View Full Version : Embarrassing date stories...

Apr 2, 2007, 4:48 PM
Time to time we get into these situations, which we'd much rather forget, however, likely never will.
Do you have one?
Here is mine....
I was 17 when I met this gorgeous girl during school dance night.
We "clicked" right away.
I walked her home, a kiss at the doorstep and the promise of a date a couple of days later.

I was really excited and eager to meet her, so I was there at least a half an hour before and ......... she showed up!

We had an ice cream, went to the movie theater and ended up kissing in a nearby park later that night.

Between two kisses I've got the loudest stomach churning ever in my life :eek: seconds later the "urge" (having to go to the bathroom) following.

First I tried to dismiss it and it was obvious, so did she!

.... but, quickly, the situation became devastatingly urgent!!! I had no other way, but tell her that I "had to go"!

She was very understanding and -although I didn't ask- she walked with me to the nearest public restroom.......which was CLOSED :eek: :eek:

Besides the few restaurants in the neighborhood (where non-paying minors are not allowed) there was nothing, with a bathroom, open.

Long story short I've walked the longest 45 minutes of my life (with her in the tow) to the main rail station.

I think I may have sweated blood before getting there!

I never asked for another date, neither did she!


Apr 2, 2007, 4:58 PM
When i was in sixth grade, I was asked out on a date with the girl I stared at all the time. Being a product of a Catholic upbringing the both of us, we ended up going out on Sadie Hawkins Day with two other "young" couples. We went to a movie, where I embarrassed her and myself by refusing the treat she wished to purchase for me from the snack bar. I was a real nerd that night. Then we went to the local Dairy Queen and I did get a sundae there, where I promptly spilled half of the strawberry sauce on my light blue shirt. By the way, her mother drove us kids from place to place and she was, shall we say, overbearing. The night ended with goodbyes as they left me in my driveway and I ran like a goof into the house, where I promptly started playing LP's about love, which I thought I was in. She dumped me like a hot potato, but just the other day we struck up a nice talk and I am thinking about seeing if she wants to be friends again after all this time. I guess time does heal all wounds and sometimes even to nerdy goofs like me. :smilies12

Apr 2, 2007, 5:19 PM
Ah, which disaster date shall I pull from the swelling cornucopia? The phrase "embarrassment of riches" applies here with special force.....

OK, here's one. I'd just turned 30 and ran into a girl at a party whom I'd worshipped from afar during highschool. We talked and agreed to go to dinner that coming Saturday. She asked that it be an early date so we met at 4:30 or so, ate and talked. She then announced that she was going to be late for her (previousy unmentioned) evening date and would I please lend her the money for a cab so that she wouldn't keep the other guy waiting...(and, no, I didn't co-operate).

Here's another, from my early 20's. I showed up at the girl's house, she stepped into my car, off we went to wherever we were going. I was in the right lane and the driver of another car, ja smidgen ahead of me and to my left, made eye contact with me, indicating that he needed to change lanes and would I let him in ahead of me? I genially waved him in, but my date went strangely silent only to explode a few minutes later: "WHY DID YOU LET HIM IN?!". Somewhat stunned, I replied that we were in no hurry and that the driver had asked politely enough. "You should NEVER do that!", she hissed, "NEVER!" and folded her arms, looking away. It was clear that she had lost all respect for me and though we stayed together for the evening, the date was effectively over at that moment. A few years later I would have had the sense to turn the car around immediately, deposit her at her door, and drive away...

Those two, not necessarily worse than many others, will do nicely for the present....

Apr 2, 2007, 5:56 PM
I guess this technically counts as a date since we did meet for coffee and talked a bit. I can post another story about going on a date with a woman. I don't really consider this story to be embarrassing but it's a rather interesting experience.

The weirdest thing that happened to me on a date, was when I took this gay guy I'd been chatting with a bit online out for coffee just to meet. If things went well we were planning to do some kink, just stuff like spanking, flogging, and paddling that we'd chatted about online. He was kinda cute, even if he did seem like a bit of a player/sex pig.

We met over a cup of coffee just to get to know each other and he asked if I'd piss on him and in his mouth in the bathroom of a small starbucks right then and there.

I said no thanks and just said how there's a time and a place for everything and how I said we'd originally said how if we were to be doing anything at all it would be spanking, flogging, or paddling only, nothing else.

I don't mind being kinky but it's not something I'd do in public, at Folsom St. Fair, at a campground, or at a club devoted to that sort of thing sure, but not in a tiny starbucks bathroom and I'd rather give/recieve w/s with someone I'm in a relationship with not some guy who I don't know who I met online that's being too pushy who just wants to get off with whoever.

Apr 2, 2007, 6:48 PM
Embarrasing to the extent i was doing a girlfriend a favour by blind dating her brother to a 21st.
Withing 10 minutes he was rubbing my boobs and squeezing my bottom - almost publically.
It is embarrassing to tell a close friend's brother in a loud voice to keep his bloody hands to himself.
I went home early and apologised to Mel the day after.
She forgave me.

Apr 2, 2007, 8:12 PM
I am going to relate the one I think marked me for a long time... :bigrin:

I was a senior at school, so I guess I was 14 years old. After classes, we had to wait for about half an hour to take a bus home, me in one direction and the girls I was always making moves on, in another direction. During those waiting times, we were always joking about sexual topics, and even making dares like if I was man enough to go behind some trees and do something with one of them. I was up for it but it turned out that when we arrived, they just laughed and ran away.

They were always asking me sexual things (my theoretically knowledge was quite good but nothing practical... :rolleyes: ). They usually asked me about anticonceptives, fertile periods, anatomy, etc. a lot of things that I knew from medicine and sex magazines.

Although there was a girl I was more interested in, what I really wanted was to have sex for the first time, or at least to reach some base... :tong: So there was this other girl who seemed easier and was always joking with me. She used to wear REALLY REALLY TIGHT jeans, so tight that you didn't need an anatomy book to see where she had everything!!! :eek: Actually she told me that she put her trousers on when they were wet and let them dry on. I lived in a very nice warm area (about 25C-30C), but still nowadays I'm not sure if she was telling me the truth...

Well, for not making it too long, I asked her if we could go to the cinema during the weekend. She said yes, so there we went. The theatre was on a small village, so not fancy at all, and when the lights were off, it was dark as in a cave. Any late arrivals had to be guided with a torch to their seats.

I think we had bought some coca-cola and munchies, and after the movie started, I waited for a while and then, as I had read in some sexy stories I was keen on, I gently let my hand rest on her knee. I became ecstatic as she seemed receptive, so after a few minutes, I gently moved my hand a bit upwards on her leg till what it would be half way on her thigh. I couldn't hear the movie, just my heart nerviously beating. The theatre seemed to be in complete silence when I suddenly heard a mighty face smacking sound in the whole theatre. Feeling a quickly increasing burning sensation on my face, I realized she just had slapped me on my face. Now I doubled red, by the smack and by the embarrassment. All this passed in what it was just a few seconds altogether and I thought for a moment to be the winner of the situation getting up and shouting something like "And that's for being such a bitch!" to save my macho ego (which would make people think I was the one that smacked her) but I decided otherwise and stayed sat throughout the rest of the movie. I think I didn't say a word the whole time, but on Monday morning, she had already told anyone at school wanting to listen, what had happened. I think my face was crimson red for a whole week, not for the smack, but for the embarrassment.

This experience taught me 2 things: 1) I don't understand women. 2) I don't know how to read the go/stop-signs on them and act appropriately on those signs.

Apr 2, 2007, 8:33 PM
i think the most embarrassing date i've ever been on would hafta be when i took my g/f to the movie wearing white pants.... she was having her period at the time... need i say more? lol!

it's amazing that parents would buy into "damn i cut my finger on something!" :bigrin:

Apr 2, 2007, 9:04 PM
My most embarrassing moment actually happened after I droped my date back homeI was riding a motorbike at the time I was 18 years old and so was the girl and her parents begged me not to do anything stupid on the bike like speeding you know the normal bullshit parents carry on with. Anyway the date went great and after it I took her to a real nice spot that overlooks Sydney Harbour and is very secluded and we made love under the stars but unbeknown to me I put the condom cover in my helmet and when I dropped her off she asked me inside for coffee but I had no Idea that the condom cover was stuck to the back of my head to this day I still cant believe that her parents didnt say a word but as I left my girlfriend told me what I had been carrying all through her house and I thought to myself.......fucking bullshit.....but I have seen her in recent times and we pissed ourselves laughing and I'm sure her parents had a good laugh too.

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Apr 2, 2007, 11:35 PM
This one has haunted me for a long time. I had a really great date with a very cute girl in high school. We actually hit it off and I thought we'd actually get somewhere that night. She was certainly in the mood. So we go back to her place, and as we start to kiss (and hoping the prelude to more action) her father comes storming out of the house. Why? Seems my foot was on the brake pedal and the tail lights were going off and on. Couldn't see it from where I was, but apparently it was telegraphing what was (and could be) going on.

After that date I began to see the adantages of the back seat...


Ms. Ally Kat
Apr 3, 2007, 12:48 AM
well I was 19 in college....took this class in Sociology with this very nice looking french canadian Professor....the next semester he and I ran into each other on campus, he asked me for coffee...and we ended up having a little fling..one night I was at his apartment, he was in the kitchen, I answered the phone...after a very long pause, a woman's voice says" And how old are you little girl?" I said" 19" she replies" Well at least you are legal...may I speak to my husband?" I called him into the room slapped his face, said it's your wife and walked out. Will never forget that as long as I live

Apr 3, 2007, 6:53 AM
When I was 17 I started seeing one of the boys on the guys soccer team in high school. We went back to his house , started messing around a little bit. My shirt was off, but nothing else at that point. Well , there was a pound on his bedroom door, the guy proceeded to yell " im busy grandma " and a voice yells back , "this is your mother open the damn door " so as im freaking out and putting my shirt back on , he opens the door. His mom says what are you two doing, of course I didnt say a word, but he said "nothing" She looked at me and said it was time for me to get home. And as I walked by she said " young lady not only is your sweater inside out its on backwards !! "

Apr 3, 2007, 8:47 AM
I was 16 my girl friend was 15 I can remember walking her home from school one day, she lived in these little townhouse's . her dad left when she was very little so she lived with only her mom and her moms boyfriend they were both at work and wouldnt be home for hours so she asked me in for a bit (now normaly I wouldnt have stepped one foot in her house while her mom and moms boy friend were home because they hated me after meeting me once) see I had long hair , ear peirced the whole 80s rock n roll look so they probably thought I was into drugs aswell ( I was not ) but oh well
anyway I went in and one thing led to another and then we were naked on her bed ( I mean we thought we had hours before they got home) so there I was going down on her for what I thought was going to be the best sex Ide ever had with the hottest girl Ive ever had it with when all of a suden we heard the keys in the front door turn (her mom had come home early to take her to get some white shoes for her cheerleading crap that she does at school) I freaked , face went all white as a ghoast my erection had left the building. she threw me into her closet (where I couldnt make a sound not even to get dressed) while she strugled to get dressed as fast as she could with in seconds her mom was in her room talking to her about shoes and I was in her closset naked and scared out of my whits I had to wait there until her and her mom left before I could get dressed and leve. I dont remember being to embarrased but Ive never been so scared in my life

Apr 3, 2007, 10:07 PM
I stayed in the house of a professor at the university I attended, while he and his family was on an extended summer vacation. My girlfriend would often stay the night and we had sex in every room in the house at one time or another. On three separate occasions after his return, he waved a pair of her panties in front of me that his wife or young daughters had found and would ask are these yours? I am grateful a fourth pair was not found.


Apr 3, 2007, 10:19 PM
My first date that i went on was with my x husband I was 17. I remember it to this day. He took me to this nice mexican resturant.. I had forgot that mexican food gave me bad really bad gas. Well we left from there and went to this park where everyone goes to have boom boom in the back seat. He wanted to do it doggy stye so i agreed well there we was in the back seat getting it on and a big urge to fart came along.. I tried to hold it in but he had bang me really hard and it came out it was so loud and it stunk i thought he was gonna die. Well to put it this way he took me home and it took a few days for him to call me back, I thought for sure that he wasn't going to see me again.. I was so embarassed

Apr 4, 2007, 10:36 AM
Well mine maybe a little gross, but...............

I was a sloppy teenager, I would take off my clothes and leave them on the floor. One friday, I got home from school, later on that day I received a call from a guy I liked asking me to go out that night. So my favorite pair of jeans, ( love my jeans and t-shirts) was on the floor, I threw them on and prepaired for my date, I was so excited I didn't notice anything strange, but while out walking toward the restraunt, he pointed toward my feet and asked me what that was.. I looked down and noticed a pair of panties starting to peek out from the bottom of my pant leg. So what was I do to?.. I told him I just threw on my pants and didn't check and quickly grabbed the panties (which were granny style) as quickly as I could, balling them up in my fist, so he couldn't see they were grannies, and put them in my purse.

He snickered the rest of the evening, and I was pretty much red in the face. But we ended up dating for many months, with only one other panty issue, him trying to figure how to get in mine.

Apr 5, 2007, 2:55 AM
I was on a date, we were having dinner, during the dinner we were drinking heaps and he turned around to me and said " So you gonna fuck me tonight"

I laughed and said " No way but I know a bar where all the sluts hang" So I took him to the bar and within minutes he had picked up, as he was leaving him and the lady came over and thanked me. lol. it was not embarassing but funny.

Apr 7, 2015, 7:42 PM
Bump it up!