View Full Version : Anyone Else Feeling GREAT About This Site?

Mar 30, 2007, 1:20 AM
I've only been here about 2 months now.....and it sure feels like home to me! :)

I spend WAY to much time posting on the forums....lol!! :tong: But WOW! Have I ever learned a LOT!!

This is one of the few places I have ever been where I feel accepted just for who I am! (at least by those who's opinions matter to me! :) )

I can even talk about things that I think are weird about myself and I keep finding others who reply with things like "Yeah, me too!"

I've met the most diversified group of people who actually make a point of learning to understand other people, even if they are so different from themselves. They even do that when they don't agree or get ticked with each other. It's kewl! :)

I'd like to send most of my relatives here just so they could learn HOW to try to understand people, even when they're different. But I am NOT gonna do that! LOL!! Mostly cuz they don't wanna try!

And I can even get nasty and crack bad jokes and even get crude sometimes and no one's packed my bags for me...yet. hehehe! :tong:

Mar 30, 2007, 1:29 AM
WOW...2 months and your up to 300+ posts... :bowdown: This has been home to me for awhile...And unless I get chased out of this site, I won't be leaving anytime soon... :paw: :paw:

Mar 30, 2007, 1:37 AM
WOW...2 months and your up to 300+ posts... :bowdown: This has been home to me for awhile...And unless I get chased out of this site, I won't be leaving anytime soon... :paw: :paw:
LOL!! told ya I spend WAY too much time here!! hehehehehee!!! :tong:

Mar 30, 2007, 1:54 AM
I like this place, it's not bad. I've made friends and learned alot about myself.


Mar 30, 2007, 1:58 AM
I LOVE this site!!

Been on here since July 2006.

I lurk about EVERY DAY and post offten too lol

I can post anything and not get some nasty remark.

Like Flex, I can post something I think is totally weird and strange and get "I do that too!" reponses lol

This site is great for asking for help/advice on most everything, a lot of times its so much easier to be able to talk to people on here than it would be face to face with someone in real life.

When I started the Vampire stuff, I was like "Im sure people are gonna say mean things now" lol but I WAS WRONG!!! Many people share the interest too and some were just having fun with the thread lol

I like how this whole forum is a "safe spot" your comfortable and encouraged to speak whats on your mind. Like any message board, you can easily skip the topics your not interested in reading.
Unlikes most message boards, you can ask anything you want and get a honest answer back. Even if you think its a stupid question, you get encouraging reponses afterall, we'll never learn something if we don't ask. Thats how we all learn... by asking questions.

I love how we are able to talk to each other as if we would if we saw the other in real life. :) Talking about everyday stuff and so on.

I have made many friends on here and will keep making more too and keep the ones I have.

I have learned a lot since Ive been a member of this board. :)
I love this site with all my heart :) :)



Mar 30, 2007, 6:25 AM
Have always loved this site..it has given me so much and confirmed that within us all is every human strength and failing, made me friends in numbers for which I am truly thankful and whose members have shown me so much love I can never hope to repay. :female:

meteast chick
Mar 30, 2007, 6:54 AM
Have always loved this site..it has given me so much and confirmed that within us all is every human strength and failing, made me friends in numbers for which I am truly thankful and whose members have shown me so much love I can never hope to repay. :female:

I couldn't have said it better. I still to this day have no idea how I came upon this site, but I'm incredibly thankful that I did!

luv and kisses,

Mar 30, 2007, 9:01 AM
This site--more specifically, the people I've met here--has quite literally saved my life.

Mar 30, 2007, 12:20 PM
This site is like an addiction to.... well....like an addiction to....hmmmm......kinda like.... well it's different. It is like a second home for me and kinda like a warm pair of socks or a comfortable pair of pants. Maybe a nice, warm blanket on a cold night. It is just a good place for anyone needing good company to share with.
I have of late been feeling a little low due to having to:

:bounce: <--- Tommy dodging barbs and flames and

:bowdown: <--- Tommy ducking an occasional 'F--K' you

But no matter, I still keep coming back and wrapping myself in the likes of Flex, BiRobin, FireLotus and other's wisdon and insight and when I leave, I am a new person and can go through my day, enlightened and knowing I am in good company.

Luvya all,


Mar 30, 2007, 3:44 PM
yes, mostly i cum here(no pun intended) and read the forums. i've learned a lot, and had a blast watching the interplay between friends. darkeyes i love your irish gonna have to work on my canadian eh. kit

Mar 30, 2007, 4:05 PM
Loving it. Best bi site I've yet found that isn't just about sex.

Ms. Ally Kat
Mar 30, 2007, 4:22 PM
yes, mostly i cum here(no pun intended) and read the forums. i've learned a lot, and had a blast watching the interplay between friends. darkeyes i love your irish gonna have to work on my canadian eh. kit

uh Scottish actually...:runs and hides from the wraith of the darkeyed one lol

and A wonderfully addictive place, have made some wonderful friends and learned a lot about a lot of things

Mar 30, 2007, 4:42 PM
I'm just glad I found a place where I can find like minded people. :) It's nice too know that your not alone.

Mar 30, 2007, 5:39 PM
I would agree with all that has been said. I have been on the site a lot at times, then off for considerable lengths. When I return there are always the "regulars" and always new folks as well. There always seems to be some mild to severe controversy going on, but thats is a part of why this is such a good site.

We all have Drew and each other to thank for the culture of this site.

Thanks to everyone - regulars and new folks and especially to Drew.


Fire Lotus
Mar 30, 2007, 5:50 PM
But no matter, I still keep coming back and wrapping myself in the likes of Flex, BiRobin, FireLotus and other's wisdon and insight and when I leave, I am a new person and can go through my day, enlightened and knowing I am in good company.

Luvya all,

You are quite the loverly person as well, Tommy.

I can't seem to go a day without at least checking in here, seeing what's going on. This is a wonderful site. The people in it make it so.

Mar 30, 2007, 6:22 PM
uh Scottish actually...:runs and hides from the wraith of the darkeyed one lols

Ooooh....twice in one week....She's not gonna be happy!!!

Mar 30, 2007, 7:42 PM
Hi y'all,I love this site myself. All the wonderful people i have met here. These people are like family to me,im not sure how they feel about me,but i consider a lot of people here to be my family. My bi family,even the straight ones,lol.. :bipride:

Mar 30, 2007, 7:47 PM
Hi y'all,I love this site myself. All the wonderful people i have met here. These people are like family to me,im not sure how they feel about me,but i consider a lot of people here to be my family. My bi family,even the straight ones,lol.. :bipride: Hey y'all i forgot to add that if i ever for whatever reason have to stop coming to the site,it will be really hard on me!!!

Mar 30, 2007, 9:35 PM
For me its about validation.

I've found here that its ok to feel the way I do and want to do the things I want to do. I've also got some good tips on techniques and approaches and what is good for others. Lets hope one day I can put them into practice :male: :male: ;-)

But its also for the good vibe. I'm hooked.

Mar 30, 2007, 10:08 PM
I liked this place pretty much from the moment I got here. I've met some very sweet folks. I really like the sense of community. :bibounce:

Judas Imok
Mar 30, 2007, 10:18 PM
I absolutely love it here. I feel an overwhelming sense of community, friendship and welcoming here that I haven't found on other sites. I wish I had come here sooner.

Mar 30, 2007, 11:02 PM
so far so good...the real test is the access to information during the chat sessions, that should flow like the conversation...the rest is up to the members to make the cyberspace real...from electron flow...! :male:

Mar 31, 2007, 12:00 AM
I absolutely love it here. I feel an overwhelming sense of community, friendship and welcoming here that I haven't found on other sites. I wish I had come here sooner.

Well Judas Imok....
We wish you would've gotten here sooner also. It's kinda like that slogan, let me see..... "I'm not from Texas but I got here as soon as I could..."

This is, as Tommy2020 said, kinda like a second home for me. It is comfy like sittin in front of a good warm fire in the fireplace, drinkin a good cup of coffee. Lots of good folks here. Some wierd ones too, but all lovely and fun to be with.

So from me to you, a big ol Texas welcome. And from me to all you wonderful people here in radio land, it's nice to belong and be understood.


Mar 31, 2007, 1:21 AM
I loves it here. Very friendly warm and respecting.

The Cheshire Cat
Mar 31, 2007, 9:04 AM
"even the straight ones.." Why, thank you texasman! :tong:

Mar 31, 2007, 4:26 PM
This is a great site. The people that I have met here are supportive and friendly. Can always ask questions and get a frank reply. I also find it calming to read the posts and know that there are like minded people like me.
Love you all.


Mar 31, 2007, 4:54 PM
I have to agree with everyone. This has been the best site i've found yet. I don't chat much but i love reading the forums. I have learned alot from everyone that posts forums. I've only been here for about a month and i love it. I'm working my way up to being a super member lol. That will take awhile though. Keep the forums coming looking forward to learning more. :bibounce: :color:

Mar 31, 2007, 6:15 PM
I totally agree!

In my heart I've always know what I am but being here and chatting to all the great people has really made me accept it. It is so wonderful to be free to express myself without any weirdness or prejudice.

I love you guys and gals. I especially love the people who started and maintain such an excellent place for people to meet and chat.

- XXX -

Mar 31, 2007, 6:28 PM
Have always loved this site..it has given me so much and confirmed that within us all is every human strength and failing, made me friends in numbers for which I am truly thankful and whose members have shown me so much love I can never hope to repay. :female:

Hey Darkeyes...
Wanna go and play a game of soccer?


(running and hiding from Darkeyes...... :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: )

Mar 31, 2007, 7:42 PM
I've been coming here since before it was officially the way it is today and for the most part it's always been a very friendly atmosphere. It does have it's ups and downs and sometimes you just have to walk away for a bit. I've had my share of attacks but it's still been the best place for me to be who I am and I enjoy meeting the people who visit.

Apr 1, 2007, 6:48 AM
Hey Darkeyes...
Wanna go and play a game of soccer?


(running and hiding from Darkeyes...... :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: )

Ceases 2 b a pacifist.. shoots Robin instead of usin cleave... :bigrin:

Apr 1, 2007, 6:49 AM
I've been coming here since before it was officially the way it is today and for the most part it's always been a very friendly atmosphere. It does have it's ups and downs and sometimes you just have to walk away for a bit. I've had my share of attacks but it's still been the best place for me to be who I am and I enjoy meeting the people who visit.

Need we say more Ran? x :) :tong:

Apr 1, 2007, 1:55 PM
:grouphug: The computer team for the New York Area Bisexual Network (NYABN) (http://www.nyabn.org) LOVES this site!

This place is friendly, welcoming and has places to go for whatever you are into/your comfort level is. Because of that this is one of the places where we send all our "newbies".

Our group has (among various resources) a MySpace page (http://www.myspace.com/nyabn) for bi/bi-friendly people from the NYC tri-state area. We send out "welcome" notes to each person we add and this site is one of the places we recommend to people.

PS We are also really fond of all the diferent "Smiles" Icons too.

Apr 1, 2007, 3:57 PM
Yeah, this is the only Web Forum that i have every signed up for, that i keep coming back to. Sure some people get testy sometimes. Sure we have trolls and spys. Sometimes we have to get on the soap box, yell at the world... peach. That's just people being people.

This is the only site where being bi doesn't always have to do with sex. That's what i want cuz that's who i am.