View Full Version : Anyone here famillar with FaceBook?? HELP PLS

Apr 3, 2007, 12:00 AM
Anyone here famillar with FaceBook??
Im having a hard time with something and need help.

You know where it shows all your friends?
I have 6 on there but only 1's showing from my network.
There is another network that a different friend belongs to so it shows with the # in it but her name isn't showing.
And the rest aren't in any networks so they aren't showing at all!!!!

When I check my friends pages I see all thier friends.
So why can't I see mine? They were all on my page yesterday till I added the one from Kelowna (my network) and then only she appers.

Is it suppose to do that or is there a setting to change it that I haven't found yet? Been looking for 2 hours and getting annoyed lol
Anyone more famillar with Facebook knows whats wrong?


Apr 3, 2007, 7:34 AM
Click my friends then on the top there should be a drop down box that one of them will say "All friends" drop it to that and you're golden

Apr 3, 2007, 11:44 AM
Click my friends then on the top there should be a drop down box that one of them will say "All friends" drop it to that and you're golden

I did click on "my friends" and theres no drop down box at the top. :(

Apr 3, 2007, 12:54 PM
Facebook will only show pictures for people that are in your same network. There is no way to change it. It's not like Myspace where you get to pick whose pictures show up, etc. It sucks...but that's how it is.

Apr 3, 2007, 7:28 PM
Facebook will only show pictures for people that are in your same network. There is no way to change it. It's not like Myspace where you get to pick whose pictures show up, etc. It sucks...but that's how it is.

Ah, ok thanks bigirl :)