View Full Version : I hate it when somethings bothering me and theres nothing I can do (my rant vent)....

Apr 1, 2007, 3:07 PM
Have you ever had something that was REALLY bothering you... the more you think about it, the more it bothers you?
Sure you can stop thinking it but its hard when you have to read about it, hear about it, see it!!! All you can think is how much its still bothering you.
Sure there are things you could do about it but suppose your not into that?

What if its bothering you to the point you realize just how old you are then it makes it even WORSE and your pretty much throwing a temper fit inside? :(

Ugh!! Whats worse is I have no one to talk to about it and I don't wanna sound like someone being whiny either. :rolleyes:

I suppose its just really bothering me that Im almost 28 years old (in July) and Im VERY VERY inexperinced when it comes to lovemaking and sex.
Yes I was married for 3 years and most of you know my ex was a jerk and didn't know what love/sex is at all so we barely did anything. (I call it "2 minute quickie" and that was rarely... maybe 1 time every 3 months)

Sometimes I read the posts here and I can't help but feel jealous :) hehe
I have had ads online on popluar dating sites for nearly a year and nothing has happened.
Theres no local clubs around here for gay/lesbians/bisexuals... theres a group but its ok if your into over 50+ year old people! (Plus everyone in the group seems to already be a couple)
I see people out and about all loving and quick kisses/hugs and my mood goes from happy to "why can't that be ME??"

Then I think about when I DO have a bf or gf.... will the fact Im so inexperienced scare them off??

I remember being in a great email chat with a girl I had known for a few months.. then the topic went to sex and she asked me a question.... not really knowing how to answer, I was honest and said I never did it as I was inexperienced. She said "You're 27 right and you never did THAT?"
Then she just stops talking to me!!!

Ok, now its in my head that its a BAD thing to be.... 27 and inexperienced.
Even tho I know not everyone is like that girl. Afterall, if you really liked someone and wanted to be in a relationship with them, something like that wouldn't bother you right??
It still just bugs me cause it seems a lot of people I have met "run away" lol

I don't believe in one night stands.... theres NO feelings... I want the feelings in lovemaking/sex. I like the relationship of one.
I suppose if it was a close friend I could consider it if the friend was open and willing to experiment with me since you'll have some feelings and the friend knows you well to know what you like and don't and so on.
But I don't have friends like that in real life so its out of the question.

I want romantic so badly... the feel of hands touching my skin... fingertips tracing along my skin, kisses that covers the body and sweet whispers. Someone that loves me for who I am. :)

Ah well, I guess I'll just go now and get ready for work. Sulk and wish... but if March had been such a great month for me, I think April wouldn't be so bad either then comes May, my favortie month.

I do wonder what the future holds....
Thanks for reading my vent.

Apr 1, 2007, 3:22 PM
I presume you're in some sort of rural area? Maybe a move to a bigger metropolis would give you access to more gay girls, and/or guys?

Just a thought.

Apr 1, 2007, 3:27 PM
I presume you're in some sort of rural area? Maybe a move to a bigger metropolis would give you access to more gay girls, and/or guys?

Just a thought.

Yes I do live in a small to medium size town.. I would love to move but I need to save up the $$$ first :) I also would like to move somewhere if I know someone first. Not really comfortable with the thought of moving somewhere where I know no one!! :)

I don't know if that is the answer tho :( It it does make sense cause dating sites you rarely find anyone from around here and if you do, they haven't logged on for several months... pretty much tells you they may no longer be looking

Apr 1, 2007, 4:39 PM
My ambition when I was growing up was to leave the place where I was born.

I grew up in the countryside and had no-one to talk to about this stuff. Only when I moved to a bigger place I could start to explore.

On the question of moving to somewhere where you don't know anyone - I guess you have to ask how badly you want it. If you really do you won't let this stop you. You'll soon make new friends if you make the effort.

So, get saving and look forward to a new brighter future?

My only regret is missing the countryside, I don't miss the people.

Apr 1, 2007, 6:32 PM
Omnivore's advice is excellent, as usual.

I believe you said you had friends in Ontario, Tasha? Would that be in Toronto or elsewhere? Lovely as the west coast is, is a move East something that you could plan and work towards? In Toronto, of course, you'd find buckets of people to meet, and lots of GLBT resources, organizations etc.

IMHO, you don't have to worry in the least about being inexperienced. Anyone who rejected you on that ground would be well worth being rejected by!

Very, very best wishes, as always.

Apr 1, 2007, 10:32 PM
Omnivore's advice is excellent, as usual.

I believe you said you had friends in Ontario, Tasha? Would that be in Toronto or elsewhere? Lovely as the west coast is, is a move East something that you could plan and work towards? In Toronto, of course, you'd find buckets of people to meet, and lots of GLBT resources, organizations etc.

IMHO, you don't have to worry in the least about being inexperienced. Anyone who rejected you on that ground would be well worth being rejected by!

Very, very best wishes, as always.

Im oringally from Ontario. I moved here in BC mainly cause of my parents, sister, oldest brother & family AND ex all wanted me to move with them and I really had no choice at the time (that was when I was 22)

Right now I look back and not only I wasted 4 years with the idiot (the ex) but I also saw nothing going on for me here.

At the moment I have no money to move anywhere and to make another BIG move back to Ontario would require Im on my own. (parents have said they would buy me a place.... but the moving of all my things would be up to me.)

My friends in Ontario are pretty much busy with thier own lives and lives in different areas. Ontario IS BIG poeple!! :)

But I have planned to move back or at least Vancouver when I have the money (or met someone from there and they ask me to move in)

I don't even know if moving will solve my problem and it could be years before I save up that sort of money!! Ugh. My only hope for now is try to do the best I can around here.

"IMHO, you don't have to worry in the least about being inexperienced. Anyone who rejected you on that ground would be well worth being rejected by!"

Thanks biwords. That would be true :) Like I said, if someone really liked/loved you, that wouldn't be important. A "nice to know" thing maybe so they know not to rush but wouldn;t make a deal out of it.

Hey biwords, I wanna pm you. Have something to tell you about what we talked in PM about awhile ago. *hops to PM area*

Apr 1, 2007, 10:59 PM
I suppose its just really bothering me that Im almost 28 years old (in July) and Im VERY VERY inexperinced when it comes to lovemaking and sex.
Yes I was married for 3 years and most of you know my ex was a jerk and didn't know what love/sex is at all so we barely did anything. (I call it "2 minute quickie" and that was rarely... maybe 1 time every 3 months)

Your ex should be shot so he can never inflict that sex on anyone else.

I'm just saying.

Ok, now its in my head that its a BAD thing to be.... 27 and inexperienced.
Even tho I know not everyone is like that girl. Afterall, if you really liked someone and wanted to be in a relationship with them, something like that wouldn't bother you right??

Hon, you'd be surprised how many men and women are in the same boat. It's not unusual.

I have a friend in Atlanta who's in a similar sitch. And the thing is that, even in a larger city like Seattle, it takes time to make connections and meet people. Just because someone identifies as bi doesn't mean they'll be someone you get along with (or even be a halfway decent person). I think the important thing is to keep trusting your judgment and your instincts, and take it one day at a time. You'll eventually build up a community of folks that you mesh very well with.

And yeah, you can always move. Nothing like the adventure of a new city to get the blood pumpin'. :)

Apr 1, 2007, 11:27 PM
Hi Tasha,

My only advice is to tell you to worry less. It has been my experience that most of my best relationships happened when I was not looking for them. Relax, be happy, join a club, sport or volunteer. Get yourself in public, relax and be yourself!

God will provide what is best for you, the right person at the right time. Just believe and let her do all the work!

Hugs S/Al