View Full Version : Anyone else have MIXED feelings about this site?

Mar 30, 2007, 2:40 AM
Life is complex. You gotta take the good with the bad.

On the one hand, we have freedom of speech, and on the other hand, we have no choice but to sometimes be exposed to genitalia, ignorance, and hate if we want to enjoy our free speech on this site. Ah the ironies.

I'm all about embracing the contradictions that are bisexual.com

What about you? ;)

Mar 30, 2007, 2:44 AM
I think you and Flex are copycats to the oringal post lol


Sorry, I think its funny.....

Mar 30, 2007, 2:48 AM
I think you and Flex are copycats to the oringal post lol


Sorry, I think its funny.....
Hehehehe! :tong:

Yep! I am at least! Got tired of lookin at all the things we DON'T like and thought it might be a good idea to look at the things we DO like! :rolleyes:

Mar 30, 2007, 2:51 AM
Let's face it we're all bisexual.com addicts lol :)

Mar 30, 2007, 3:49 AM
I'm no addict. I can quit whenever I want to. It's 3:49 a.m. Why don't I want to? :)

Long Duck Dong
Mar 30, 2007, 4:36 AM
I am not addicted lol..... , I attend bisexual.com addicts anonymous..... in the bisexual.com chatroom lol

Mar 30, 2007, 4:47 AM
The first step to recovery is admitting that you secretly like cock shots ROFL :tongue:

Long Duck Dong
Mar 30, 2007, 6:04 AM
now why would I wanna like at pics of roosters ?? :tong: :tong: :tong:

Mar 30, 2007, 9:02 AM
I'm no addict. I can quit whenever I want to. It's 3:49 a.m. Why don't I want to? :)

Internet Addiction: The first step is admitting you have a modem.

Mar 30, 2007, 12:43 PM
Internet Addiction: The first step is admitting you have a modem.

I have always admitted I was a internet addict.
In fact, if Im away on vacation I think "Wonder who emailed me......."
THEN I come home... first thing I do is check my emails and leave unpacking till the next day lol (unless I arrived home in the morning or early afternoon)

I tend to be online durning spare time and I have nothing else to do which is often :-)

Sure I have my moments I wanna kill the computer cause its being mean to me but ah, then I think about how grumpy I get if I DON'T HAVE THE INTERNET!!! So gotta put down the hammer :-)


Mar 30, 2007, 6:40 PM
I think this site is a tad to sheltered and people are way to sensitive on here. As long as people are talking about how bi/ confused or happy they are, everything is ok. As soon as anyone bursts the bubble then everyone get's their panties in a bunch, takes offence and winges. It get's bloody boring when everything is going swimmingly, it's the trolls and the naughty ones that make it interesting.

But they seem to get banned or made to feel bad for having opinions that are not agreed with from the majority.

meteast chick
Mar 30, 2007, 7:25 PM
But they seem to get banned or made to feel bad for having opinions that are not agreed with from the majority.

I disagree wholeheartedly. We are not socially 'acceptable' to society and we are a very open group, but when someone comes in lambasting us and being rude to the masses how are we to just take it lying down!? I mean, c'mon, we're bisexual!

That's like saying the only way to liven up a dead relationship is to start a fight, and while it might bring a momentary spark, it leaves us all with a bitter taste afterwards.

Mar 30, 2007, 7:31 PM
I think this site is a tad to sheltered and people are way to sensitive on here. As long as people are talking about how bi/ confused or happy they are, everything is ok. As soon as anyone bursts the bubble then everyone get's their panties in a bunch, takes offence and winges. It get's bloody boring when everything is going swimmingly, it's the trolls and the naughty ones that make it interesting.

But they seem to get banned or made to feel bad for having opinions that are not agreed with from the majority.

Hey Domino that's a really interesting observation. I guess I haven't been on here long enough to have noticed who gets banned and for what reasons.

I do know that standing outside of the majority is asking for trouble - from personal experience. As a bisexual man, I often feel marginalized and punished for being out as bisexual in the mainstream. People don't want to hear what I have to say, so I get ostracized from groups a lot.

This is supposed to be a space where at least a person won't get ostracized for being bisexual. So yes, I think you're right about it being sheltered bi space by design.

The irony of course is that politics in queerspace are often even more confusing and underhanded than in the mainstream. In the mainstream, it's really still quite acceptable to bi-bash. Heck, my professors do it at one of the most progressive holistic grad programs in the country. It's going underground more and more as bigotry is tolerated less and less, but conservatives are still pretty up front about wanting to fuck me up because I'm queer, from the national level of politics on down to individuals.

The tricky part comes when we're supposed to be setting up an inclusive environment, and we talk all about it, but then the same ingroup/outgroup shit that happens in any other group starts to happen here too. We can't admit it because it goes against the very reason why we ostensibly are here on bisexual.com in the first place.

Whether this is biologically determined human nature to be clique-ish, or that we're reproducing culturally mainstream ways of being is almost irrelevant, except that I'm a social constructionist because I like to believe that we could change it if we wanted to :) I'm aware that there is a faith-based component to this belief. The BOTH/AND truth is probably as complicated as in any other situation. But that turns out to be truly quite irrelevant in a practical sense, because even if we could change it, it turns out nobody really wants to. I call it the Palestine Effect.

Anyways, yeah why should bisexuals be any less cruel to each other than folks in the mainstream? If anything, we have more pent up rage to vent on each other. You see this phenomenon in any ghetto. Welcome to the hood! :bipride: lol

Mar 30, 2007, 9:08 PM
I have been on this site for about 2 years....It seem's to me that the [family has took over]I'm for one not a limb in the family tree.....If you are one of the [family] its okay to say what you want,but if you should happen to go beyond what the everyday people on the site believe.....YOU CAN BE BANNED......People!!!!!!!This is a site for people to find friends, lovers and an open forum......Drew even staits when your posting your profile....be very explicit about your looking for ....the more you are...the better your chances.... Let the site be what it's supposed to be.......Drew...let everyone know why the site was put on the web in the first place.......Be honest!!!!!!

Mar 30, 2007, 10:17 PM
I think this site is a tad to sheltered and people are way to sensitive on here. As long as people are talking about how bi/ confused or happy they are, everything is ok. As soon as anyone bursts the bubble then everyone get's their panties in a bunch, takes offence and winges. It get's bloody boring when everything is going swimmingly, it's the trolls and the naughty ones that make it interesting.

But they seem to get banned or made to feel bad for having opinions that are not agreed with from the majority.

Hmm. So then, you're here because.....???

Mar 30, 2007, 10:22 PM
I think this site is a tad to sheltered and people are way to sensitive on here. As long as people are talking about how bi/ confused or happy they are, everything is ok. As soon as anyone bursts the bubble then everyone get's their panties in a bunch, takes offence and winges. It get's bloody boring when everything is going swimmingly, it's the trolls and the naughty ones that make it interesting.

But they seem to get banned or made to feel bad for having opinions that are not agreed with from the majority.

People of different and sometimes strong opinion do make this an interesting place.

But I do think there is a difference between that and outright flaming and abusiveness.

Just my thoughts....

Mar 30, 2007, 10:46 PM
As for the last relpy's........I only looked at one profile and it seem's to me that you would like to find a sexual partner on here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your here for the same reason that most people are here for ................Get lay'ed an lighten up.............Hope they close this family circle!!!!!!!!

Mar 31, 2007, 5:04 PM
Hmm. So then, you're here because.....???

My point exactly :banghead:

Mar 31, 2007, 5:55 PM
This site is OK but I wish people were more kink/BDSM positive and not so touchy about things that consenting adults do together.

Fire Lotus
Mar 31, 2007, 6:10 PM
This site is OK but I wish people were more kink/BDSM positive and not so touchy about things that consenting adults do together.
This site is kink/BDSM positive (or tolerant). We have quite a mix of people here who are into and are curious about many. things BUT it is primarliy a BISEXUAL site. If you are wanting someplace that leans more to BDSM, maybe you would do better on a site that is primarily BDSM. I'm not putting you down. Just giving my :2cents:

Mar 31, 2007, 7:19 PM
I have been on this site for about 2 years....It seem's to me that the [family has took over]I'm for one not a limb in the family tree.....If you are one of the [family] its okay to say what you want,but if you should happen to go beyond what the everyday people on the site believe.....YOU CAN BE BANNED......People!!!!!!!This is a site for people to find friends, lovers and an open forum......Drew even staits when your posting your profile....be very explicit about your looking for ....the more you are...the better your chances.... Let the site be what it's supposed to be.......Drew...let everyone know why the site was put on the web in the first place.......Be honest!!!!!!
That's not true Pecker, you've been family here whether you like it or not. Family members don't always get along but we still care for them and want the best for them. I want that for you as much as anyone else on the site, but I don't think anyone should have to be subjected to verbal wars for the sake of sport. I think people should say your peace and move on. If someone doesn't want to look at nude pictures or hook up then don't but people who do want to shouldn't be denied their pleasures either. People like to say, "Just because sex is in the word bisexual doesn't mean this is a sex site" well I'm sorry but when you are linked to and advertised at other sex sites....yes you are part of a sex site and should expect some dealings with it.

Ok, done with my tangeant for the day :2cents: :tong:

Mar 31, 2007, 7:33 PM
This site is OK but I wish people were more kink/BDSM positive and not so touchy about things that consenting adults do together.

Perhaps you'd be interested in this site:


Apr 2, 2007, 1:35 AM
CollarChat.com seems more heterosexual and I want to avoid that.

I go on gay BDSM sites and to leather bars, but that's with mostly all homosexual men and while I don't mind gay BDSM sites, out bisexual men don't go there and the closeted ones wouldn't be caught dead on those sites.

I agree with Pecker and Domino.

It seems like there's a clique or mob rule on here, like on most bulliten boards.

If you play devil's advocate, show an unpopular opinion, write your
opinions/viewpoints that actually challenge people to think, or write something
that's actually stimulating besides "OMG I'm confused I like men and women....", a compliment towards someone, or something about vanilla sex the clique/mob will flip out and you'll get banned, people will ignore your posts, or you'll get told how you shouldn't post anymore, when actually you're posting more stimulating things than most people here have ever posted at all.

Also, I agree that people here seem WAY TOO sheltered and flip out about seeing naked people, people flip out about non-vanilla sex, get angry and take it personal that not everyone has a positive attitude or sugar coats the truth about a topic, or the idea that some people want to *GASP* use this site just to hook up or meet others for sex!

Some people here don't seem to understand the idea that people might not be into strictly vanilla sex, that queer people don't consider the idea/definition of sex to be strictly anal/vaginal penetration like most heterosexuals do, that for lots of queers/kinky people we'll have sex but it doesn't have to involve penetration at all, there's a lack of humour at this site people take things WAY too seriously (like getting offended a calling a trans person a tranny or a bisexual a fence sitter or other terms that really aren't THAT offensive and I've met trans/bi people who use them as terms of pride), and people get deeply offended when "polyamory" is equated with an open relationship which by the definition of it, that's what it is.

I don't think that most people here are being that open minded even if they like to think that they are since they flip out over ANY negative comment, alternative or opposing viewpoint related to the topics posted here.

On other boards the policy is, if you don't like the topic or poster don't read it,
click on it, or reply to it. Just ignore it and be a mature adult, and MOVE ON.

Also, I agree with Arana.

It's a sex site people.

One that is hosted or at least advertises a porn site on it.

Don't act all shocked when you see people writing about sex, posting nude pics of themselves (although some nude pics of people are ones that IMO nobody should see), wanting to trade nude pics/cyber (as the chat room does encourage cybering/sex chat with the main chat and 2-3 cyber chat rooms), and wanting to hook up.

Apr 2, 2007, 3:55 PM
People are definitely using this site to hook up. Which is a good thing IMHO! For many, this site might represent a safer way to find like-minded folks for casual sex. Yay for that!

AND it's a community-building site in other ways. Chatting with other bifolk online can be a great way to navigate the coming-out process, ask questions about safer sex practices, talk about the issues of being married and bi, or whatever.

So like I said before, personally I really like that this site can be many things to many people - a meat market, a dating site, an advice column, a resources list, etc.

Why can't we all just get along? lol

Apr 3, 2007, 12:11 AM
Domino---we may have had some people get banned recently but that is something that is very rare--I have been here since November 2005 and I don't think that more than a handful have been banned in that time---

Those people were not booted for particular views for whatever subject--they were booted because they were highly disrespectful to other members.

Instead of simply disagreeing with others--they tended to engage in personal attacks