View Full Version : Tasha's Blog: Am I weird or seeing the future somehow??

Apr 3, 2007, 12:46 AM
Well, Arana has decided I tend to post BLOGS and waits for my next blog :) lol So now once a day I'll do a Blog for me :) (She mention this in my Friday 13th thread hehe)


My mind's being weird.....
Is it just plain weirdness or does it mean anything??

March and April (so far) have been GOOD MONTHS for me this year....

Recently Ive been singing in my mind happy tones and some are from my childrhood days.
(Such as "She'll be coming around the mountain when she comes........")
Honestly, Im not even THINKING when I start hearing the songs in my head, they JUST pop up in there and I have not heard half of them for years!!

I kept getting visions too..... where its sometime in the future (maybe days, months, years... i don;t know excat dates) of me being romanticly involved with a woman in a relationship.

I don't want to get to into it lol Im trying to be unexpectly perpared should anything happen!! :)
But I want to know why is my mind playing happy tones of songs I haven't thought about for years.????

Umm my mind is very interesting.


Apr 3, 2007, 5:29 AM
on some level it reveals itself..... you'll know when you're ready to know, and that's when your teacher will reveal the questions to the answers you think you know

trust it to be great, for because it's inside you it knows you best

it's with you always, of that you can be sure

and when you're not looking is when it is, and it's gaze pierces even the darkest shadows

Long Duck Dong
Apr 3, 2007, 7:18 AM
as I used to say to all the many 1000's of spiritual students I have taught over the years * the answer, my friend, is inside you *.... believe me it drove people nuts....but the best students I had, found the answers inside themselves, and realised we can't teach people something they already know lol

Apr 3, 2007, 7:23 AM
Guy walks up to the Hindu hot dog stand and says "Make me one with everything!"

The vendor takes his $10 bill and hands over a hot dog.

Guy says, "Hey, where's my change?"

"Change must come from within, my son." :bigrin: