View Full Version : If sex didn't exist ...

Long Duck Dong
Apr 2, 2007, 3:11 AM
lol... been watching a few dvds and the storylines are to do with sex not being a part of human life....

so I gotta to thinking about just how much that would impact on my life...and realised that it wouldn't

I would lose nothing.... I would still retain the bisexual * label * as i would still be attracted to males and females... but there would be no sexual contact....and thats basically my life at the moment

I mentioned it to a friend and they said that they would shoot themselves if there was no sex at all..... so I asked, what if you were born into that environment ??? they said that they will still shoot themselves, rather than miss out on sex
( seriously, some people can't use their brains.... why would you shoot yourself if you were not getting something that you knew nothing about ??? )

so I asked them, what is the opposite was happening, there was no sexual discrimination, and people were free to have sex in any way they wished, ( except child sex ), would it remove the thrill of the * forbidden fruit *....
they replied that it would be far better cos they can have more of the * forbidden fruit and nobody would care... I replied that it would not be the * forbidden fruit * cos it would all be open and a non issue...
they replied, no it would still be the * forbidden fruit * cos people don't like it
( *sighs* are some people naturally dense or am I talking to the wrong people )

so I am curious, how would it affect each person in each of the two environments ???

how would it impact on a persons sexuality.... and would their sexuality change in a place of total sexual freedom

Apr 2, 2007, 3:22 AM
hey! don't go spoiling sex for those of us getting some! lol

seriously though.... sex is by far and large the biggest driving force of humanity, and i think that they have had a huge amount of sexual freedom in history, even in the history of NA, i believe that it's actually only recently that these freedoms have been tampered with by governments.

most of the famous people of the world have very large sex drives so to hypothesise that the absense of sex wouldn't change anything would be hugely decieving in my opinion...

Apr 2, 2007, 3:35 AM
If we lived in a world where sex didn't exist at all I'd be perfectly fine since I'd just keep on writing, studying/learning, and discovering new things that obviously have nothing to do with sex. Since sex wouldn't be an issue and it wouldn't be something that I'd know about, crave, or really have anything to do with since it doesn't exist. I'd still be romantically involved with men and women but I just wouldn't be having sex with them.

If we lived in a world/society where there were no "forbidden" sex acts (minus child sex) I doubt that anything would change for me as I don't view male2male sex as being "forbidden" or "bad" and for the other sex that I do like bondage/restraint, SM, and I do certain sex acts because I'm curious about them and I want to do them, not because they're "bad" or "forbidden".

Long Duck Dong
Apr 2, 2007, 3:37 AM
gee make me jealous that you are getting * some *.... flex told me that you two do it at least 6 times before breakfast :tong: :tong: :tong: :tong:

lol one of the dvds was a movie called * equalibrium * which was a movie about a state where all art, books and music was banned as it influenced human emotion....and the punishment was death for possessing anything that was banned under the draconian state rule

one of the others was *demolition man * about a futuristic state where sex was called * fuild transfer * and pregnancy was brought about by AI.....

i was weighing up the pro's and cons of a * celibate * society and a sexually free society.....and I am inclined to feel that the sexually free society would fall apart a lot faster than a celibate society

Apr 2, 2007, 3:38 AM
oooo! I remember Demolition Man! I saw that movie when I was a kid and my friend and I loved it!

I never saw the other movie.

Apr 2, 2007, 3:49 AM
I don't know if I necessarily agree with you or not Solomon---I have had periods in my life where I have gone--by choice--for several years without sex with another person. Sure, I continued to masterbate, but even that was not so important.

I guess it is my artistic and creative side-but some of the same energy that seems to go into sex can be channeled into my artistic and creative endeavors---

Of course good sex can help the art and good art can lead to good sex as well---

The fact is--with some degree of intelligence we humans are supposed to possess--we can "sublimate" our sexual urges--we are not compelled as are our fellow creatures of all kinds to have sex to procreate by biology---we make a decision whether to create offspring or not--I never had any desire to have kids for whatever reason--I guess that once I decided I want to create art--my paintings or writing or whatever would be my legacy and fill my need to pass something on to another generation---

We can also decide if we are going to have sex simply for fun or not----and the desire for that--at least for me does tend to "be on" or not as the case may be----

This is just my :2cents: on this topic---just like with nearly everything regarding human beings--it is simply not possible to make a statement that applies universally to all--there are plenty of examples of human beings who do not have sex of any kind--not even masturbation is allowed such as with some religious orders and such---either by decree of a hierarchy like the Catholic church or simply a personal vow of total celibacy such as those taken by members of orders of Tibetan Buddhist monks and nuns or East Indian suwamees done with the intent of seeking spiritual enlightenment unburdened by "base" human desires.

Apr 2, 2007, 4:32 AM
flex is telling me to say that she said 7.... an get it straight! heheheee :tong:

i remember the gist of the Demolition Man, it was a good movie....

but the futuristic state that they're talking about is way too sterile and clinical for me, and i get a little spooked when it's mentioned it might be good to become cellibate lol! :eek: :eek:

i think it has to do with dreams... if we don't have a hope of having sex at some point, then on some level i think a part of us dies off, or gets very very frustrated. :bigrin: as a species before this AI came about we wouldn't even be here if everyone was cellibate...

i've read that transmutating the sex drive can be a big factor in people becoming very successful in alot of cases in their 40's+ years (this is by no means a rule... just tendencies).

for example, from what you've described in posts, i'm speculating that you're exploring aspects of yourself that you may or may not have even been aware of before, in which those aspects may very well have been buried (for lack of a better word) by the emotional content and actions of sex, in which case it would be necessary to transmutate that energy into the pursuit of understanding the other dynamics involved.

Long Duck Dong
Apr 2, 2007, 5:43 AM
lol yeah exploring myself is correct.... I am not looking for any truth in my self.... but seeing how I tick under different stimuli

its quite the experience.....and its redefined how I understand my bisexuality....
I keep coming back to the aspect that my bisexuality is not cos of attraction to both sexes, but cos I am dual natured and each aspect of myself, has separate desires.... the feminine side prefers females and males, the masculine prefers females and males....depending on what aspect is more dominant at the time, dictates what gender partner I may be attracted to more, and the type of sexual contact, I may enjoy more...

the reason why I am celibate, is that its a attraction to people and not a sexual desire, the actual sex act is boring to me, but the emotional / mental aspect is the true * sexual act * for me ...lol

don't tell me that makes sense....i will be worried that you are as mad as me lol

Apr 2, 2007, 6:18 AM
lol be worried... be very worried lol

it actually does make alot of sense to me. as i understand it all sex happens in the mind first anyways, the sexual act itself is simply the physical, and often does tend to be boring because of the difficulties in creating the physical to be exactly the same as the picture in our minds, let alone when the mind creates the picture.

and being as the mind doesn't know the difference between what it sees internally vs. externally it can be maddening lol

flex however, seems to very baffled by my post.... but not with yours lol

yet in my mind i'm kind of just elaborating on some of what you're saying.... ?

Apr 2, 2007, 6:58 PM
the only reason we do it is cos there are rules about who and what we can do i think a world with out sex would make life better so many issues with sex so lets go without it

mind you humans and dolphins are the only ones that do it for fun

But i don't do it so i think i'm not missing anything am i.
:tongue: :tongue: :tongue:

Apr 2, 2007, 7:29 PM
i don't know if you're missing anything... are you?

Long Duck Dong
Apr 3, 2007, 9:46 AM
damaged nerves and a screwed up circumcision have impaired the physical aspects of sex for me, but i have never been a physical person lol

as a few people tell me, they hate it when i smile, cos when i smile, you can bet ya last dollar, I know something or I am up to something lol... and that relates a lot to sex..
to me, sex is just a form of physical exercise, but add the emotion, energy and interaction and it becomes something more enjoyable

so in essence, if we could remove the physical aspect, and be left with the reminder.... then its possible to have mind blowing sex without any physical contact....lol

Apr 3, 2007, 11:08 AM
I'd probably go out and build something cool, or make a statue of myself pointing into the sky all dramatic like...
Then I'd dance around naked in the street beacuse being naked wouldn't be taboo.

Apr 18, 2007, 12:10 AM
if sex didn't exist then how did we all get here????

It makes you wonder how we would if sex didn't exist :2cents:

Apr 18, 2007, 12:37 AM
if sex didn't exist then how did we all get here????

It makes you wonder how we would if sex didn't exist :2cents:

*gasp* don't you know?? those BIG birds carry us in a baby banket from the sky and drop us off into grown-up arms that want to have children!! :)

Apr 18, 2007, 2:01 AM
*gasp* don't you know?? those BIG birds carry us in a baby banket from the sky and drop us off into grown-up arms that want to have children!! :)

I'd like to propose a Royal Commission into the state of junior-high education in British Columbia. :)

Apr 18, 2007, 2:08 AM
If sex didnt exist.......None of us idiots would be here :tongue:

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Apr 18, 2007, 2:25 AM
I'd like to propose a Royal Commission into the state of junior-high education in British Columbia. :)

I went to school where I was born and grew up in.. ONTARIO. :) Only lived in BC for 5 years but the story I made up is actually what some parents tell thier kids hehe and some books say so too :)
(I know you were teasing lol)

Tell me people... WHAT IS THE MEANING OF LIFE?!?!?!?! :) Explain THAT. lol

Apr 18, 2007, 2:30 AM
Meaning of life? Hmmm.....how about "enjoy, appreciate, love, work, suffer"?

Apr 18, 2007, 2:58 AM
The meaning of life, the universe and everything is 42! honestly... it is. hehe

Apr 18, 2007, 3:14 AM
The meaning of life, the universe and everything is 42! honestly... it is. hehe

Hehehe!! It IS true....if you type the following line (exactly as it is) into google search it'll even tell you! :bigrin: or just copy and paste it... :tong:

answer to life the universe and everything

Apr 18, 2007, 5:35 AM
The meaning of life, the universe and everything is 42! honestly... it is. hehe
only ya accept that 9x6 makes 42!! :tong:

Apr 18, 2007, 6:42 AM
If sex didn't exist, I'd certainly get a lot more done. :tong:

Apr 18, 2007, 7:04 AM
If sex didnt exist is a nightmare scenario to me not simply because I am a highly precocious and sexual person, but because it would change everything. Our world would simply not be the place it is today. God knows there is so much I would change, but not that! Consider our world and what we would lose... so much of the most wonderful literature, the most beautiful music, astonishing art all inspired by sex and love. And dont forget the humour it has spawned!! It is true that sex and love do not necesarily go together but without sex I do not believe there would exist such a thing as love. It is what makes us human. We may care, but love? I very much doubt it. Or if we did it would bear no relation to what we now think of as love and human beings would simply be a rather dull, colourless and uninspiring species.

Without sex and the cultures it has inspired throughout the millenia since humanity first came out of the trees we would have no need to look good, no need for clubbing, shopping would be awful for whats the point if we no longer need to find love and sex? It sounds flippant, but its not really, for its part of our modern world and important for us as we grow into more fully rounded and interesting people. This is especially so of the young as they strive to reach adulthood with all the idealism and passions that only they can have. Our relationships with each other would be so changed as to be almost unrecognisable. I could go on and on about discrimnation and many of the problems sex creates, but such is my feelings for life and the world that I live in that its none of it is insurmountable, and that is how I live..trying to overcome any of the negative aspects which exist in our world. The part sex plays in making us who we are can never be underestimated and that it has played in shaping for good or ill how we live today. If it didnt exist, as my mate says we would simply have to invent it.

But most of all, to me its the most amazing journey. I am not what can be called in my grandparents parlance "a nice girl" but if I am what is called sexually promiscuous it is something of which I am neither proud or ashamed.. I just am. And I love it. It is exciting, often amazingly, wonderfully enjoyable and while I may have regrets about some of my experiences, overall it is why I am who I am. Its not all of it, but a large part. It brings to me a passion for so much more of life and spills into how I see and feel and act about the world.

LDD has found a way which works for him and I think thats lovely. My way works for me not without a few hitches along the way, but generally. Sex and a world without it is not something I would ever wish to experience. Sex and the many wonderful and weird ways human beings approach it is what makes humanity so exciting, if somewhat dangerous. Its why we think.. and why we are.. and most of all who...

Apr 18, 2007, 9:41 AM
if sex didn't exist i'de probably read more than i already do. raist would invent sex toss me on my back, and all my books out the door. total sexual freedom we'de save money, cause i probably wouldn't have the time or the energy to buy or much less read books. kit

Apr 19, 2007, 8:42 AM
iF sEx Didn't Exist- I guess I'd just eat more, smoke more, brush my teeth more, talk more, catch flies with my tongue----oral substitution kind of thing.

Apr 19, 2007, 9:50 AM
No Sex? Would certainly make my Christian walk improve by leaps and bounds.

Probably be fat as hell though, with no motivation to work out.

