View Full Version : Question out of the random. Have you dated someone with a Cleft Plate ?

Apr 3, 2007, 11:43 PM
Has anyone dated someone with a cleft plate??

I think I spelt it wrong but its when someone was born with a hole in the top of thier mouth (inside) and its open from the upper lip to the nose. (Which is usually repaired while your still an infant.)
Usually gives you a "speech impairment" untill you get used to hearing them then thier speech isn;t that bad anymore.

If so, what did you think of that? :) Did it make french kissing weird or what?

PS. Please no mean comments.... Im just talking about myself and just having wondering questions tonight :) and I did have a surgery to close most of it.. a tiny hole reminds cause they can't close it :(

Apr 4, 2007, 1:25 AM
Funny you should ask. My first serious boyfriend in high school had a cleft palate. I thought the speech impediment was cute :) The scar was evident but I've always been the type to be attracted to the person inside. The packaging is just that. And yes, we french kissed but I never really noticed anything weird.

Hope that answers your questions :)

Apr 4, 2007, 1:29 AM
Funny you should ask. My first serious boyfriend in high school had a cleft palate. I thought the speech impediment was cute :) The scar was evident but I've always been the type to be attracted to the person inside. The packaging is just that. And yes, we french kissed but I never really noticed anything weird.

Hope that answers your questions :)

Ya! :) Its just one of those moments where I think Im the only one with it.... even tho Cleft Palate is rather common. lol

Umm.. suddenly I like you more now *grins*

Judas Imok
Apr 4, 2007, 3:18 PM
I once had a boyfriend with a cleft palate. I never even really paid attention to it. His speech impediment was so slight....

I miss him :(

Anyhow, take care!


Apr 5, 2007, 2:51 AM
I have met a few guys I would have humped given the chance, who had a cleft pallat. Joaquin Phonex had one and he is one sexy devil.

Apr 5, 2007, 11:18 AM
Ok so those were all MEN!!! No one has ever met a GIRL with one?!?!?

Apr 5, 2007, 12:31 PM
My girl friend a couple of years ago had a cleft palate. It was not an issue for me at all even when an observant friend pointed out that she had one. She did have a slight speech impediment i.e. problem with some letters but other than that I forgot very fast that she had one. We had some great times, even greater sex but ultimately after a while other issues cropped up and we separated.

Apr 12, 2007, 2:26 AM
I have a crush on a woman with a cleft palate ... and sadly have never been able to french kiss her :(