View Full Version : Happy Anniversary

Mar 31, 2007, 12:31 AM
Re: bisexual.com history Q


Okay here it is... And this will also answer the "hanging question" that I left out there many months ago which was, "What is Drew's connection to adult films?"

I started coming to grips with my own homosexuality about 1992 or so, when I was about 27. And then a few years later, about 1996 or so, I began to realize that my feelings for women were not diminishing and were not just left over emotions from the many years that I was desperately trying to convince myself that I was 100% straight. So that is when I began to identify with the word "bisexual".

More or less unrelated to this, and beginning in 1997, I began parttime work in the (legal) adult internet industry as a webmaster. It was fun and I worked on both straight and gay sites - my bisexuality was actually a benefit in that respect. I'm always a bit hesitant to tell people about my connections with internet porn - internet porn has (or at least had) such a bad reputation for being done by sleazebags and crooks. I am anything but, and I was and am proud that I am associated with honest and responsible adult sites.

As part of my work in internet porn I noticed that there was really no site that caterred to my particular porn desires, namely my fetish for erotica featuring bi males with women, or M/M/F Bi porn. So I started my own site, http://www.threepillows.com in 2001. Well that site really tapped into cord with many bi guys (and a surprising number of gay guys, straight guys, bi women, gay women and straight women) and it took right off. And in case you are wonderring, no I've never appeared in front of the camera, yet.

Shortly after that site really began to grow I realized that I could apply my skills to non-adult bi sites, and I thought it might be fun. So I created and opened bisexualchatnetwork.com (bi chat), wherebisexualsmeet.com (bi personal ads), and allthingsbi.com (a directory of bi websites), all in 2001.

Then in January 2004 I managed to buy the domain bisexual.com. Previously it was just forwarding to various adult sites. At the time it was still owned by the original registrant, a man who was ahead of his time and registered many sex-themed .com domain names back in 1992 or so (literally in the first days of the World Wide Web).

So in 2004 the development of this site started. I wanted to group all those non-porn bi sites into one big community site. And this site is the result. By the way, this site opened almost exactly one year ago, on March 6, 2005. (another birthday I forgot, lol)

BTW, when you hear members talk about pre-2005 happenings on this site, they are really referring to things that happened on bisexualchatnetwork.com, wherebisexualsmeet.com and allthingsbi.com before they were merged into this one site - that sometimes confuses people.

I hope the next year is as good as the first. I have some plans including more enhancements to the features here such as club listings, and addressing the X-rated pics issue in a way that will work for all. I am also hopeful that the Bisexual Internet Radio project will finally take flight. And I plan to begin advertising on Google very soon, which should bring in many new members.

I am (still) single, am now 40 (ugh), and live in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

So that is my story and the bisexual.com story.

- Drew

ps. I look more or less like the avatar that my friend Dusty did for me, to the top-left of my posts . But he was kind to me, knocking about ten years off. The receeding hairline is sadly accurate, but I have some grey ("gray" for you Yanks) on the temples now.

Happy two years Drew and bisexual.com team!!! (sorry, i'm a little late! :bibounce: just ran across this old post tonight)

The above quote was orginally posted on March 12, 2006 on the "bisexual.com history Q" thread.

Mar 31, 2007, 12:43 AM
Very kewl! :)

and Happy 2 years! :tong:

Mar 31, 2007, 3:01 AM
Happy Anniversary

It sure went by fast.

Mar 31, 2007, 10:01 AM
As Arana said its gone buy quickly. Its hard to believe ive allready been on this site for two years,lol... Thanks Drew for such a wonderfull site!!!

Mar 31, 2007, 12:30 PM
Happy 2nd Anniversary...And heres wishing you many more to come... :paw: :paw:

Mar 31, 2007, 4:19 PM
happy anniversary drew and others (hehe). hope its a happy one for you. cant believe its been that long myself. we sure enjoy having you around. continue the good work. *hugs*

Mrs. Taz

Mar 31, 2007, 8:19 PM
Happy Anniversary

From the depths of my heart and soul thank you Drew, this site helped me so much more than i can ever show.

Mar 31, 2007, 9:28 PM
Happy Anniversary

From the depths of my heart and soul thank you Drew, this site helped me so much more than i can ever show.

I would like to echo Flounder!

Apr 1, 2007, 12:17 AM
Happy Anniversary to one and all and especially to Drew!!! This site has done so much for me and as a result, has also done so much for my husband and myself as a couple! Thanks to all who have played a part in my life since I have joined this site!


Apr 1, 2007, 12:34 AM
I echo the platitudes expressed by those before me. Since coming to this site over a year and a half ago, we have changed, hubby and I. We have grown as a couple as individuals and it is a direct result of this site. Drew, if I were ever to have the pleasure to meet you, I would give you the biggest of hugs.


meteast chick
Apr 1, 2007, 11:32 AM
:bipride: Happy late 2 year Anniversary, Drew! :bipride:

This site has opened my eyes and thus changed my life, and I'd be hard-pressed (no pun intended LOL) to think of many other things that have brought such joy into my life.

So thank you Drew. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

luv, hugs, and kisses,