View Full Version : A new home

Judas Imok
Mar 30, 2007, 1:02 PM
Greetings all!

I have been lurking these forums for a while, loved what I have seen and joined yesterday. Yes I am looking for someone, but mostly I have come here to learn and be among people who I can relate with and be comfortable with... and no I am not trying to make this an ad... I am just introducing myself. :tongue:
I live in Eugene, Oregon and you would be shocked how difficult it is to find groups for Gay's, Lesbian's or Bisexuals. This is a very open-minded town, I think it is just a matter of people not interested in getting together... :(

Anyhow, I really love the environment here and already consider Bisexual.com my new home. I look forward to speaking more to all of you.

*hugs* and *kisses*

Mar 30, 2007, 1:06 PM
Welcome Judas--I hope you do like it here--as you can see it can be a messy business at times and not all is sweetness and light here--but then again--where is there ever such a place???

Welcome and enjoy your time here---

Mar 30, 2007, 1:07 PM
Greetings all!

I have been lurking these forums for a while, loved what I have seen and joined yesterday. Yes I am looking for someone, but mostly I have come here to learn and be among people who I can relate with and be comfortable with... and no I am not trying to make this an ad... I am just introducing myself. :tongue:
I live in Eugene, Oregon and you would be shocked how difficult it is to find groups for Gay's, Lesbian's or Bisexuals. This is a very open-minded town, I think it is just a matter of people not interested in getting together... :(

Anyhow, I really love the environment here and already consider Bisexual.com my new home. I look forward to speaking more to all of you.

*hugs* and *kisses*

Welcome to the site :)

I know what you mean, there are TONS of lesbians, gays and bisexuals around this town and the nearby town an hour away BUT trying to date someone around here is impossible and you have to go to the next town if you want to go to a lesbian/bisexual/gay bar.

There is a gay/lesbian group here and its ok but if your single and young, its nothing.... all the people in that group seem to already be a couple AND they are mostly much older folks!

Oh well :) Might meet someone off this site lol never know but I know my last 3 ex's were people I met online.


Lisa (va)
Mar 30, 2007, 1:07 PM
Welcome to the site and our little family. We are a wonderfully diverse group of good folks.


hugs n kisses

Judas Imok
Mar 30, 2007, 1:09 PM
WOW! Thank you all for such a warm welcome so fast! I have no doubt I will be made nice and comfy here. Again... thank you.

*hugs* and *kisses*

Mar 30, 2007, 1:19 PM
Welcome Aboard Judas :)

Hope you enjoy this site as much as I do. Lots of wonderful friends to be made here.

Mar 30, 2007, 1:31 PM
Drum roll...... Curtain opening........ appearing in person, Judas Imok.
Welcome to our little forum and have a good time. Have a good cuppa coffee or whatever you like, sit back, relax and get ready for the ride of your life. You will enjoy all aspects of this site and feel free at anytime to contact me if you have any questions.
Have a great day,

Fire Lotus
Mar 30, 2007, 1:54 PM
Just wanted to chime in and say, welcome!

*Singing* Consider yourself at home
Consider yourself one of the family
We've taken to you so strong
It's clear we're going to get along... :)

Mar 30, 2007, 2:21 PM
Welcome home Judas :)

I'm glad to see you haven't let the recent chaos deter you from joining our little family. I'll add to what Tommy has said. If you need to borrow a cupof sugar or a couple of eggs, I'm right down the street :bigrin: Drop by whenever you like if you have questions or need advice.



Mar 30, 2007, 3:26 PM
welcome, i too lurk around the forums. there are a lot of caring people here. i've learned a lot from reading the postings. i don't post often cause usually someone has said it better i could. so sit down pull up a chair going to the fridge now can i get you a beer? kit

Judas Imok
Mar 30, 2007, 3:31 PM
Once again, I have already been made to feel most welcome and am a little emotional... thanks alot people... :tongue:
Seriously though, I love this place already and plan on truly making this a new home for myself.

I hope to squeak at you all soon.


Mar 30, 2007, 3:57 PM
Hello/ Welcome Judas Imok :) I was not shocked by this at all, We two live in a very small town. So Welcome to your new Home its great here. ;) You are going to like it :bigrin: And buy the way I Love being Bi :female: (((Always be true to Yourself))) :flag3:

meteast chick
Mar 30, 2007, 7:19 PM
Judas, just had to put in my :2cents:

Welcome to bicom!

Chat easy and post often and you'll have more friends than you can count!
Already off to a great start!

luv and kisses,

Mar 30, 2007, 9:45 PM
Welcome to your new home, Judas...Hope you have a great time with all these fine, upstanding folks here... :paw: :paw:

Mar 30, 2007, 10:06 PM
I hope to squeak at you all soon.

LOL! Okay, I HAVE to ask. Squeak??

Judas Imok
Mar 30, 2007, 10:15 PM
LOL! Okay, I HAVE to ask. Squeak??

It's just my own special way of saying "talk to you later."
I think it's cute. :bigrin:
Of course there maybe something else to that... LOL

*hugs and kisses*

Mar 30, 2007, 10:17 PM
Welcome Judas! :)

It is like home....geeez I even find myself planning my day around this place! LOL! :rolleyes:

I gotta ask...what does your nickname mean?

My hubby is Solomon....and now we have Judas....hehehe! :tong:

Judas Imok
Mar 30, 2007, 10:29 PM
Welcome Judas! :)

I gotta ask...what does your nickname mean?

My hubby is Solomon....and now we have Judas....hehehe! :tong:

To be honest, it is a nickname that has stuck with me from my teenage years... it was given to me as an insult, because when I left my church and became an atheist, I was called Judas because I "betrayed Christ". But instead of letting it get to me, I carried it with me and it has since stuck. "Imok" is actually something I added to keep my spirits up when I face people who have issues with my way of living or the choices I make... just pronounce the letters individually... I.M.O.K. :)

But to clarify, I do not have issues with people of religion in general... it is just not for me. I hope me being an atheist does not offend anyone here.
It is something I generally do not go into in detail unless someone questions me specifically about it.

Anyhow... it is a pleasure meeting you, and everyone else who has so warmly welcomed me.

*hugs and kisses*

Mar 30, 2007, 10:52 PM
It's just my own special way of saying "talk to you later."
I think it's cute. :bigrin:
Of course there maybe something else to that... LOL

*hugs and kisses*

LOL! It IS absolutely adorable! :bigrin:

I hope to be squeaked at soon!

Mar 30, 2007, 11:01 PM
To be honest, it is a nickname that has stuck with me from my teenage years... it was given to me as an insult, because when I left my church and became an atheist, I was called Judas because I "betrayed Christ". But instead of letting it get to me, I carried it with me and it has since stuck. "Imok" is actually something I added to keep my spirits up when I face people who have issues with my way of living or the choices I make... just pronounce the letters individually... I.M.O.K. :)

But to clarify, I do not have issues with people of religion in general... it is just not for me. I hope me being an atheist does not offend anyone here.
It is something I generally do not go into in detail unless someone questions me specifically about it.

Anyhow... it is a pleasure meeting you, and everyone else who has so warmly welcomed me.

*hugs and kisses*

I am not an athiest, but neither am I a church goer....don't get me started on churches! hehehe! :)

Definately not offended by people's beliefs (or non-beliefs or whatever), though I do get bit irked when people try to bash me over the head with them.

Anyhow, I just thought it was a kewl name because it hints at the true story of Judas who in fact did NOT betray Jesus. 'course I was reading it as "Judas: I mock."

Almost ironic that you got called that for not going to church....Jesus didn't go to church either! lol! :tong:

Mar 31, 2007, 1:33 AM
welcome to the site Judas Imok!!! hope you enjoy! :bibounce: :female: :bibounce:

Mar 31, 2007, 1:35 AM
LOL! It IS absolutely adorable! :bigrin:

I hope to be squeaked at soon!

You Squeak-Seeker, you! :tong:

Mar 31, 2007, 5:03 PM
:bibounce: :rainbow: :color: Welcome, Welcome, Welcome. You will find great people here . I found that out when i came here about a month ago. Hope you have fun here and make lots of friends. love tiff

Mar 31, 2007, 5:22 PM
:grouphug: Welcome Judas! :grouphug:

Welcome to the group Judas. What a great area you live in. We hope you enjoy the site as much as we do. Perhaps we'll meet you in chat sometime.

Arana & Michael623

Apr 1, 2007, 6:54 AM
A nice appropriate name for this time of year! Welcome hun .. enjoy!