View Full Version : When Did You Lose Your Sense of Humor?

Apr 3, 2007, 7:16 PM
Ah, the pressures of being a sexual minority today. It's easy to just turn a bit nasty in the face of it all.

Just when did you lose your sense of humor?

Was it when your boyfriend thought that because you wanted a girlfriend that meant that he was up for some "hot lesbo sex?"* Was it when you came out to your mother and she said "well does this mean you have sex with children and animals?"* Or was it when your wife found you trolling for cock on bisexual.com?*

*All true stories. The names have been changed to protect the innocent.

Apr 3, 2007, 7:54 PM
Hmmm. I guess I still have my sense of humor. I've had the experience of telling people I'm bi, and they immediately assume that means I'm up for a threesome. What can I tell ya? I had to laugh. :cool: :tong:

Apr 3, 2007, 8:22 PM
he he It was probably when my wife caught me trolling for hot man sex and drooling over all the penis pics on bisexual.com. Little did she know.... ;) :eek:

Apr 3, 2007, 8:24 PM
Perspective time: you can find double amputees with a sense of humor....

Apr 3, 2007, 8:36 PM
Hmmm. I guess I still have my sense of humor. I've had the experience of telling people I'm bi, and they immediately assume that means I'm up for a threesome. What can I tell ya? I had to laugh. :cool: :tong:

Ain't that the truth...Its also funny how some of these "str8" friends suddenly start asking all of these "curious" questions that they have had tumbling around in their heads...LOL...My sense of humor is alive and well and only showing signs of getting "humorously funnier" bi the minute... :paw: :paw:

Long Duck Dong
Apr 3, 2007, 9:06 PM
I guess the day I lost my sense of humour, happened over 2 seperate days

the first was when I was told that being bisexual, meant that I was not suited to being in the gay / les social group cos I was not really a part of the community due to my sexuality... never mind the fact half the gay guys wanted to get it on me me lol

I lost my sense of humour with groups, the day I was helping fight for the civil union in nz and I was told that my opinion didn't matter, nz was a christian country and bis, gays, les and trans, should all curl up and die, as they were not worthy of a voice cos they were degenerate perverts...I replied that, as a representive of god, the gentleman was acting in a totally unchristian manner.... and ignoring the teachings of god.... also as taxing payer citizens of nz, we had rights as well... his reply was so disgusting and offensive, I will not post it.... needless to say, my reaction was fast, furious and involved 5 cops trying to stop me helping the gentleman from meeting god in the next 3 seconds.....it is the worst remark I have ever heard from a church paster

Apr 3, 2007, 9:17 PM
This question makes the assumption that I lost my sense of humour.

While it may not always be front and center, it is by no means "lost."

Warped, perhaps....but not lost.


Apr 3, 2007, 9:22 PM
I'm taking essential fatty acids for the all around feel better mentally. It was about a month after I started taking them that I told my wife about the bi-curious stuff. We now affectionately refer to my essential caplets as gay pills. :bigrin:

We both get a big kick out of it. So, I guess I still have a sense of humor. However, I will debate almost anyone on the human psyche if they wish to.

Apr 3, 2007, 9:50 PM
I never lost it.
I read this today and thought that it was hilarious.


Keith Richards: 'I Snorted My Father'
Apr 3, 3:20 PM EST

The Associated Press

LONDON -- Keith Richards has acknowledged consuming a raft of illegal substances in his time, but this may top them all.

In comments published Tuesday, the 63-year-old Rolling Stones guitarist said he had snorted his father's ashes mixed with cocaine.

"The strangest thing I've tried to snort? My father. I snorted my father," Richards was quoted as saying by British music magazine NME.

"He was cremated and I couldn't resist grinding him up with a little bit of blow. My dad wouldn't have cared," he said. "... It went down pretty well, and I'm still alive."

Richards' father, Bert, died in 2002, at 84.

Richards, one of rock's legendary wild men, told the magazine that his survival was the result of luck, and advised young musicians against trying to emulate him.

"I did it because that was the way I did it. Now people think it's a way of life," he was quoted as saying.

"I've no pretensions about immortality," he added. "I'm the same as everyone ... just kind of lucky.

"I was No. 1 on the `who's likely to die' list for 10 years. I mean, I was really disappointed when I fell off the list," Richards said.

Apr 3, 2007, 10:07 PM
For those that don't have my warped sense of humor with the last post, here's something I found funny.


Apr 3, 2007, 10:27 PM
Hmmm. I guess I still have my sense of humor. I've had the experience of telling people I'm bi, and they immediately assume that means I'm up for a threesome. What can I tell ya? I had to laugh. :cool: :tong:

I would have to agree with sweetblackangel.. When i started telling people i was bi all they wanted was for me to have 3somes with them and there husbands.. It gets a little annoying. :2cents:

Apr 3, 2007, 11:06 PM
I would have to agree with sweetblackangel.. When i started telling people i was bi all they wanted was for me to have 3somes with them and there husbands.. It gets a little annoying. :2cents:

IMO there's no sense in getting pissed off when someone's paying you a compliment like that.

Sure, sometimes I do get a bit annoyed at guys who constantly cruise or grope me, or who can't take no for an answer; but in the end I just say no thanks and take it as a compliment.

I've had a fair ammount of men with their husbands want 3 ways with me and it's not a big deal just to say no thanks or sorry I'm not into that but thanks for the offer, or on rare ocassions with friends "OK, sure! I wish you would have asked sooner!". ;)

Apr 4, 2007, 12:17 PM
needless to say, my reaction was fast, furious and involved 5 cops trying to stop me helping the gentleman from meeting god in the next 3 seconds

C'mon, if you had reallywanted to, you could have introduced him to his maker. Were there cops RIGHT THERE or are you just a slow killer? :bigrin: