View Full Version : When to tell you're bisexual?

Apr 2, 2007, 9:53 AM
When would you tell someone that you're bisexual? I mean in a woman's case, telling a guy she's bisexual TOO SOON will mean he'll more than likely do everything in his power to either watch or join. But what about you men? When do you tell a woman you're bisexual? :male: :female:

Apr 2, 2007, 10:26 AM
I told my girlfriend I was when I felt I could trust her enough to know. Wich was about two minutes after she told me she was.
Obviously there was lot more dialouge that just "I'm bi!", "hey me too!".

Apr 2, 2007, 10:34 AM
I told my wife almost straight away after we met that I had enjoyed a few horny nights with a friend from high school whilst on a camping holiday. It was, she admitted, a BIG turn on for her to hear me explain every detail.

Apr 2, 2007, 12:54 PM
I think the best time to discuss my orientation is when it seems pertinent to the conversation and prudent to do so.

There really isn't a given time. It depends on many dynamics.

Apr 2, 2007, 1:04 PM
You kind of have to know beforehand, how others will react and most importantly how you'll react to their reaction.

If you already know how you'll react, than it doesn't really matter how they'll react to your announcement.

If your reaction depends on theirs, don't even start.

I think!
yoyo :cool:

Apr 2, 2007, 5:44 PM
I tell people since most of the time they can pick up on it and I don't mind if they think I'm homosexual but it's not something I'd just go around telling everyone like "hi my name is....and I'm bi", or I wouldn't do this to people I just meet on the street or who are friends of friends since while I don't care if they can pick up on me being queer it's not an issue that needs to be talked about.

If I'm entering a relationship (i.e. more than one date or friendship) I'll tell and I'll tell my doctor since well, I think with medical things you should be out and I do get tested.

Apr 2, 2007, 7:50 PM
for flex an me we both remained honest and open with each other while we're going through a bit of a journey of self discovery at least as far as the bisexuality part goes.... we had alot of other emotional trials before that one.

i think it's important to be honest with your chosen partner... otherwise why chose'em? lol.

i don't believe that emotional reactions weigh nearly as heavy as integrity...

the emotional reactions will always come and go, integrity will stay with ya long after any of the emotions will.

and i used to be very terrified of how flex would react to certain things that i did... but as she put it to me, i don't have the right to determine for her what she can and can't handle emotionally.

Apr 2, 2007, 9:27 PM
I've been in an LTR for (quite) some time...But when I was still dating and it looked like things were gonna get serious, I would come clean and let them know I was bi-sexual before things got further along...It helps to keep things from getting ugly later on in the relationship... :paw: :paw: :paw:

shameless agitator
Apr 2, 2007, 10:06 PM
I've been struggling with this one myself. I've determined that with anyone I'm interested in I should tell them right away (read before or on the first date) so that I don't waste time with somebody who can't cope or jerk somebody around. With anybody else I just mention it when it seems relevant to the conversation.

Apr 2, 2007, 10:28 PM
I usually tell them before we even go out on the first date. I'm sure I'm not the only bi girl that does that. I know not alot of bi guys can do that, though.


Apr 2, 2007, 10:53 PM
tell them(woman or man or couple but not the barnyard or the neighborhood dog and cat)that u are absolutely committed to bisexuality...if they cannot handle it then it was not to be...god i love men and women...glorious cumming creatures that we are...***! :three:

Apr 3, 2007, 12:03 AM
I've been struggling with this one myself. I've determined that with anyone I'm interested in I should tell them right away (read before or on the first date) so that I don't waste time with somebody who can't cope or jerk somebody around. With anybody else I just mention it when it seems relevant to the conversation.

Hmm... How does that work out for you? In my experience if you're too upfront about being bi even very open-minded girls will assume you're one of those guys who is just going through a "bi" phase before you "come out all the way." I usually let them know within a few weeks, after they're quite sure that I'm into them. To me, telling chicks you're bi before the first date is a surefire way not to get first dates! LOL

Apr 3, 2007, 2:03 PM
I think the best time to discuss my orientation is when it seems pertinent to the conversation and prudent to do so.

Thank you for your contribution, Captain Obvious! :)

Apr 3, 2007, 7:03 PM
Trust is the issue for me, when I trust someone I tell them.

shameless agitator
Apr 4, 2007, 12:45 AM
Hmm... How does that work out for you? In my experience if you're too upfront about being bi even very open-minded girls will assume you're one of those guys who is just going through a "bi" phase before you "come out all the way." I usually let them know within a few weeks, after they're quite sure that I'm into them. To me, telling chicks you're bi before the first date is a surefire way not to get first dates! LOLSo far I've only been able to put this into practice a few times. 3 people still went out with me (2 women & 1 man) & one woman lost interest. Her concern wasn't that I was only half out as gay, but that I wouldn't be able to be monogamous.

Apr 4, 2007, 2:59 AM
So far I've only been able to put this into practice a few times. 3 people still went out with me (2 women & 1 man) & one woman lost interest. Her concern wasn't that I was only half out as gay, but that I wouldn't be able to be monogamous.

Well, a stereotype is still a stereotype...