View Full Version : Kim Cat and her sexual intelligence

Mar 30, 2007, 1:30 AM
Have yall seen Kim Cattral's Hbo sexual doc "sexual intelligence"?

If you haven't, I think you might want to give it a look. Many topics are mentioned which I have seen on these boards.

(I wonder if I spelled her name right?)


Mar 30, 2007, 1:35 AM
We have the DVD! It is great!

and you're close...it's Kim Cattrell. :)

Mar 30, 2007, 12:23 PM
I've not seen that show--I will have to look it up.

I have always liked Kim Cattrell every since she was in the original "Porky's"


Then she did the Vulcan Lieutenant on that one Star Trek movie---she was one hot Vulcan--I would like to have gotten "illogical" with her!!!
I be she was fun to to "Pung Far" with or whatever they called it on Star Trek when the Vulcans "mated" once every seven years.

Of course, then she did "Sex in the City" and she was my favorite character---she must have enjoyed that role!!!

Mar 31, 2007, 2:27 AM
I be she was fun to to "Pung Far" with or whatever they called it on Star Trek when the Vulcans "mated" once every seven years.
Sorry, I know I'm showing my geekiness here but it's "Pon Farr"...

Mar 31, 2007, 8:26 AM
voltman, you'd definately love sexual intelligence... kim definately gets flirty in a sensual way lol.

would be very funny to see your banana avatar jump into overdrive lol!

Mar 31, 2007, 3:25 PM
Sorry, I know I'm showing my geekiness here but it's "Pon Farr"...

Well-I was close---

BTW-when was that program aired? I have searched even HBO On Demand and they do not have the program on that channel---

Mar 31, 2007, 6:03 PM
i'm not sure that the program aired on HBO, the jacket of the vid says it was produced in association with channel 4 and Discovery Canada...

but Amazon.com does have the video, we had a hard time finding it for sale anywhere else though...