View Full Version : nudists...wife's bi.

miller lite man
Apr 1, 2007, 6:19 PM
Hi. I was recently in a nudist chatroom, and when I adivised I'm str8, and my wife is bi . .OMG. . I felt like I was a darn leper. Only one person would speak to me. .and that was in an IM. Seems that my wife liking women is a shame. . .too bad! She,most of you, and I accept it. Why are some peope so damn closed minded? Thank God for this website!

Apr 1, 2007, 6:57 PM
Depends on which site you were on. Most nudists are adamant about the fact that nudism and the nudist lifestyle have nothing to do with sex or sexual orientation.

Your even mentioning that your wife is bi is anathema to most "real" nudists and identifies you as an amateur or not a "real" nudist.

Probably the biggest problem nudists have is that most people equate nudism with sex. Nothing could be further from the truth. Nudism is about freedom.

All that said there are certainly nudist resorts where sex is the dominant theme but at most resorts it is exactly the opposite. For example, here in Michigan there are 8 nudist venues I know of, 2 revolve around swinging and overt sexuality, 3 will allow nothing of the sort and the rest are somewhere in between but lean toward the non-sexual. Most are considered family friendly venues.

Like I said at the top - it depends on what site you were on but if it was a "real" nudist site then their reaction means "go find a sex site you pervert."