 2005, 3:46 PM
hi all im purple ive been in the chat room tonigth and know one seems to want to talk boo hoo pla help as i dont understand xxxx

Sep 13, 2005, 5:17 PM
Hello Purple :bigrin:

Sometimes the chat room is like that.. if i'm feeling a bit raw i can take it personally but usually its because folk are busy in private rooms... or a close knit group have some in joke going on or something..

I always seem to just miss you in chat.. I've wanted to say hi, partly cause i'm a northerner too and partly cause you said nice things about my piercings in another thread :tong:

Smiles for Purple :bigrin: Julie xx

Sep 13, 2005, 6:00 PM
Please don't take it personally Purple. It happens to everyone at some point. I've gone in the room many times and not been talked to or been away a couple of days only to return and have someone come in within the first 5 minutes and say, "Do you live here?". It just varies from day to day and sometimes hour to hour. I've chatted with you in the room and you have been very kind so I'm sure it's nothing you're doing wrong.


Arana :tong:

Sep 13, 2005, 6:10 PM
Hello Purple,

Julie's observation about the chat room is similar to mine. Chat is like entering an unpredicatble stream. Sometimes it is quiet, at other times warm and welcoming, sometimes it is like a bubbling brook, and others times it is a rushing force. You never know what you are to expect.

Frequently, I feel very unwelcome in the site. Sometimes it is a very personally rewarding experience. At times people have been unnecessarily unkind.

Please do not take what happens there personally. It rarely, if ever, has anything to do with you. Consequently, it is best not to have your own agenda when you enter chat. The stream's receptiveness is not forseeable. If you like, find some friends from this site and agree to meet and chat privately (or get a room) at agreed upon times.

Best wishes and a big hug,

Sep 13, 2005, 9:30 PM
Hello Purple..I have visisted the chat room plenty of times. I see names on these threads that I have seen in the chat room. Sometimes I will go in and will get a quick one or two PM's, so it appears like I am not active. At times, all I do is lurk in the shadows reading what people are saying. I don't chat much cuz I type to slow and by the time I try to respond I am usually choking on the "fast moving chat dust"...And yes, I have signed on and at times, it seems like no one cares if I am there or not. But I always get a "Welcome Cody" or a "Hello' when I arrive. And even if I don't chat with anyone, I always say Goodnight, and get much "goodnight cody" in return...Don't take it personal... :tongue:

Sep 13, 2005, 10:49 PM
Hi Purple,

Often times I find myself in a personal chat very quickly once in the room. Then I guess it appears that I am just 'lurking', which of course is not true.

There are also times when I am in personal chat and others pop up trying to chat, I try to explain to them that I am engaged because I think it's rude to have two or more separate chats at the same time. I hope I have not offended anyone during one of these times...it surely is not intentional.

Hang in there, it grows on you:)

Sep 14, 2005, 7:50 AM
please dont take it personal purple
many times lately, i have gone into chat and have gotten kind of bored, and i just "lay dormant"
and im sure others get the same wat from time to time, sometimes i go in just to say hello to a bunch of friends there
and yes there is a close family like closeness with many in the chat room, but we are all welcoming to new people, it took a week or two for people to get to know me (and like i told them, i rely on my sense of humor to get me through things like this) so please dont ever take me seriously or as i call it "face value" i can be serious at times, but its not all that often!
thank you! m.in.heels&hose (aka mihh)

Sep 14, 2005, 5:49 PM
thankyou for the respones i got from my last thread thats made us feel loads better thankyou all so nice xxxxxx purple