View Full Version : Quiet reflection

Sep 11, 2005, 10:26 PM
Hello everyone,

September 11th to me is a time to reflect on the paradox of humanity. Its intolerance, hatred, and greed... its compassion, love and selflessness. How is it possible that all these things can be found in the same earthly package?

How can we balance it all and come out ahead? Well...I for one have no clue, but I think that if we all stick together and replace a little intolerance with a little compassion and love...well we might just be OK:)

So I am sharing this little poem I wrote, I know it is a little crude...but its special to me because I wrote it at a crossroads of my life. Its called Freedom.

Let go the past, embrace today's beauty,
Let go the hurt, cause no suffering,
Let go ambition for personal gain, lend a hand,
Don't worry about the future.

Right now is all there is...
Just a little time to love,
Be grateful for each moment,
Be joyful, be kind, walk softly.

Above all speak from the heart,
You are a gift to share with the world,
Do not hide who you are, even if it hurts...
Do not waste a single moment.

This is what it means to be free.

Hugs all,

Sep 11, 2005, 10:54 PM
Hello Bi-Ten,

You are so right to bring notice to a time of "quiet reflection". The glaring harshness of broken lives is evident in those among us; and perhaps, within one's self. Yet the paradox of extra-ordinary generousity fills us.

This clashing of emotion impacts us both consciously and uncounsciously. Devastation married with hope...death giving way to new life...hate embraced by love. The dark valley contrasts with streams of light, often leaving us mortals weary.

A time of quiet healing is vital to this cycle. Your poem serves as a mantra for our reflection. Thank you for kindly sharing it and thank you for the reminder to pause amid the chaos.

With every best wish,

Sep 12, 2005, 12:36 AM
Thank you Bi-Ten for sharing your beautiful poem and reminding us to love one another. Sometimes we get so caught up with the bad things in life we forget to stop and remember the good and spread it around.


When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.
-Helen Keller-