View Full Version : How do you like your Tea or Coffee??

Apr 3, 2007, 11:59 PM
So how does everyone like thier tea or coffee?? (iced tea allowed too lol)

Me... it has to be hot tea, I love it with 2 spoons of sugar. mmmm

Apr 4, 2007, 12:02 AM
I like ice tea but it has to be Lipton not Nestea. I like the taste of Lipton tea, I don't like the other for some reason. Hot tea, I only drink if I have a sore throat with lots of honey and lemon, very soothing. I also like hot tea at a chinese restaurant, its good there dunno why.

Coffee, has to have cream, powdered, reg. milk, something in it, no sugar, yuck lol...just cream.

Apr 4, 2007, 12:49 AM
I drink all coffee, even esspresso with half and half and natural sugar.

I don't drink the fake crappy stuff that gets sold as tea. I prefer real tea and I drink it plain for the most part unless it's a dark tea which I'll sometimes add sugar.

Apr 4, 2007, 1:00 AM
Black. :rolleyes:

Apr 4, 2007, 1:01 AM
Coffee - Black, no cream, no sugar, nothing.

Tea - Straight, no additives unless it is Earl Grey, then once in a while I will add a light touch of honey

Apr 4, 2007, 1:17 AM
Coffee - Decaf, black, three sugars

Tea - Since I'm an herbalist I've mad all kinds of nasty, hideous tasting medicinal concoctions. THOSE get 2 tsp. honey. Otherwise I like my dandelion blend with rice milk. Just enough to change the color.

Apr 4, 2007, 1:37 AM
Coffee - straight up -nothing added but a couple ice cubes to the 1st cup (big cup too - our 12 cup pot will make 3 cups of the size I use) just to cool it off a bit. :tong:

Tea - depending on what kind I'm drinking. No instants at all - YUCKO!!!!
Regular Tea - hot or cold nothing added.
Green Tea - drink more than any other - a touch of Splenda - about 1/8th a cup for a gallon will do just nicely. Same for the herbal teas I drink occasionally. I do miss the honey I used to sweeten them with since I was taken off ALL sugars, honey, molasses, corn syrups and such for health reasons (hypoglycemia in critical stage). I even have a tea ball for the occasional lose tea I brew.

Gem :flag4:

Apr 4, 2007, 7:48 AM
I like my coffee like I like most women , Blonde and Sweet

Apr 4, 2007, 7:56 AM

i don't care if it has cream, suger, milk, favored syrup or it's black...i don't care if its gourmet kona or just hot brown water. it's got to have i thing:


Apr 4, 2007, 8:17 AM
Ahhhh, the wonders of coffee.....I love my coffee nearly any way that I can get it! Flavors, cream, sugar, or just black.....as long as it can GET IN MY BELLY!! :bigrin:
Tea - I do enjoy a good cup o' hot herbal tea every now and then, but, down here in the south....it is mostly iced and sweet.

Apr 4, 2007, 8:26 AM
i just like spooning in bed..lol

it has to be tea...piping hot and in a warmed china cup with the milk poured in after the tea has been let to stew for a few moments...no mif's allowed lol

oh how british we are in blighty lol

Apr 4, 2007, 8:34 AM
coffee... light - 2 sugars

tea... sweet, hot or cold

Apr 4, 2007, 9:22 AM
Cofee here and nothing added just black.

Apr 4, 2007, 9:31 AM
tea - warm with nothing added. usually drink herbal blends, but never black tea.

coffee - love the smell but hate the taste.

(by the way, this thread smells like a café. can't we bake something as well?)

Apr 4, 2007, 9:38 AM
Oh Tasha.... I just knew you would come up with a thread like this. It is one of the more gentle threads that you are so fond of doing. Thank you.

Coffee - black and the stronger, the better.
Tea - straight up, never any lemon or sugar and hot or cold.
I like the stronger blends of hot tea for morning and as the day wears on, I will switch to green tea and drink that on into the evening.


Apr 4, 2007, 11:09 AM
I roll and smoke my tea when it's available, and have either a shot of Cinnamon Vanilla or Blueberry Cobbler creamer in my coffee.

Ambi :)

Apr 4, 2007, 3:17 PM
Coffee - Black
Tea - No sugar And I prefer Chinese tea's. ( since I been in China ) in many kinds and tastes. Brought some over ( together with the silk and FAKE Rolex :)

Whiskey - No ice..

Apr 4, 2007, 4:13 PM
How do I like my tea or coffee???...............hmmmmm lets see.............In a cup thanks :tong:

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Fire Lotus
Apr 4, 2007, 4:21 PM
Coffee - Has to be flavored. Preferably mocha (ofcourse) but will also take vanilla

Tea - I'm not a huge tea drinker. But when I do drink it, I like the fruity ones and/or with spice. I have also recently become very fond of Starbuck's green tea chai latte. (I think that's what I remember it being called.....or something like that.)

Apr 4, 2007, 4:28 PM
Coffee - -two creams, 3 sugars . . .it's like the way I like my men(sometimes) ; blonde, and sweet.

Tea - - one cream, 2 sugars, unless it's mint -- no cream, two spoonfuls of honey.


Abbey Road
Apr 4, 2007, 4:47 PM
Regular Tea - with a touch of milk & no sugar.

Herbal / Speciality Tea`s - black, no sugar.

Rarely drink coffee as I seem to get migranes or my tinnitus gets louder when I drink it. :( :bibounce:

Apr 4, 2007, 4:51 PM
I like my tea sweet to the sip and i like my coffee with three sugars and four creams. lil bit

Apr 4, 2007, 6:36 PM
Iced tea with two packs of the blue stuff......Coffee,decaf with two packs of the blue stuff and creamer,not the powdered kind<yuck>.

Apr 4, 2007, 8:14 PM
Coffee black and sweet...
Tea iced and sweet... :paw: :paw:

Buck Naked
Apr 4, 2007, 8:20 PM
Like I like my women, Hot, Black, and Screamin for the Cream!

Apr 4, 2007, 8:46 PM
Like I like my women, Hot, Black, and Screamin for the Cream!

Did I date you? :tongue:


Mar 15, 2008, 3:57 PM
I rarely drink coffee black unless it's really weak or I'm forced to.

Usually I'll add some milk/half + half and 1-2 teaspoons of sugar to my coffee. I do this with all types unless it's a latte. I also add milk and sugar to espresso. If the latte is flavored or if I'm drinking mocha I usually don't add sugar/splenda.

With tea I usually drink it hot or iced and plain for the most part.
I'll sometimes put honey into tisane/herbal infusions, and green tea.

If I drink Assam I'll put some milk into it and put honey into that but I normally don't put milk or honey into most black teas unless it's chai and I'll put sugar and milk into chai.

Mar 15, 2008, 4:05 PM
Coffee with a little bit of milk or half-and-half

Assam tea with a little bit of milk

Green tea, herbal teas...nothing added

No sugar/honey/sweeteners in any of the above for me...I'm sweet enough :rolleyes: LMAO;)

Skater Boy
Mar 15, 2008, 4:22 PM
I *ALWAYS* drink my coffee BLACK. I prefer specific types, such as Jamaican Blue Mountain, which has a mild flavor with a hint of sweetness (and unfortunately an astronomical price-tag!). I take ONE spoon of sugar or sweetner, although I find that I'm quite sensitive to the taste of the sweetness, and can easily differentiate between brown sugar, white sugar and sweetner, just by tasting the drink itself.

As for milk-based coffee... I'm rather partial to hazelnut latte and Chai latte. although, again, I can usually distinguish between the various brands the different coffee shops sell.

I've also recently discovered "Hazelnut Hot Chocolate" at Starbucks, which is basically just a regular hot chocolate witha shot of hazelnut syrup... an interesting change for when one is avoiding the caffeine hit, but definitely quite "rich".

I *NEVER" drink TEA, unless its HERBAL tea. I quite like Fennel tea, cammomile tea, "Sleepytime" tea (Spearmint & Cammomile based) and also some of the "Winter" teas that are typical in Bavarian counties.


Mar 15, 2008, 4:29 PM
Oh, my favorite herbal teas include the Sleepytime variety as well as Madagascar Vanilla Red (which is a red rooibos tea) by Celestial Seasonings...smells divine and tastes wonderful as well.

I also enjoy some of the herbal orange/tangerine spice teas as well.

Mar 15, 2008, 4:40 PM
Sweet tea.

Iced hazelnut coffee.

Mar 15, 2008, 6:54 PM
Well Tea- I like my tea's how I like my men- hot sweet and weak lol.

Seriously thought i do drink herbal tea and normal teas

Coffee- between a quater and a half t-spoon of coffee- to much is bad for me.

I supose thats how i like my women lol, light on the eye, and nice on the tongue!!!

Skater Boy
Mar 15, 2008, 6:58 PM
Coffee- between a quater and a half t-spoon of coffee- to much is bad for me.

I take it you're an INSTANT coffee kinda girl then?

Mar 15, 2008, 7:06 PM
I take you're an INSTANT coffee kinda girl then?

Well I might be lol.... As a rule yes... But im open to offers lol.

I couldnt tell u what a la ta from an espessco. Well I could at a push.. I'm just uneducated...

Every now and then I go into one of the coffee shops and stand there- feeling brave... then my belly reminds me about being sensitive. So I opt for hotchocolate.


I know how to PARTY.



Skater Boy
Mar 15, 2008, 7:44 PM
I couldnt tell u what a la ta from an espessco. Well I could at a push.. I'm just uneducated...

I somehow doubt that. even the "uneducated" know the difference between a "latte" and an "espresso" these days. Unless they live in Mongolia.

But, the only time I drink "instant" coffee is when I'm in a hurry or I'm too lazy wash up the equipment.

Obviously I understand that coffee disagrees with some people, and its probably not th healthiest of drinks. But...

Mar 15, 2008, 9:12 PM
I like mine with a packet of splenda & some cream (coffee)

Tea, I like straight.

Mar 15, 2008, 9:22 PM
Diet Coke

Eddie altamonte
Mar 16, 2008, 12:48 AM
...after sex!

actually after having been a coffee addict for many years. I gave it up a couple of years ago. I do enjoy tea once in a while. I love green tea with splenda

Mar 16, 2008, 1:46 AM
Coffee- Hot,Black,& Rich
Tea-Iced lightly sweetened

Mar 16, 2008, 11:28 AM

Coffee: lot's of half & half (or cream)
Flavored or Spiced tea: as-is
Green tea: plain
Black tea: plain, or with lemon


Coffee: can't stand it (for some reason)
Tea: lots of lemon (I do (did) like Southern Style Sweet Tea, but can't take the sugar anymore)

Mar 16, 2008, 11:40 AM
Hot tea two sugars and cream oh make that a large please

Mar 16, 2008, 2:25 PM
Seeing this posting that was originally done by Tasha made me think---she used to be on here all the time--then she just stopped coming---anyone know what she is up to these days?? Why she stopped coming here???

Skater Boy
Mar 16, 2008, 2:32 PM
Seeing this posting that was originally done by Tasha made me think---she used to be on here all the time--then she just stopped coming---anyone know what she is up to these days?? Why she stopped coming here???

I thought exactly the same thing, and sent her a PM yesterday to ask her so. If she responds, I'll let y'all know what she says. But last time I heard she was dating another member here, and as so often happens, when people find love in the "real world", the "virtual world" sometimes becomes obsolete. But who knows... maybe she's just busy with work...

Mar 16, 2008, 8:30 PM
Even though I currently don't live in the south--I did for a number of years and I came to love the nectar of the south---sweet ice tea.

I still make my own fresh steeped iced tea--I have found that I prefer Luisianne Decaffinated tea bags and I no longer use sugar to sweeten my tea---I now don't even use any of the regular non-sugar sweetners--I now use Stevia powder.

In Japan and eslewhere, Stevia is a recognized sweetner but not in the US--but you can find it in most health food stores.

It is very concentrated, so you don't need to use that much. It is also a non-glycemic sweetner, so if you have concerns about blood sugar levels it causes no problem in that way.

Mar 16, 2008, 9:13 PM
I am a coffee addict. Its seriously a problem...so the doctors say..but I gotta have it! Darkest roast available, straight black. Everyonce in awhile i'll have a little sugar. Same with tea.

Mar 16, 2008, 9:14 PM
I am a coffee addict. Its seriously a problem...so the doctors say..but I gotta have it! Darkest roast available, straight black. Everyonce in awhile i'll have a little sugar. Same with tea.

How much do you drink daily to the point where doctors say that it's a problem?

Annika L
Mar 16, 2008, 9:54 PM
As one who frequently uses the coffee icon in chat: it has cream in it (preferably heavy or even whipping cream), no sweetener of any kind. But truth be told, I almost never drink more than one cup per day.

Black teas I generally drink with a touch of half-and-half and one packet of artificial sweetener.

Green teas I drink...um...black? Green? Oh hell, I don't add anything to green tea. :tongue:

And I don't consider Lipton or Nestea tea (iced or hot)...those are to tea what Velveeta is to cheese (at least in taste).

Mar 17, 2008, 5:39 AM
coffee - black with 2 splenda packs

tea - can do either hot tea or iced tea. For hot tea, I like all the Bigelow herbal teas, orange and spice is my favorite. For iced tea, I make it plain, then add two splenda packs to my glass. I'm diabetic, so the sugar is out. Now, I do like pineapple ice tea. 50/50 pineapple juice/plain ice tea. That is outstanding, drank that all the time while at Diego Garcia.

the mage
Mar 17, 2008, 9:45 AM
So how does everyone like thier tea or coffee?? (iced tea allowed too lol)

Me... it has to be hot tea, I love it with 2 spoons of sugar. mmmm

I use milk and honey in both T and coffee

Mar 17, 2008, 5:15 PM
I like my hot tea plain, nothing in it at all.

Mar 17, 2008, 7:55 PM
If I'm at a Chinese restaurant, I love their tea with just sugar. When at home, cream and sugar. I drink my coffee with extra cream no sugar

Mar 17, 2008, 9:55 PM
I used to drink coffee from sun up to sun down, and iced tea and soda's in between, but I had to give up caffeine when I injured my back to decrease muscle spasms. I have actually had heart palpitations when I get something with caffeine in it by accident.

So, now I have a stash of Celestial Seasonings in the cupboard. I make it by the pot in the morning and warm it up or not all day. I like the red (roobios) tea with all the animals riding in an open van on the front the best, not the vanilla one. I also like the lemon or tangerine zinger. I usually think it's sweet enough as it is, but I do sometimes add honey.

My grandfather used to say that to be healthy, one should eat local honey everyday. I never gave much thought to that, but my neighbors once gave me a jar of honey from their own hive. That year was the first autumn of my life that I did not have a sinus infection. I've been adding the honey in the fall and in the spring to my tea and I've not had another infection! WooHoo! It seems that it works rather like taking allergy shots. But, it has to be LOCAL to work.

Mar 19, 2008, 6:15 PM
Tea: lots of milk, maybe one load of sugar. I've never found a mug big enough - I need at least a pint of it in the morning. My favourite is PG Tips.

Chai is also gorgeous. Gotta make that stuff properly - you can't have too much sugar or milk in it.

Coffee: Black and strong. Makes me all jittery, but I love the stuff.

Mar 19, 2008, 7:54 PM
Coffee, the darker the roast the better. Black or with cream only.

Mar 19, 2008, 8:13 PM
Coffee, double double

Mar 29, 2008, 8:30 PM
I love every kind of hot tea, with absolutely nothing in it. Coffee... no sugar. Just some hazlenut cream.